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Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:34 am
by Falenthal
I've always found this adventure a little weird: it is supposed to be about exploration, but in fact includes different combats that are, as far as I can see, not related between them. So, it looks like an adventure that comes up by rolling dice in a table (a la Wild Adventures) and coming up with results like "River maiden", "Great Spider", "Mogdred men",...

I can't see a plot there, like using the adventure to have a chance of discovering that something is happening between Duskwater and Tyulqin, for example.

How did it go for you, Majestic? Did you have fun LMing it or did you just throw encounter after encounter at your players?

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:30 am
by Majestic
I didn't feel it had that much of a disconnect between the encounters/battles. I had Duskwater a bit shy, so she never came up to the party as they were camping, and only interacted with a couple of the PCs. One did spot that her armor was gossamer-like, but he didn't make the connection of why (until I told them, later, when she didn't show up again after the encounter with Tyulqin).

What was strange for us was that the PCs had just done that same loop (down the west side of Mirkwood to the Woodmen, then across the Narrows to Sunstead, then up the eastern eaves of the forest) the year before. I played up that it had grown even more foul and evil since then (with even more attacks by Mogdred's men), which is why Amaleoda called them in.

To me it was really just two 'bad guy/adversary' groups: Mogdred's forces and Tyulqin's. So even though they encounter three groups, the fact that Duskwater is under Tyulqin's sway makes those two at least somewhat connected, I felt.

So there were two fights, but each of them had very different feels to them. They quickly trounced Tyulqin and forced her to flee (my group does great when they all gang-up on a big minion), but Mogdred's men (which I had outnumber the heroes two to one) were much tougher on them. It didn't help that - before the fight - they'd suffered a Revelation Episode, and I chose for them to feel such oppression that they all behaved as if Weary. :twisted:

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:58 pm
by Majestic
“Fenbridge Castle”
Summer 2954

Me’lereal, Ardorwyn, Malaric, and Falandor travel back across the Narrows of the Forest, spending some time in Woodmen-town. They then journey south and venture into Mirkwood, where near the inhabited Fenbridge Castle they overhear the name Maghaz as they spy on an Orc patrol. They return to Rhosgobel and send word to Thranduil via one of Radagast’s messengers.

“Treacherous Waters”
Spring 2955

In the early spring after a brutal winter, Mash-dwellers are seen along the eastern shore of the Black Tarn, and Ardorwyn, Falandor, Malaric, and Me’lereal investigate, only to find the cryptic creatures avoid both them and sunlight. Directed by a shy (and controlled) Duskwater, they travel up the Dusky River and meet up with Woodsmen Baldac, Widurec, Amaswinta, and Gudeliva. Together, as the eight journey back down the river towards the Black Tarn, their boat is struck from below and races downstream, the companions barely holding on! The vessel plunges into the forest to the east via a stream into the Heart of Mirkwood and crashes to a stop. The lost adventurers follow the river south for days, then are attacked by nearly a dozen Attercops and other Spiders. The fight is challenging, but in the end the heroes prevail.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:43 pm
by Majestic
Last Saturday we finished up the last adventure (very briefly), then played through two more segments. We had a guest (from these very forums!), as Angelalex joined us.

Finishing up "Treacherous Waters"
Spring 2955

They make their way to the Black Tarn, where they see more Marsh-dwellers. One of the River-maidens puzzlingly leads them to a moss-covered, empty cairn; all they are able to find is some golden coins nearby.

“Drumming Up Support”
Summer 2955

Ingomer Axebreaker of Woodland Hall encourages Malaric to represent the Woodmen people at the Council of the North the following year. Malaric, Me’lereal, Falandor, and Ardorwyn travel to the Woodland Realm, where they are joined by Sigmund and High Elf Gladewatcher. The six then journey back to the Black Tarn, rallying support from Woodmen and Beornings as they make their way up the Western eaves of Mirkwood. Near the Forest Gate they encounter and defeat a pair of recently awakened Basilisks. They slay the beasts, though they learn that the lizards are extremely difficult to kill.

“Murder in Lake-Town”
Autumn 2956

After spending months in and around Lake-town, Ardorwyn, Me’lereal, Malaric, Sigmund, and Gladewatcher attend the community’s famed Dragontide festival. Sigmund participates in the Day of the Black Arrow archery contest and wins the Wand Shoot, though he is bested in the final Ring Shoot by the legendary Hakon. The Council of the North is held at the Town-hall, with Beorn, King Bard of Dale, the Master of Lake-town, King Dáin of the Lonely Mountain, Me’lereal as envoy for the Elves, and Malaric representing the Woodmen. They debate and discuss many issues facing the Free Peoples, and shadows of fear and doubt begin to cloud the proceedings. Inspiring speeches by Malaric and the two High Elves counteract the gloom, however, and encourage unity and hope. Beorn cuts short discussion on the conflicts between his people and the Viglundings. King Bard warns of threats from the East and banditry, and encourages others to settle in Dale, but Malaric privately encourages groups of Woodmen to remain loyal to their own. Mogdred petitions for his men to help Bofri and the Dwarves rebuild the Old Forest Road, but is rejected. Dwarf Frar the Beardless asks to reclaim the Greydelve, but the Council encourages patience. A compromise is reached between the Elves and men from Dale clearing the forest. Threats from Dol Guldur and the Enemy are considered, and on the last day of the Council, Drustan, a swarthy man from Dunland, arrives and shares that the wizard Saruman will come to Rhosgobel for three years to study the danger. After the Council has concluded, an assassin fires three arrows at King Bard from a nearby roof; he is hit by one but Queen Una shields her husband and is struck by the other two. As the others race after the shooter, Malaric heals Bard, but nothing can be done for the deceased Queen. The body of the Woodman Hunald, who had acted under the influence of a powerful spell, is found in the cold waters of the Long Lake. The arrows are recognized as being from Angmar, but the heroes keep their findings to themselves.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:00 pm
by Majestic
“The Siege of Black Tarn Hall”
Summer 2957

Joined by Idril, a High Elf formerly with the Wandering Companies, Me’lereal, Falandor, Ardorwyn, and Malaric travel in the spring from the Woodland Realm to Woodmen-town. They bid farewell to Malaric there, then continue on to Rhosgobel, where they seek counsel from wizards Radagast and Saruman. Word reaches the adventurers of fast-growing, noxious weeds that engulf the Woodmen boats on the Black Tarn, followed a week later by an infestation of Forest Goblins. The four Elves visit Amaleoda and convince her to abandon Black Tarn Hall. Over the next few days they assist in moving the entire community north to Rhosgobel, providing aid and encouragement to the people with songs during the journey. After they leave, the Goblins raze the entire settlement, burning it to the ground. The heroes revisit the ancient, empty cairn near the northern shore, where corrupted River-maiden Duskwater unsuccessfully attempts to lure them into a pale mist rising from the lake. Hearing a victim inside the tomb, the Elves bravely enter. Idril frees a captive Orc and the group attacks the deadly Nazgûl inside. Though they are unable to harm the Ghost of the Forest with their weapons, they likewise resist its fell sorcery, forcing the Ringwraith to depart. Falandor chases the formerly captive Orc into the forest and is quickly surrounded by numerous Goblins. The others join him and together they defeat many Orcs, Goblins, and Marsh-dwellers, as well as recapturing the Orc who fled. After interrogating the captive and reporting everything to Saruman, the four then make their way south to Tyrant’s Hill. Inside the former Orc tower, they persuade Mogdred that he should unite his forces with the other Free Peoples.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:36 pm
by Majestic
“Saving the Maiden”
Spring 2958

Invited by Banna at the Easterly Inn, Falandor, Ardorwyn, Idril, Me’lereal, and Sigmund visit a rejuvenated Radagast in Rhosgobel. The wizard queries them about the River-maiden Duskwater, as he suspects that she is under a spell from Tyulqin the Weaver. He informs them that the Spiders of Mirkwood gather in an eerie Parliament, and sends his animal spies to discover the details. Radagast accompanies the party as they journey for weeks deep into the Heart of Mirkwood, to a great clearing filled with a large expanse of spider-webs. Hundreds of Spiders surround them, and Radagast holds the creatures at bay with magic. An enslaved man, Kch-Thk, translates, and Sigmund gives up a large gem, allowing the heroes to attend the Parliament. Amongst a great many arachnids at the meeting, the explorers negotiate with fat Sarqin and learn from their enemy Tauler that the absent Tyulqin serves an agent of the Dark Lord. The Spiders refuse to give information on their Elder, but allow the company safe passage through their territory, guided by Kch-Thk. Tauler approaches the group soon after they leave. He explains that he hates his sister, but cannot enter her lair because of powerful web-wards; he promises to kill her if the companions destroy her magic webs. They make their way to her cave, which has beautiful macabre traceries on the walls. After overcoming illusions and visions, the party enters a large circular chamber so dark that it sucks the light from Me’lereal’s lamp. Radagast’s magic provides some luminescence, revealing Tyulqin slumbering on the ceiling, an enchanted web holding the River-maiden’s spell directly beneath her. The champions cut the structure, also slicing two pillars made from thick, black webbing. This awakens Tyulqin, who attacks with powerful spells. Me’lereal is poisoned by the terrible Spider-creature, but together the adventurers defeat the great beast. Left for dead, Tyulqin is helpless as Tauler leaps in and slays her. The companions travel back to the Black Tarn, which appears healthier already. Radagast finds Duskwater, pale and near death. Hastened by the other two River-maidens, they race by boat to the Hall of the Lamp in Woodmen-town. After exposure to the Lamp of Balthi, Duskwater shows signs of a future recovery. The heroes recognize the lamp as the twin of the ruined one in the Werewolf’s lair.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:59 am
by Robin Smallburrow

How did your players react to the Parliament of Spiders scene - it is such an iconic one and one I would dearly love to run sometime!

Robin S.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:52 pm
by Majestic
Great question, Robin.

They were extremely creeped out by that scene. I read many of the parts word-for-word, and anyone who's read that segment knows what I'm talking about (stuff like "creaking and bubbling issuing from their mouths", "thousands of tiny Spider hatchlings dwell in his beard" and "the soft flesh of her abdomen pulsates and leaks").

They wanted no part of fighting the hordes of spiders, and I know they were glad to finally get out of there. They talked about how they survived the experience, and how they'd pass on ever going back again (once in a lifetime is enough).

The diplomatic parts were extremely tense. I think they had only one failure the whole time, but being as I'd made it clear that exceeding the Tolerance meant Sarqin would try to eat them, they knew the consequences of failure were really nasty! :evil:

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:42 pm
by Majestic
It had been awhile since we'd played, and after this session - which was a little shorter than usual - we're going to have a short break before we play again as well.

“The Horse-Lord’s Daughter”
Spring 2959

After spending the winter in Mountain Hall, where they aid Hartfast and his people dealing with Goblins moving under the mountains, Ardorwyn, Idril, and Me’lereal return to the Woodmen communities east of the Anduin. On the way, they meet three travellers from the East: Sanjar, a young prince from Rhûn, his governess Nazhin, and a woman named Athala, whose parents were folk of the Leofrings. Athala brought Sanjar to Mirkwood to save him from torture and assassination in his homeland. The party accompanies the trio to Rhosgobel, eventually learning that Athala seeks vengeance against Mogdred, who she claims killed her parents and sisters nearly two decades ago. Settling the newcomers in Rhosgobel, they convince the young woman to forego revenge for a year or two. Then, through Radagast, they arrange a meeting with Mogdred. When asked, he says Athala hates the wrong man. He admits to leading a raid a lifetime ago, but states that man is now dead. When asked about reports of recent attacks on villages in the East Nether Vales, he claims that the bandits are former servants of his, dismissed some months ago, that are now free men living near Dol Guldur.

Re: Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:00 pm
by Majestic
“Captives Set Free”
Spring 2959

Me’lereal, Ardorwyn, and Idril travel north along the edge of the forest. They meet and share a meal in the wild with Arciryas, a healer originally from Gondor, who is collecting herbs and roots. After a short stay at the Easterly Inn, the trio comes across a vacant farmstead not far from the Forest Gate. The adventurers discover signs of a struggle, and it appears that the main dwelling was briefly on fire. Suspecting that the inhabitants were abducted, they follow tracks north, eventually catching up with a group of Viglunding slavers. They ambush the party and swiftly defeat Viglar, five of his men, and Saviga the Goblin. They rescue a Viglunding man, his wife, and their daughter, who are grateful, but fearful of both Viglund and Beorn. The heroes accompany the victims back to the Easterly Inn, where later they can be escorted to Dale or Lake-town.