Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)
Adventure Summaries (Spoilers)
One thing I like to do for all of my games is write a summary of what happened. These often prove invaluable, especially in longer campaign play, for rememering what happened.
It's been a few years since I started running TOR, and just today I finally got around to compiling a summary for it.
For those that plan on being a PLAYER for "Paths of the Wise" (or any other published adventures), be advised that SPOILERS follow.
I'd be curious, for those of you who have run (or played) in this adventure, how similar it went for you? One of my Elf PCs fashioned himself as the 'Envoy of the King', so had to kind of adjust when getting to that portion. I had that he recognized the disguised King, but that he had been instructed not to reveal anything to his companions.
My group really held out with the message from Radagast, too. They stubbornly waited, refusing to give it to anyone but the King himself.
The Company
Dag: Barding Treasure-hunter from Dale
Boarthok: Beorning Slayer from the Carrock
Falandor: Elven Scholar from Mirkwood
Malaric: Woodman of Wilderland Wanderer
Me’lereal: Elven Scholar from Mirkwood
N’Rae: Woodwoman of Wilderland Warden
Togo Proudfoot: Hobbit Treasure-hunter from the Shire
Here's the summary:
“Words of the Wise”
Spring 2947
After meeting at the Gathering of the Five Armies in Dale and encountering a shadowy figure in the vicinity of the fallen fortress of Dol Guldur, Dag, Boarthok, Me’lereal, Togo Proudfoot, and Malaric winter in the latter’s home of Rhosgobel, along the western eaves of Southern Mirkwood.
The adventurers assist on a hunting expedition with Woodmen Amalric, Evoric, Heva, Thorismund, and N’Rae, warding off an attack by Orcs in Mirkwood. When they return to Rhosgobel, they learn that several hunting parties were assaulted as well. The wizard Radagast identifies that the Orcs likely hail from the distant Misty Mountains and asks them to take an urgent message to the Elvenking in the Woodland Realm.
Joined by N’Rae, the company travels north along the edge of the forest. They are met by a suspicious Wood Elf patrol soon after they enter Mirkwood, who blindfold all but Me'lereal. They journey on for a couple of days and reach the hidden Forest Citadel. Inside the party is greeted by an aloof courier (Thranduil, disguised), but they insist on giving the message directly to the King. After making them wait for hours, they are taken to meet King Thranduil himself. Though a bit antagonistic at first, he eventually agrees to lend aid and escort them back.
After their return to Rhosgobel, accompanied by Falandor, they join all able-bodied Woodmen, who head north to Woodland Hall. Many Orcs attack that night, and Radagast has the heroes stay in reserve and plug any gaps in the line. When they realize that the Woodmen have been outflanked, they race to the gate of the palisade and defeat the Goblins there. After a great battle, the Orcs are turned away. The Woodmen celebrate with a victory feast.
It's been a few years since I started running TOR, and just today I finally got around to compiling a summary for it.
For those that plan on being a PLAYER for "Paths of the Wise" (or any other published adventures), be advised that SPOILERS follow.
I'd be curious, for those of you who have run (or played) in this adventure, how similar it went for you? One of my Elf PCs fashioned himself as the 'Envoy of the King', so had to kind of adjust when getting to that portion. I had that he recognized the disguised King, but that he had been instructed not to reveal anything to his companions.
My group really held out with the message from Radagast, too. They stubbornly waited, refusing to give it to anyone but the King himself.
The Company
Dag: Barding Treasure-hunter from Dale
Boarthok: Beorning Slayer from the Carrock
Falandor: Elven Scholar from Mirkwood
Malaric: Woodman of Wilderland Wanderer
Me’lereal: Elven Scholar from Mirkwood
N’Rae: Woodwoman of Wilderland Warden
Togo Proudfoot: Hobbit Treasure-hunter from the Shire
Here's the summary:
“Words of the Wise”
Spring 2947
After meeting at the Gathering of the Five Armies in Dale and encountering a shadowy figure in the vicinity of the fallen fortress of Dol Guldur, Dag, Boarthok, Me’lereal, Togo Proudfoot, and Malaric winter in the latter’s home of Rhosgobel, along the western eaves of Southern Mirkwood.
The adventurers assist on a hunting expedition with Woodmen Amalric, Evoric, Heva, Thorismund, and N’Rae, warding off an attack by Orcs in Mirkwood. When they return to Rhosgobel, they learn that several hunting parties were assaulted as well. The wizard Radagast identifies that the Orcs likely hail from the distant Misty Mountains and asks them to take an urgent message to the Elvenking in the Woodland Realm.
Joined by N’Rae, the company travels north along the edge of the forest. They are met by a suspicious Wood Elf patrol soon after they enter Mirkwood, who blindfold all but Me'lereal. They journey on for a couple of days and reach the hidden Forest Citadel. Inside the party is greeted by an aloof courier (Thranduil, disguised), but they insist on giving the message directly to the King. After making them wait for hours, they are taken to meet King Thranduil himself. Though a bit antagonistic at first, he eventually agrees to lend aid and escort them back.
After their return to Rhosgobel, accompanied by Falandor, they join all able-bodied Woodmen, who head north to Woodland Hall. Many Orcs attack that night, and Radagast has the heroes stay in reserve and plug any gaps in the line. When they realize that the Woodmen have been outflanked, they race to the gate of the palisade and defeat the Goblins there. After a great battle, the Orcs are turned away. The Woodmen celebrate with a victory feast.
Last edited by Majestic on Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
I re-formatted the above, showing the PCs separately (and above the summary).
Here's what we played so far in the next adventure:
“The Marsh-Bell”
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and Falandor learn that two Dwarven messengers who left the Lonely Mountain on an errand are missing. They visit Glóin in his Lake-town mansion, and he explains that his cousin Balin meant to deliver a formal letter from King Dain Ironfoot to the Lord of the Eagles. He tasks the heroes with the rescue of the Dwarves and gives them a map. The adventurers journey down the Running River in wooden skiffs, aided by Lake-men at the Stair of Girion. The eastern eaves of Mirkwood that they pass through are oppressive and depressing, and on the third day the company encounters four Wood Elves spying on them. Led by Galion, former cupbearer of the King, the Elves explain that they had also followed the two Dwarves’ boat a few days before, but the pair simply disappeared from their camp one night.
Here's what we played so far in the next adventure:
“The Marsh-Bell”
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and Falandor learn that two Dwarven messengers who left the Lonely Mountain on an errand are missing. They visit Glóin in his Lake-town mansion, and he explains that his cousin Balin meant to deliver a formal letter from King Dain Ironfoot to the Lord of the Eagles. He tasks the heroes with the rescue of the Dwarves and gives them a map. The adventurers journey down the Running River in wooden skiffs, aided by Lake-men at the Stair of Girion. The eastern eaves of Mirkwood that they pass through are oppressive and depressing, and on the third day the company encounters four Wood Elves spying on them. Led by Galion, former cupbearer of the King, the Elves explain that they had also followed the two Dwarves’ boat a few days before, but the pair simply disappeared from their camp one night.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
I just adjusted the dates of each of our adventures forward a year, as I just read over the part in the Loremaster's Book that spells out what happens each year. Placing our first tale after wintering following the Gathering of Five Armies (which I now see took place in November 2946) only makes sense, considering that date.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
“The Marsh-Bell”
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and Falandor learn that two Dwarven messengers who left the Lonely Mountain on an errand are missing. They visit Glóin in his Lake-town mansion, and he explains that his cousin Balin meant to deliver a formal letter from King Dain Ironfoot to the Lord of the Eagles. He tasks the heroes with the rescue of the Dwarves and gives them a map.
The adventurers journey down the Running River in wooden skiffs, aided by Lake-men at the Stair of Girion. The eastern eaves of Mirkwood that they pass through are oppressive and depressing, and on the third day the company encounters four Wood Elves spying on them. Led by Galion, former cupbearer of the King, the Elves explain that they had also followed the two Dwarves’ boat a few days before, but the pair simply disappeared from their camp one night.
The Elves depart, and the company makes their way to Balin’s former camp. At night they are led by corpse candles to a stinking pool nearby, where they are attacked by a weakened Stone Troll. They swiftly slay the monster, and after searching the area Togo finds an ivory jewel case carefully hidden in a rotten stump. Inside is the letter as well as a magnificent precious stone.
The next day, while searching the marshy fen just past the Rotting River, Togo is ambushed by a sinister gallows-weed, but quickly escapes. While exploring submerged ruins, the soft ringing of a bell leads them to the moldy cellar of an ancient palace, where they slaughter numerous undead humanoids. They discover a cave filled with treasure guarded by a horde of the Marsh-dwellers, but are able to resist its lure, dispatch many of the creatures, and escape. In the palace’s wine cellar they rescue Balin and Óin, and together the group flees the dank underground complex and returns to Esgaroth. Glóin thanks the party for rescuing his brother and cousin and returning the letter and jewel and gives them a princely reward.
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and Falandor learn that two Dwarven messengers who left the Lonely Mountain on an errand are missing. They visit Glóin in his Lake-town mansion, and he explains that his cousin Balin meant to deliver a formal letter from King Dain Ironfoot to the Lord of the Eagles. He tasks the heroes with the rescue of the Dwarves and gives them a map.
The adventurers journey down the Running River in wooden skiffs, aided by Lake-men at the Stair of Girion. The eastern eaves of Mirkwood that they pass through are oppressive and depressing, and on the third day the company encounters four Wood Elves spying on them. Led by Galion, former cupbearer of the King, the Elves explain that they had also followed the two Dwarves’ boat a few days before, but the pair simply disappeared from their camp one night.
The Elves depart, and the company makes their way to Balin’s former camp. At night they are led by corpse candles to a stinking pool nearby, where they are attacked by a weakened Stone Troll. They swiftly slay the monster, and after searching the area Togo finds an ivory jewel case carefully hidden in a rotten stump. Inside is the letter as well as a magnificent precious stone.
The next day, while searching the marshy fen just past the Rotting River, Togo is ambushed by a sinister gallows-weed, but quickly escapes. While exploring submerged ruins, the soft ringing of a bell leads them to the moldy cellar of an ancient palace, where they slaughter numerous undead humanoids. They discover a cave filled with treasure guarded by a horde of the Marsh-dwellers, but are able to resist its lure, dispatch many of the creatures, and escape. In the palace’s wine cellar they rescue Balin and Óin, and together the group flees the dank underground complex and returns to Esgaroth. Glóin thanks the party for rescuing his brother and cousin and returning the letter and jewel and gives them a princely reward.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
Majestic wrote:“The Marsh-Bell”
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and Falandor

Re: Adventure Summaries
I'd noticed the similarity in names, too. I'll have to tell him about his brother on these forums!Falenthal wrote:Majestic wrote:“The Marsh-Bell”
Spring 2948
In Esgaroth, Togo, Dag, Malaric, Me’lereal, and FalandorOh! Glad to see my brother is doing well in Lake-town...

Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
We've added a new PC:
Frain: Dwarven Slayer from the Lonely Mountain
“Don’t Leave the Path”
Spring 2949
While fishing at Lake-town, Malaric, Frain, Me’lereal, and Togo rush to the aid of Baldor, a merchant from Dale being attacked by the three men he hired to guard his caravan on a trip through Mirkwood. The heroes knock out the thieves and agree to protect Baldor and his young son Belgo on the journey. At twilight they meet up with Falandor and other Mirkwood Elves, who help pilot their ponies and supplies on rafts up the Forest River for several days. At the Elvenking’s Halls the group impresses Lindar, master of the king’s cellars, and he allows them to stay in nice quarters in hidden caves for two days. The Elves escort them across the Enchanted Stream and encourage them to stay on the Elf-path. After a few weeks of travel, one night Baldor drinks from a stream and instantly loses his memories of the last eight years. He returns to the camp, but does not recognize any of the party and flees into the woods. Togo stays with Belgo as the others chase after him. They find him struggling, wrapped in webbing high up on the wall of a ruined castle keep. Me’lereal deftly climbs up and rescues him, cutting him free without alerting any sleeping Attercops. Baldor begins to recover, but as they continue there appears to be a wedge between father and son.
Frain: Dwarven Slayer from the Lonely Mountain
“Don’t Leave the Path”
Spring 2949
While fishing at Lake-town, Malaric, Frain, Me’lereal, and Togo rush to the aid of Baldor, a merchant from Dale being attacked by the three men he hired to guard his caravan on a trip through Mirkwood. The heroes knock out the thieves and agree to protect Baldor and his young son Belgo on the journey. At twilight they meet up with Falandor and other Mirkwood Elves, who help pilot their ponies and supplies on rafts up the Forest River for several days. At the Elvenking’s Halls the group impresses Lindar, master of the king’s cellars, and he allows them to stay in nice quarters in hidden caves for two days. The Elves escort them across the Enchanted Stream and encourage them to stay on the Elf-path. After a few weeks of travel, one night Baldor drinks from a stream and instantly loses his memories of the last eight years. He returns to the camp, but does not recognize any of the party and flees into the woods. Togo stays with Belgo as the others chase after him. They find him struggling, wrapped in webbing high up on the wall of a ruined castle keep. Me’lereal deftly climbs up and rescues him, cutting him free without alerting any sleeping Attercops. Baldor begins to recover, but as they continue there appears to be a wedge between father and son.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
Majestic wrote:Me’lereal deftly climbs up and rescues him, cutting him free without alerting any sleeping Attercops.

I always found the rescue to be fairly impossible to fulfill without wakening the spiders.
Ahhh... my kin and our sweet, nimble feet...
Re: Adventure Summaries
Yep. He would have taken a fall (due to failing one of the rolls and rolling a Sauron icon, too), but he spent a point of Hope to prevent that. He also invoked his 'Nimble' Trait to succeed on one roll up, and another roll down.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Summaries
We played a shorter session on Friday night, finishing off the first adventure from "Tales from Wilderland". I'll include the entire writeup here to make it easier to read.
“Don’t Leave the Path”
Spring 2949
While fishing at Lake-town, Malaric, Frain, Me’lereal, and Togo rush to the aid of Baldor Rivergold, a merchant from Dale being attacked by the three men he hired to guard his caravan on a trip through Mirkwood. The heroes knock out the thieves and agree to protect Baldor and his young son Belgo on the journey. At twilight they meet up with Falandor and other Mirkwood Elves, who help pilot their ponies and supplies on rafts up the Forest River for several days. At the Elvenking’s Halls the group impresses Lindar, master of the king’s cellars, and he allows them to stay in nice quarters in hidden caves for two days. The Elves escort them across the Enchanted Stream and encourage them to stay on the Elf-path. After a few weeks of travel, one night Baldor drinks from a stream and instantly loses his memories of the last eight years. He returns to the camp, but does not recognize any of the party and flees into the woods. Togo stays with Belgo as the others chase after him. They find him struggling, wrapped in webbing high up on the wall of a ruined castle keep. Me’lereal deftly climbs up and rescues him, cutting him free without alerting any sleeping Attercops. Baldor begins to recover, but as they continue there appears to be a wedge between father and son. Later they find a dwelling inside a hollow tree while seeking refuge from a thunderstorm. A crazed hermit soon returns home, and the adventurers graciously calm him. They share a meal with the disturbed man, who gives to Malaric a piece of the ancient Woodman axe Wolfbiter. Days later, as they near the other side of the forest, all but Me’lereal and Malaric become drowsy and begin to experience unique, waking dreams. Belgo races into the woods and tumbles down a well. As they all head in that direction, each of them are suddenly grabbed by the ropey tentacles of a monster in the well, which begins to strangle them! Things appear bleak when one by one they begin to lose consciousness, but Togo finally wounds the creature with a well-placed arrow and it releases them all! Belgo scrambles back up, safe. Eventually they reach the Forest Gate, where Baldor pays them for their help before he and Belgo depart.
“Don’t Leave the Path”
Spring 2949
While fishing at Lake-town, Malaric, Frain, Me’lereal, and Togo rush to the aid of Baldor Rivergold, a merchant from Dale being attacked by the three men he hired to guard his caravan on a trip through Mirkwood. The heroes knock out the thieves and agree to protect Baldor and his young son Belgo on the journey. At twilight they meet up with Falandor and other Mirkwood Elves, who help pilot their ponies and supplies on rafts up the Forest River for several days. At the Elvenking’s Halls the group impresses Lindar, master of the king’s cellars, and he allows them to stay in nice quarters in hidden caves for two days. The Elves escort them across the Enchanted Stream and encourage them to stay on the Elf-path. After a few weeks of travel, one night Baldor drinks from a stream and instantly loses his memories of the last eight years. He returns to the camp, but does not recognize any of the party and flees into the woods. Togo stays with Belgo as the others chase after him. They find him struggling, wrapped in webbing high up on the wall of a ruined castle keep. Me’lereal deftly climbs up and rescues him, cutting him free without alerting any sleeping Attercops. Baldor begins to recover, but as they continue there appears to be a wedge between father and son. Later they find a dwelling inside a hollow tree while seeking refuge from a thunderstorm. A crazed hermit soon returns home, and the adventurers graciously calm him. They share a meal with the disturbed man, who gives to Malaric a piece of the ancient Woodman axe Wolfbiter. Days later, as they near the other side of the forest, all but Me’lereal and Malaric become drowsy and begin to experience unique, waking dreams. Belgo races into the woods and tumbles down a well. As they all head in that direction, each of them are suddenly grabbed by the ropey tentacles of a monster in the well, which begins to strangle them! Things appear bleak when one by one they begin to lose consciousness, but Togo finally wounds the creature with a well-placed arrow and it releases them all! Belgo scrambles back up, safe. Eventually they reach the Forest Gate, where Baldor pays them for their help before he and Belgo depart.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
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