Amazing that it has been over three months since we last played this game! One of my players, before we started, mentioned how he was kind of hoping we could go back to my (sporadically played) supers campaign. But during the session, he seemed to be having fun, and he said that now he was feeling like sticking with this game!
We played through the longest stretch (campaign-wise) that we've ever done in a single session, covering two chapters/adventures in Darkening, the latter of which covers a battle of around two years. So, game-wise, we played through all of 2963 and 2964, and the PCs are tied up (reclaiming the Greydelve) for all of 2965 and a good chunk of 2966.
“The Anger of the Elvenking”
Spring 2963
The Elven delegation returns to the Woodland Realm, and Thranduil learns that the Lamp of Balthi may be one of the lost lamps of Amon Lanc. Suspecting treachery, he insists that Gandalf be brought before him. Hearing of his demands, Me’lereal, Ardorwyn, Idril, and Falandor travel to Rhosgobel, where they meet Ash, the Elf-woman leader of the free slaves from Dol Guldur, and learn of Gandalf’s itinerary from Radagast. They journey to Beorn’s home, but find that he is not there. The next morning, four travellers ride in: Gandalf, Thorongil (secretly Aragorn), Elrohir and Elladan. After Ardorwyn says a blessing over Thorongil, the other three depart, and the adventurers explain the current predicament to Gandalf. Though concerned, the Grey Pilgrim suspects the hand of Dol Guldur behind the actions of the recently defeated Viglund, and seems determined to learn more. A contingent of armed Silvan Elves arrives and escorts the wizard and the companions to Thranduil’s Halls. The Elvenking questions Gandalf publically as if he was a prisoner, and the wizard admits that he gave the lamp to Balthi centuries ago. But he explains that it was hidden from the real Enemy, and that the Woodmen have the greater need in the coming war. If the Elves reclaim the lamp, then the Woodmen will be destroyed, as will the Woodland Realm eventually. He then turns to leave, and the King allows it. Some of the Elves wish to go to war with the Woodmen, but Idril and Ardorwyn convince them of the need to work together with their allies. Thranduil chastises Me’lereal in private, but has him fetch Ormal the Lampmaker. The two High Elves meet with the King and encourage him to choose peace, but he makes no decision.
“The Greydelve”
Summer 2964
Escorted by Elven warriors, the four adventurers accompany Ormal as he travels to Woodmen-Town in the spring to see the Lamp of Balthi. Along the way they meet Beorn and Gandalf, who have returned from the far north, and learn of displaced Viglundings seeking homes. Ardorwyn and Idril bestow riches upon the community of slaves that live west of Woodmen-Town, and encourage them to begin trade with the Woodmen. Months later, emissaries of Frár arrive and explain that he has been granted permission by King Dáin to reclaim the Greydelve, though he must assemble his own army to do so. The four heroes join many warriors, sell-swords, and mercenaries, mostly men from Dale and Lake-town, and for two years they face pitched battles in the shadows of the Grey Mountains. After clearing the once-proud citadel above, and defeating countless Orcs and Trolls in the iron mines below it, the Free Peoples root out the last of the Orcs from the deepest dungeons. The companions learn that many of the mercenaries plan to murder Frár once the fight is finished, intent on recovering some supposed vast treasure. They put an end to the potential coup with minimal bloodshed, and are rewarded for their loyal service by now Lord Frár with Dragon-gold and Dwarf-steel. When they return to the Woodmen, the Elves learn that the Lamp of Balthi was stolen while they were gone!