Fellowship phase undertakings

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Hermes Serpent
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Fellowship phase undertakings

Post by Hermes Serpent » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:32 am

While my two games are currently staying around the east side of Mirkwood and using Lake-town, the Northern Realm, Dale and Erebor as the usual places they stop over I wondered about some other undertakings that I could add in to the current mix.

I don't believe the dwarven records in Erebor were burnt by Smaug and surely some were brought back from exile if they did leave so I'm thinking of a Study Dwarven lore undertaking to be completed in Erebor. I'd restrict it to dwarves and maybe, if I added a Dwarf-friend undertaking, to them as well. I'm also considering some sort of Craft undertaking that allows dwarfs to do something similar to the Study with the Lampmaker undertaking that elves get. After all Elrond has a lamp of dwarven make in the Last Homely House.

As Dale is rebuilt over the middle years of the tenth century of the 3rd millenium of the Third Age I'm considering adding in some Mannish specific undertakings that involve Dale as most of the current ones involve Lake-town rather than Dale itself.

How about some ideas from the forum?
Some TOR Information on my G+ Drive.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
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Robin Smallburrow
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Re: Fellowship phase undertakings

Post by Robin Smallburrow » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:50 am

Use the New Fellowship Phase Undertaking, Search for Answers, from p.33 of DoM:

New Fellowship Phase Undertaking: Search for Answers

If the companions are spending a Fellowship phase at a
location with an appropriate source of learning, be it a
collection of scrolls of lore and song, a treasury of books
and tablets, or a wise man or council of elders, they may
choose this undertaking and research an obscure topic.
When a companion chooses this undertaking, he first
specifies the subject he is researching; then, he makes
a Lore test, followed by a roll on the table below. This
second roll is modified by +1 if the hero possesses an
applicable Lore Speciality, +2 if the Lore roll was a
great success, +4 if the Lore roll was an extraordinary
A. Treat this as 8-9, A Mystery Revealed , or roll
1-3 Nothing Useful! :You have spent days and nights
pouring over dusty books and crumbling parchments.
4-5. Useful information : The Loremaster must
provide one useful element of information about your
researched subject.
6-7. Precious information : The Loremaster must
provide two useful elements of information about the
researched subject.
8-9. A Mystery Revealed : You have uncovered
something substantial - the Loremaster must provide
two useful elements of information and you gain 1
Experience point.
10. Great Secrets : You have discovered everything
that was possible to discover about the subject in the
place you have been making your research, and you also
recover 1 point of Hope and gain 1 Experience point.
C. Forbidden Knowledge : Your curiosity has had
the best of you, and pushed you to crave for secrets that
were best left uncovered - gain 1 Shadow point.

Robin S.
To access all my links for my TOR Resources - please click on this link >> http://bit.ly/1gjXkCo

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