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Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:07 pm
by Aeglosdir

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:30 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Yeah that's the sort of issue I was having.

Here's what I did for the Maraudeur adventure. The proper English peters out about half way as I realise the effort needed to convert the Google translation into a proper adventure.

Caran Gaur is a campaign of three episodes that proposes that your company travels from the Misty Mountains at the edges of Mirkwood across the valley of the Anduin . You will find in these pages an introduction to all campaign and its first episode.
Between dogs and wolves.

"But no charm, no spells or claw or venom , or the art of the devil,
or the strength of a beast could knock Huan of Valinor. "
the Silmarillon

when? This quest can take place in 2946 or any other year chosen by the Loremaster. it it is preferable for it to take place in late summer or early fall.
where? The adventure begins in the west Anduin valley, in the foothills of the Misty Mountains, in the area under the influence of the Woodmen. in the foothills and more their activity loggers,
Woodmen are also shepherds and raise goats or sheep . It will continue later in the campaign through
the valley of the Anduin and end at the edge of the Mirkwood, in Fort Hood and it's surroundings.
what? For a few weeks the herds of Hitherd, a village of shepherds, are harassed by a pack of wargs. During an attack, the companions arrive at the point appointed to see a shepherd and his flock struggling with predators. They then go to village man whose divided community is ready to succumb to the Shadow . There, they discover that are actually dogs Men Hood who are covered by the pack evil.
Why ? Among the dog of Mirkwood, the companions of Woodmen, is a litter of puppies, heirs to the blood of Huan, legendary bloodhound of elder times, who overcame Draugluin the biggest wolf Middle-earth has ever known. Particularly courageous dogs from this line never shrink from wargs even if outnumbered. The Necromancer cannot tolerate the descendants of those by whom he was once conquered this land and which may one day give his enemies a decisive advantage over his servants. He therefore instructed one of his most evil wolves to eliminate these extraordinary dogs.
What ? Caran Gaur, the Crimson Werewolf is a dog of high Sauron his own hand. Its name comes the colour of his hair recalling the dark flames which comes from this monster. Intelligent, Machiavellian and devious, the werewolf is leading a pack that is in the forefront of the fight against the mastiffs that his master appointed him to destroy.

Adventure Phase
This adventure consists of three parts .
Part One: The shepherds of the foothills of the Misty Mountains
The company descend from the Mountain Pass or High Pass to enter for the first time in their career, the Wildlands. They are in transit between two quests or leave a wintering Castel Peak , the companions are in the Valley of West Anduin where they will come to the aid of the shepherd community struggling with a pack of wargs and especially with strife welling up within it.

Part Two: The Hunt in Val Anduin
Launched through the valley of the Anduin in pursuit of Caran Gaur and his minions , the company must decisive choice to borrow the fastest way to intercept the werewolf file stomach down to Fort Wood flush the last litter of fearless bloodhounds.

Part Three: Fort Wood
At Fort Wood, the Company must given the reluctance of the Woodmen to reveal where livestock shelter dogs threatened by Caran Gaur. They will have to be persuasive in convincing the former of the threat to their secret and finally take the measure of the formidable werewolf.

Part One: The shepherds foothills Misty Mountains
Trapped !
As the company reaches the foot of the Misty Mountains amongst the last slopes of flowering summer pastures above the valley of the Anduin, companions perceive, leaving the deep pine woods, a concert of ferocious barking and growling .
Companions on Lookout test Awareness (TN12) and identify the noise as coming from the next valley. A higher success distinguishes grunts of wolves and an extraordinary success identifies the calls as cries for help.
Free men are in danger!
Reached the ridge between the two valleys, the company gains full view of a sad spectacle .
A shepherd, his two children and his herd of goats are being forced to bottom of a valley by a pack of wargs . Three sheepdogs are already fallen, there is one left, proud and stubborn, which stands alone against the whole pack, running from one side to the other to repel the enemy.
Precariously perched in a ash bending under his weight, a boy, named Geim, throws sticks at three wargs attempting to reach him.
The eldest child Ailla, accompanied by a herd of goats, found refuge in sheer cliffs of a rocky outcrop. From there she hurls stones at ten wargs that leap and catch, one by one, the lowest goats, throw them to the ground and break their neck in their powerful jaws .
Back to a pine, the shepherd Frael visibly lame, defends himself against another three wargs.

Playing Frael
Frael is mad , he is obsessed by a invisible enemy against which he swears :
" You hide , I would find you ! you hear me ! Come tool of the Shadow . "
He tries to defend himself but ineffectively . Frael pays little or no attention to his children, or his flock.
To understand Frael, yell, grunt, cry, limp, shake youself in a disorderly manner without this gives no result.

Playing Ailla
Ailla is a little goat.
Agile, volunteer she tries to save his goats as best she can while encouraging her little brother.
Cool in the face of danger,
She throws stones accurately right on the muzzle of wolves. Ailla recently lost her mother, father has been crazy since that happened. She now feels responsible for all family. Whistle, give orders to the dog, encourage Geim and Frael .
You are energetic and full of hope.
Despite the tragic end that looks likely, you do not give up.

Playing Geim
Geim is a young child. panicked, paralyzed, he obeys a survival instinct to get away from predators. You are shocked, frightened and fear shows in your eyes.

Brith, the sheepdog, it is not put at bay, on the contrary, it struggling like hell to assist his teachers where the situation is more critical. In his arrival, despite their numbers, wolves fleeing in all directions. they recede before the dog has already put out fight three opponents, but returned with a vengeance as they short defend another of his masters thus it gives a break . Despite his courage, however, the dog can not be everywhere at once!
Especially on the other side of the valley, hiding in a thicket of bushes, Caran Gaur, his pack leader and four other wargs patiently waiting for the dog to run out eventually arise and finish the brave companion shepherd.
It will be understood that the strategy of the werewolf is not to kill men but to harass so that the fearless dog pack tires and is finally killed. Inexorably the animal tires, it's barks are less powerful and it's injuries accumulate. The trap will soon close.

Addition to the Wolves !
The company can therefore intervene in time to stop the drama unfolding before their eyes.
To not run to the rescue of free men in this awkward position results in an immediate gain of 2 Shadow points.
A fellow with the Trait Knowledge of fauneou yet
Knowledge of the enemy - Wolves
wild remark immediately no pack leader does not direct the wargs . It must necessarily be in the area with another group of wolves. We must therefore expect another wave of attackers .
A Hunting Test TN14 allows companions to understand the strategy of the pack: the exhausted dog. With a higher success or extraordinary, they understand that men should be shredded so long as the wargs only real target is the dog.

Technically manage the situation:
When the company operates, Brith still has 10 points Endurance . It loses a point each round as he still has three positions to defend: his master Frael shepherd and each of its children.
It loses a point every two rounds to two positions and all three rounds for a single position.
Each round, roll a Fate die: A, the dog puts a wolf hors de combat and does not lose Stamina , on C , the dog is injured and loses 1 Stamina more .
Reached 0 points Endurance Brith defeated, sticking to his last position, he was exhausted, see page 243
One Ring, and can not defense. This is what is expected when Caran Gaur to intervene.
If it manages to reach the dog, then he administers the coup de grace .
It takes 3 to rounds for Caran Gaur to descend from his hiding place and reach Brith.
The Company may adopt several strategies to thwart the tool of Sauron. In addition to those from the imagination of your Players here are a few.
Ambush : (see page 214 basic book ) it is the strategy the most obvious. Wolves are not alert , no sentinel only monitors the valley and they expect nothing to intervention a well equipped company. about Caran to Gaur , his full attention is given to the dog and the assault end it will conduct itself . the SR Vigilance test for wargs detect an ambush is 16 (not counting any two given a vantage view below).
Awareness for testing , consider the pack as a single enemy and therefore made ​​one jet .
Downwind: Hunting with a jet 14 , the company can be put in the wind to give the fellow an advantageous position the two tests of the Awareness pack to identify the company. it have a round in the company to position .
use the fire is a technique obvious aversion to enjoy nature of wargs to the flames. set fire to the valley is also
a solution but double-edged. This requires earlier at least three companions spend 3 rounds to gather fuel and 1 to start a fire. If wolves locate the plot - Awareness TN identical test to that of a Ambush - they harass incendiary . Once the fire active for 4 consecutive rounds the pack leaks and Caran Gaur is not involved but shows the peak and uses its Terrible Curse to taunt the fellow before disappearing. He waited a moment more conducive to achieve its purposes.
When the fire spread , start a fate at every turn dice on a C Frael , one of his children or a companion is trapped by the flames - rules see p. 222 . The intensity of the fire is primarily that of a Torch first round and then gains a level of power per round to become the equivalent of a funeral pyre in the fourth and following .

Load : the company throws earlier in the battle. This option is more risky because of the strong opposition. The distance must cover the heroes before coming into contact removes any possibility of ambush . this strategy has the advantage of immediately stop attacks on wargs shepherd and his children relieving dogs. Wargs immediately turn to new attackers forming a line between the company and Frael and children. Sheltered behind his troops, Caran Gaur attack then to eliminate Brith . It provides a number of rounds equal points Endurance remaining Brith 1 to put him to death. The companions must break ranks the wargs before the deadline for rescue dogs. If the dog is saved, Caran Gaur screams of death, uses his spell Terrible : Fever Huntress against the best fighter of the company, then retired with his pack.

Shoot wolves : the company can stay away under cover the ridge to the rain features on wargs . Wolves are long range Caran Gaur and lieutenants are out of reach. the Wolves do not then change strategy, but five of them stop to hound Ailla and herd to divert the company.
It is possible in this way to eliminate wolves and thus relieve dog , with fewer points to defend, becomes more efficient in its other positions. This eliminates one one , wolves abandon their position once it is no longer the half of their workforce still state to fight.
In this case Caran Gaur shows on the crest and uses his spell Terrible : Fever chasseresse to taunt the fellow before disappear. He waited a moment more conducive to achieve its purposes.
Tips control
The heroes are faced with a strong opposition that surpasses number . They must imagine solutions that enable them to both to save men , the herd and protect their own safety. The frontal assault can cause a disaster: Wargs are too many and will quickly overwhelm the defenders and kill dog.
In an emergency, the PCs can go be noted that not true target is the dog and focus on defense men. This is not
serious they still while the next chapter to realize the importance of Brith . At this stage they are all more to ask
questions and marvel at a Such dog. The early death of Brith the scenario is not fatal , the characters discover issues related to the preservation of his line a Once in the village of shepherds .Feel free to use as soon as the Fever chasseressede Caran Gaur to effectively integrate the throes of Shadow the game. It is not necessary that all heroes suffer the contrary, play along automatically induces dramatic consequences all the same group if only companion is reached. the effects the mouth of one or two members can even create dissension in the group. Proof that Shadow is at work .

The ideal is to contaminate one of Members with Community Link with a companion, see page 106 of the One Ring, and not another. The latter must then protect his companion against itself and witness the slow decline that the obsession to kill the werewolf imposes his mind.
Emphasize the consequences of actions of a fevered companion to feel that the disaster may cause . Thus attack Caran Gaur instead of defending the group inevitably leads to consequences disastrous. While a hero tries to kill the werewolf , a Warg Geim grabs and kills him. His arrow would been more useful elsewhere ... While continues the werewolf , a companion is injured ... The Shadow threatens the company.

Out of the trap
Once freed from the grip , which whatsoever the consequences , and Frael his children bring the herd to lowest village in the valley .
A herd of goats is a well invaluable in these dark times, do not do everything possible to bring the animals to safety Mischief is a town which in addition to cost point Shadow condemns Frael and children as surely the fangs of wolves.
Awareness test TN12 permet noting that wolves follow the convoy away . A hero born with Knowledge of the enemy line Wolves there a Gobelins reconnaît common tactic among wargs : the vultures waiting for the coming of night goblin allies to resume their attack.

The village is not far off the company should arrive well before the night ...
This trip is turned on again the opportunity to make Caran Gaur a hero succumb under the control of Fever Huntress. He moved sitting atop a rocky promontory at the base where the herd must pass. It is just a boom.
The opportunity is too good .
If a hero takes time to adjust werewolf , three wargs carpet close based on Geim Ailla or , if still alive , and try to grab .
If no hero falls into the trap , is Frael that succumbs to the temptation leaving his position with his children and his flock. he tries around the headland to to join the road to top. During its ascent , the bulging eyes , he keeps shouting
it will take the skin of the demon , it is like crazy, falls several times before flying spear very clumsily towards Caran Gaur , who observed him quietly his servants attack children before turning slowly.
Prevent the attack of wolves requires a test Vigilance SR 16 remember that Brith , if living can help the hero in
this test.
Wolves seek to use their Great Leap and special ability Étreintepour enter a child . If a beast achieves this , he fled while protecting the other two leak and catch success requires prolonged action of three tests Athletics SR 14 , SR 12 if Brith is still alive and harassing the fugitive ( the wolf is cluttered with child he hangs by one leg ) . the wolf if not continued to be elusive in five rounds.
If wolves reach their purposes , Frael screams in pain against Caran Gaur swearing that he will be ceases to continue.

Wargs and their pack leader : they are twenty but adapt this number so that the hero be exceeded and that direct confrontation is a very solution risky forcing players imagine alternatives. Overcrowding also allows to highlight , in addition to courage Brith and its congeners , the capital interest in Men 's Woods
keep this line of dogs that is a legacy of ancient times.

Take the characteristics of Wargs
pages 253-254 of The One Ring .
The werewolf , Caran Gaur :
Caran Gaur is a werewolf , Hound of Sauron - See page 255 The One Ring .
Caran Gaur is a cute high his hand even Sauron. it is a mischievous animal , intelligent and great patience. This is not a fighter but a leader pack that is physically involved as a last resort to administer the coup de grace to Brith .
He does not lose sight of its goal
first : remove Brith and its congeners , not companions. to Instead, it uses these to achieve its ends by blowing their Fever hunter who leads to give him the obsessively hunting which leads inevitably to their loss and that of Brith .
* Haine : Caran Gaur retrieves all Guiding of its points to the top of a session game
Terrible spell ** : Fever Huntress : p. 239 forces a hero to test for corruption SR 14 ( SR16 for a Killer ) . If the spleen, hero gains a point and undergoes Shadow Fever Huntress. The hero has only obsession have skin Caran Gaur . Nothing else matters for it. In the presence of the werewolf , the hero is owned as : fever obscures its reasoning, it is in defiance of his safety and that of others to achieve its goals . The hero is considered as stock. He must spend a Point Hope to temporarily overcome Fever : 1 point to give up hunting instinct insane ( the wolf continue despite risks immediate , try to kill him instead of rescue a comrade in danger ... ) 1
the point not to be considered Exhausted during a meeting with the Werewolf. The effect lasts until hero kills his prey or until the Fever leads him to his own loss . In So far, Caran Gaur came to the end of all his pursuers ...
Speed ​​snake *** : p. 240 , more than pure speed , Caran Gaur uses his intelligence. It is Always example to limit the reach of the most swift arrows and looks crashing steps him without moving , passes last time behind a tree
when launching the best fit should spit ... the while taunting the shooter 's sly look. Use this capacity so
to stir Fever huntress who not fail to seize the companions but also players !
Caran Gaur kill ?
Caran prematurely kill Gaur can drastically reduce the dramatic interest of the scenario. here is a few tricks to avoid this to preserve the enjoyment of players and if and only if they do are not able to see the strings handling.
It is best to intervene upstream as the werewolf is a creature powerful and with statistics hoc , but if you have at your table a company with a high-powered Legolas who Degomme creatures the Nazgul flying to 10,000 feet in the twilight , do not hesitate to adapt the characteristics Dog Sauron your group the front part .
It is also possible if ever an accident occurred , to substitute a Caran Gaur death on a misunderstanding
his pack leader. Fireworks out on only use once and you really the players did not really distinguish who is who in the pack.
And if the heroes eliminate Caran Gaur by the mastery of their actions well as better! Please do not invoke the clumsy solutions convoluted that would spoil the fun of all. If it came too early in part , it is also possible to provide a group of Orcs ambushed at some places there, which prevented the rest of the pack , can substitute the werewolf the rest of the campaign and continue the mission entrusted to Caran Gaur .

"The leader of the pack of Celegorm
called Huan . [ ... ] It was written that
meet death, but not before
have faced the largest wolf
had ever walked the face of the
earth. "
the Silmarillion
Brith is a dog of the Black Forest which differs from its congeners a proud look and courage unmatched . Its color is silver gray, his clear blue eyes and three small white markings , similar to stars, adorn his noble brow . Brith has been entrusted by the Board of old Fort Wood for help Men Hood community living to settle on the counter Misty Mountains .
In terms playful Brith is a dog Black Forest , see page 133 The One Ring is formed to attend his master the four skills Help : Presence Alertness Exploration and Hunting. It can also Harass the enemy and also offers the une Protection advantage .
Any hero who comes to the aid and Frael his children is immediately seen by the dog as a friend and so little advantage of its capabilities.
More importantly, Brith fears no Wolf , Warg or werewolf them recognizing him as a descendant Huan and of course the leak.
They can not attack the mastiff frontally numerical superiority in the case of five to one and price point per round Haine and only one of five can wolves bear attack.
A hero with the specialty Ancient traditions knows Legend Huan and can not help recognize Brith kinship with the dog of ancient times.
Refer to the Silmarillion and then especially Lay Beren and Luthien for him to learn more the dog Valinor.
Hirtherd the village of shepherds
While Warg are on their traces , it is with relief that the company finally reached the small village of Hirtherd colony of Men Timber located on the first slopes of the Misty Mountains. The village consists of ten Dry stone house distributed along a stream whitewater down the mountain .
A stone wall of a white five feet surrounded the village protecting barns, barns and house with thatched roofs.
While the company crossed the enclosure Hirtherd a concert of screams echoed through the hills overlooking the village . The villagers , the frozen blood, stop their business as long as the clamor . Visibly terrified , none enquière newcomers not even or injured children. eyes are leaking , the heavy atmosphere .
Everyone returns to attend to the task : make provisions and barricade the house .

The meeting with Brohar Chief Hirtherd

While Frael leads the rest of his flock to the fold , three men Brohar the village chief and his two son , head to the company.
Brohar is a giant with hair blond and curly beard , his eyes are severe and harsh voice . its Bronach elder , slightly smaller than his father, a heavy ax in hand is a step backward while Brogan younger, thinner and longer hair, goes to meet children of Frael .
Frael was severely attacked by Brohar who asked him to explain the new torments the shepherd leads the village.
The arrival of sounds like wargs a thunderclap in the community and it is obvious that if wolves venture now
far their allies goblins will soon to follow.
Test confirms that Travel sources of using is more than two days walk away and deliver the inhabitants of the Hirtherd thank you
wargs in the wilderness. It only remains one solution to the people :
stay and fight !
After accused of Frael again put the village in danger rioting wolves around and bring more whole
foreign troops , Brohar surrounded his two son , after the company arise. Brohar is suspicious, he wants to be sure not to accommodate

Hirtherd more enemies still dangerous as wargs .
Courtesy is useless with him, it must be impressed by its qualities martial with a test Presence SR 16.
Tolerance value
Brohar does not recognize Wisdom but taken Valour . The value of Basic tolerance of the meeting is
equal to the highest of Vaillance companions. To which we must add 1 point if the group includes
Man of the Woods and decrease 1 point, because the companions are introduced by Frael and bring the wargs
with them. Do not forget to apply the bonus due to any Prestige
a hero of the same culture that Brohar , namely Man of the Woods.

Assessment of the outcome of the meeting
The Guardian Legends counts the number of successful tests by players during their presentations .
Each ordinary success account for , while a higher success equals two successful projects and
extraordinary success to three. the total thus obtained determines the attitude Brohar but the SR has
used by the heroes in all their interactions with the locals
Hirtherdpour of the rest of the scenario.
Its importance is capital for future events .
Of course, do not hesitate to adjust the numbers of successes based on the interpretation of the meeting by the players and not their only dice rolls . Logical and well led by a fine arguments interpretation can not be swept by a single jet unlucky dice.
Number of successes :
1-2: " It is impossible for you stay in the village. We too to do here to prepare for the attack wargs . We already have protect too many lives . Foreigners go your way! ".
Interaction of SR 18 .
2-4: " You can rest here for the night before your way. Do not linger in our legs we have a lot to do. "
Interaction of SR 16.
5-7: "Your help is welcome , I entrust you to Bronach you show what to do to lend us
strong hand . " Interaction of SR 14.
8 + : " Your help is unexpected , tell us what to do to organize the defense of the village . " Interaction of SR 12.
SR Interaction will fluctuate during the scenario based on actions of the company. There are can go beyond 20 and may drop below 10. the Master of legends is invited to carefully recorded the SR , reflection the attitude of the town towards the heroes .
The following sections describe how the company can learn the story of Hirtherd , evaluate the defenses of the village unite the village and the village to prepare for the imminent attack and wargs goblins. The situation is critical and without the intervention of the company Hirtherd short inevitably to its loss.

The following chapters should not be played one after the other but in parallel, each having a
influence over the other and how which runs the attack forces the Shadow .

Learn more about village and its location
The seeds of the Shadow are in the heart of Men Wood. Understanding and preventing dramas that are preparing the heroes will have to find past events .
To obtain this information from the inhabitants of Hirtherd the heroes must use their skills matched the interaction SR Interaction determined during their presentation. It is indicated with information from each of which it is available and competence to use to access it .
The small community is located at the foot of the Misty Mountains after Battle of the Five Armies when
orcs have made fewer in the region ( there is therefore less 5 years if you play in 2946 ) . Previously these pioneers kept their animals in the grasslands of edges the Anduin near the edge of the Black Forest.

Villagers courtesy .
The pioneer community quickly thrived on logging and farming practiced in all in quiet valleys drained
of wargs by the presence of Frael dogs . The shepherd could then with three exceptional dogs keep alone herds throughout the village and lead High in the mountain pastures in search grass the best . Frael then
a prominent member of the village, its wisdom was recognized and the Board his voice was equal to Brohar . Villagers courtesy .
He has a few months wargs pack led by a strange wolf hair crimson reinvested the surrounding valleys. Since goblins from the heights of mountains Misty were saw a few hours of walking the village. Hunter, Courtesy .
Wargs attacks began at the end of last winter.
Herds have lost much animals, one of the dogs was killed Frael then it was Frea , his wife,
which fell off a cliff. Frael was then bitten on the leg and crippled from . A second dog was then
killed. Although it is still more that Brith Frael persisted in conducting mountain pastures in contempthe safety of animals.

Villagers Persuasion .
Since the death of his wife, Frea Brohar sister , fell from a ledge Frael lost his head and is more himself. Consumed by revenge, he thinks only eliminate the wolf who killed his wife and made cripple. Most shepherds
Village withdrew him flocks , forcing them to abandon other activities such as dairy, the hunting or farming to concentrate on their herds.
The activities of the community and disorganized , it is the survival of any the village is questioned. Shepherds, Persuasion .
Brohar as leader, failed Frael to prevent herds in danger. He has not played its role of the village chief and rejects the entire blame on Frael . For Brohar , Frael is a fool who thought himself invincible and is mounted too high in the mountain which drew wargs and Goblins on the village. villagers Persuasion or Brohar , Intuition .
Overwhelmed by the situation , Brohar submitted to the council to abandon the project the village and families go to refuge in the valley of the Anduin in away from wargs and goblins. the Wood is abundant in the valley
loggers approve their leader then the shepherds refuse to leave most favorable to the mountain meadows livestock . The subject creates dissensions and shepherds Frael is the cause . Shepherds, Persuasion or Brohar with Intuition .
Brohar left the villages defenses break down, this is a good lumberjack but a bad leader who has
not intend to take the lead in the defending the village. For him the situation is hopeless , he would prefer to flee put people away . Brohar , Intuition .
Brohar Frael accused of driving his sister to death. Frea Brogan raised his nephew as his son to death
layer in the woman Brohar .
Brogan is devastated by the loss her aunt and comforted by his father, his uncle is responsible for death or injury suffered by Geim and Ailla in the first part the scenario. Brohar or his son , Intuition .
Brogan told his cousins ​​Geim and AILLIA (if one of them is still alive ) soon as their " father would do them
never wrong. " Geim and Ailla , Intuition , SR your assessment that the relationship between the companions with children.
The pack of wargs is not descended from the heights of the Misty Mountains attracted by the imprudence but Frael arrived in the valley of the Anduin . it is therefore nothing to do with the situation disastrous village . hunters Enigma .
There are five and two years Brith Dogs who do not fear wargs were given Frael decision of People's Council of Men Wood Fort Wood to help the community to install a colony in the foothills of the Misty Mountains.
Only Frael holds this information. This is one of the best secrets Men kept the Board of Wood. It will be revealed to strangers as a last resort and only if the companions have proven their value - see concluded the scenario.

Play Brohar : despite a middle imposing Brohar is a good chef peacetime but not the soul of a warlord . Conscious of having neglected the defense of the village , Brohar rejects all responsibilities the plight of the village on Frael . When you interpret , speak confidently to give the changes, but none of your words accompanied by clear decisions and do not stop uttering a stream of accusations against Frael . A jet Intuition can confuse Brohar .
Demonstrate that he is not too late to buy a matching Persuasion test , can make him regain confidence and get involved in the defense of the village - see Box Manage men Hirtherd .
Play Brogan :
eldest Brohar burns unlike lead the village to conduct the defense , but respectful of status of his father, he does not want to replace him. When you interpret , start your sentences with "We should ..." and then you ravisez
you to store the opinion of Brohar .
Intuitionpermet a test to detect the nature of the Brogan and then persuade test Persuasion, to reveal his father and the whole village as the leader of men he is actually - see box Manage Men Hirtherd .
Brohar to persuade fine Honourable Brogan and push the head Village decreases SR Interaction of company level
Evaluate defenses
Once in the chamber, even a few minutes if the home is very cold, it is possible to measure a few glances at
how Shadow eats the village. By observing the villagers , a Intuition SR14 test can conclude that the community is
completely divided . There is no support , everyone prepares its side to the assault must occur in the coming hours . thus, an old man carries on his back a bundle of wood obviously too heavy for him . All miss him
without even a gesture or a look.
Another desperate arms to lift a heavy beam to barricade a door barn. All refuse , too busy their own work. obviously each family plans to protect its members alone and without cohesion not with the rest of the community.
With a test Craft SR 14, a companion inspecting the wall realizes that the building deteriorated sharply in some
points, sections of walls are close to collapse , gaps must be filled. In addition, the wooden gate was removed for ease of entry herds in the village. The state of This fortification is slow to just the intrusion of the attackers . the passage of the mountain stream in the wall is not protected , it is also an entry point in the village. Add to that the Most buildings have roofs thatched implying an enemy wielding a fire may cause a devastating fire a few
Knowing the division of the villagers and to the state of the fortifications , the company includes without difficulty that the village court inevitably to ruin if nothing is done to better prepare for the assault.
But passing a test of Art war , a hero can be seen Men of the Wood are loggers and seasoned hunters that can quickly form a effective troop. The village can repel an attack with some work , a company organized and
or more effective leaders.
Unite the village
To effectively resist the attack which prepares companions will have to unite a community of men very wood
divided . Why several options available to them. Use test Interaction determined during presentations to
solve the following tests.
Convene a village council :
must persuade Brohar or village elders to gather all the villagers. For this fellow must pass an extended test
Persuasion 3 success. heroes will then present their arguments , lance the boil of resentment they have uncovered , for example prove the innocence of Frael in the evils of the village, Frea death or demonstrate
the defense strategy for each will be irreparably lead the community to its loss.
Succeed in overcoming the divisions by this way requires that the company an extended test Persuasion 5 success. succeeding in this company reduces SR Interaction of company level .
Renewed hope : heroes
may attempt to galvanize the village using the pride Men who can not drink bow down without a fight , and must regain their confidence , roll up their sleeves to protect their own and all that they have built recent years. Hold such a speech requires an extended test Inspiration 3 success. one both moral income in the heart of
all the SR Interaction company decreases by one level.
Itself up as warlord : preparing men to fight in the catchy, strengthen the village - see next chapter - organize
towers, a reconnaissance mission in the area, the villagers can unite around of tasks necessary to protect
the whole community . To encourage villagers to follow the hero must pass an extended test Presence of 3 success. once obtained the support of villagers , the SR Interaction Company decrease by one level .
Prepare the village attack
To break the flow of the attackers, the village must undertake a series of indispensable for his work preparing défense. Mais each separately regardless of common defenses . It is up to the heroes of take things in hand .
Each of these tasks is accompanied by an SR to be increased two levels if the heroes undertake without the help of people of Hirtherd .
Repairing the wall :
The door back the heavy gate Oak require prolonged test Craft SR 14 3 success.
Gaps : gaps Cclmater is an extended Craft Action SR 16 6 requiring success. To finish in time , the success must
be obtained in 10 attempts. of every success there is still missing a breach in the wall.
The passage of the river : block the two arches that pass water water using a grid forged iron and the seal requires prolonged Craft Action SR 18 3 succès. Autant that companions with the line Forge are welcome! It is also possible to obstruct the path of the water with planks and rocks arranged at these sites with a longer test
of Athletics SR 16 6 success that no enemy could be sneak .
a bulwark of pieuxautour
the chamber is a long breath that requires adherence Village - see Federating the village. such work requires more prolonged actions: Athletics 4 successes SR 14 to transport timber , Crafting a successful 4 SR 14 to make piles and Art of War 3 success SR 14 to properly dispose .
Once the work is completed, only attackers using an appropriate special ability as the Great Leap , namely, whether or not mounted wargs goblins , can cross the enclosure if it is forbidden. the attackers will then have no choice but to try to take down the door or using the passage of the stream.
Of course all this is only suggestions you can inspire you to manage all ideas out of your imagination
players ( dig a ditch, divert the river , place archers roofs, prepare against a fire ... ) .
During the work , each upper or extraordinary success achieved on a Test Crafts , or Art of War reduces the SR interactions hero skills and insurance saves the confidence of Hitherd inhabitants .
Each task completed allows a hero to add his free bonus attribute Heart during test Art of War for the
Advantages of fighting - see page 213 Book of base - either diced
Additional control to use by the defender during the attack and that for each of these places.
Manage time
Time is crucial in preparing the village. The attack is imminent, we must hurry ! each test missed in the preparation is a waste time which is thrilling heroes . Get inspired by advice from page 195 of the book as the basis for managing time and turn up the heat .
A more mechanical solution is to set a number of attempts allocated to the company for conduct work . Beyond this limit, Nothing to do more, the village bear the assault in the state are work . Allow 30 tests allows to do without the right too error, 40 or 50 are more comfortable . With 25 must make choices on the most urgent work to be undertaken .
As you adjust the limit function your group and the atmosphere you want to create .
The attack It takes at least one night the goblins - more if you think it is necessary - To descend from the mountains and reach the vicinity of Hirtherd .
Meanwhile, the wargs Caran Gaur surround and stand guard in the vicinity of the village.
If Brith survived the first part of the scenario , Caran Gaur expects joining forces to attack Hirtherd and overcome the last dog resists it . Then keep in mind that when the first lens attack Caran Gaur is to shoot the dog.
If the dog died in the mountains, Caran Gaur offer pasture Hirtherd its wolves and goblins to reclaim these valleys in the hands of Men Wood before leaving to that of the Anduin .
The attack of the werewolf tactic identical in both cases : to spread doubt and fear among supporters ,
set fire to the thatched roofs, attacking the wall at several points to divide and overwhelm the forces
the opponent , invade the village , and the hottest battle , and isolate Brith kill him. He appealed to the goblin archers to overwhelm the defense under number and they do not fear Brith , they shoot their dog poisoned arrows .
For the attack, goblins and Wargs are the attackers and heroes and men are Hirtherd defenders and therefore the initiative. they come!
While more than half of the night just passed peacefully , leaving hope that the attack is not Tonight , a concert of howling hi suddenly lifted the gloomy the Moon. A grinning horde and vociferous goblins then descends
slopes overlooking Hirtherd . the village is soon surrounded by archers Goblins and Wargs that some
are mounted goblin warriors brandishing their weapons .
In view of this show , despair wins the heart of the bravest . The companions must then test Fear SR 14 . Failure deprive the hero of the possibility of use its bonus attribute for duration of the fight .
A messenger then approach village gate . This is an orc leader ridiculously wearing a helmet battered panache that once had to be supported by a general proud Peoples Free. Mounted on a huge wolf, invective he advocates " Braves Men Hood, open your doors and deliver us the last of your miserable pooches I make a moth-eaten coat his skin! There will be then no harm and you can go take refuge in the dresses your magician wood Labasa on the other side of the river ! ". get following a concert of laughter and obscenities from the ranks of the horde.
The message is now clear , only the death Brith really interested the attackers.
Of course there is no doubt the company that the promise will not required The defection of Brohar Yet there are voices in the ranks of men and Hirtherd their head is their own : Brohar . The latter, obviously panicked , intends to deliver the dog and master with . "After all they are not not the cause of all the ills of the village? Without this dog curse the village live peacefully. Without Frael , Frea , my sister still live ! Two to save
all others, the market is fair. There are only deliver and wargs and goblins will retire . ".
If the heroes are not involved the idea made its way into some mind. It's time for fellow definitely take the reins and to raise their company by calling the fight! Inspiration Just a test to silence the proposal of Brohar and send men to their positions. In case of failure , the discussion escalates is interrupted by the first volley of arrows
enemy .
The attack :
A rain of flaming arrows to burn the thatch announces the imminent charge the howling mob . Unless the
company has provided for this eventuality , the roof of the buildings is soonin flames. If the heroes do not want
not see the defenders leave the defense of the wall to extinguish the fire ,
they organize themselves operations. Thus a test of the Art war is necessary for all men are rushing to save
their home, another Presence to organize the fight against fire.
If the fight against fire is not organized , SR Interaction to rally a group of men to self - see Manage box men Hirtherdest increased by two levels.
Many villagers prefer save their home rather than fight.
An insightful hero and successfully an Art test SR 14 war Note that the arrows are intended one half of the village leaving the other intact . Knowing aversion wargs for fire, this is this side that wolves carry their attack to enter the village.
Manage men Hirtherd
Men of the Woods, they are federated , abut the company. These are the heroes who take initiatives and do
actions attached to each event during the attack . However, these latter can not both by example, eliminate carriers ram, pushing the goblins climbing the wall or to a barrage to silence the enemy archers.
Also, before each event, the heroes have to pass a test Présence ou Art of guerre avec SR Interaction to rally around them enough men to support them. Thus each hero can lead a group to advocate on a strategic point . Four heroes who joined a group of supporters around them and can take four points of attack. By cons ,
if the heroes are not born , they have nice scramble , they will inevitably overwhelmed by the enemy and can not do acts necessary to the success of each event.
If the heroes are able to penetrate Update intentions Brohar and Bonach - see boxes Brohar Play and Play Bronach - each can lead a band of defenders and holding a part of the wall freeing heroes on other fronts.
The attack on the door

The first filler consists a large troop of goblins and disorganized that goes on the door. Their chief plumed helmet hoarse to open a passing through the ranks of goblins a troop of Orcs soldier wearing awkwardly hastily cut a ram in the wrong trunk.

For the door withstands blows
Staggering , we must eliminate the six carriers of ram. Four other soldiers loans are behind to replace the dead . If the orcs reach for three laps to be complete for striking the door , the latter yields and leaves the passage open to attackers.

Please do not forget the dice Master of bonuses offered by the restoration of the door! - See Prepare
the village to attack.

The characteristics of attackers
The majority of the troops are goblin archers - see page 246 basic book - except that they reserve their coated poison arrows only Brith . At their head is a leader orc - see page 245 - armed with a curved sword, helmet and
shield but no ax, the rest of the company, including those who handle the ram, are orcs soldiers - see page 246. To take the wargs specifications on page 254.
Remember the special ability Lâchetédes goblins and orcs soldiers , their leader is constantly being the snub with his imperious Way to throw the fight. heroes will surely play on this weak to repel the enemy.

Remember Caran Gaur also has the special ability and may the fear he inspires Goblins push the attack.
On the number of attackers ,
remain evasive on the subject. It is dark and it is difficult to count them. the hero must feel overwhelmed and
think conduct their last fight.
A rain of arrows !
A group of goblin archers posted back sends rain on the village a steady stream of deadly traits.
Both rounds , roll a die Doom, if you get a C , a hero is hit automatically.
This deadly hail discourages men and adds two levels difficulty SR Interaction heroes to rally their supporters . The main body breaking on the wall, the regiment of archers is not protected. A bold hero can organize a trip and fall on the archers and ambush - Page 214 of the book basis. once five archers put out of action , the
goblins not to disband to reform .
To regain the shelter of the walls, it must pass an extended test Athletics SR 14 3 succès pour not not be engaged in outside walls by a squad of wargs came to rescue.
Accomplish such a feat allows the heroes to reduce their SR Interaction of a level.
The attack on the wall
Several battalions of goblins charge the wall at several points simultaneously ( set the number according to your company ) , preferably in the gaps , to kill the defenders smother under number and cross the enclosure.
Heroes defending these parts Wall must fight inferiority digital - see page 216. everyone
is committed by a soldier armed orc a spear or sword curve and two archers armed goblins serrated knives ( they do not use their bows to assault the wall). If the hero manages to hold three rounds against these opponents without leave overflow ( all opponents are killed immediately replaced) then entire defense holds and the flow enemy is repulsed.

Please do not forget the dice Master of bonuses offered by the restoration of the wall! - See Preparing village attack.
And if the company failed to unite and strengthen the village?
This is the case if the company did not carried out at least two of the three chapter points Federate the village
if the door is not replaced and remains three breaches and in the wall. The population Hirterd is not united in the defense of the village and the enemy invades easily .
Each house faces only to too many band of goblins while wargs isolate Brith which is then killed by the features
goblins . If the walls could be sealed , despite resistance heroic defenders can be everywhere at once and they are quickly overwhelmed . Brith and the village then fall into the same conditions.
At the height of the battle , whether the door fell under the hammer , or a breach of wall collapsed under the enemy afloat, the Orc Leader crowd Hirtherd the ground! a hero can wear to meet is engage in a duel. all hold
their breath and no assailant or same defender ( possibly to by another hero ) dares intervene in combat.
Defeat this foul creature filthy and retrieve the helmet of a hero of the past gives the balm heart and instead advocates causes amazement of the enemy.
The heroes have their SR Interaction decrease of two levels and the enemy fled position .
Goblins in the stream
Taking advantage of a diversionary attack to another position , a detachment of goblin archers , knife between the teeth , wading to pass through the wall one of the arches spanning the creek.
An opposite the test Vigilance contre Discretion (Movement 3) Goblin is necessary to note the maneuver. If it is discovered, a hero who rallied to him a group of defenders can expect goblins at the outlet of the passage and their tender an ambush.
If the passage is blocked , it is also possible to take the goblins ambush. Having water on top the knee , they fight with a penalty of 4 to SR .
If the goblins come to pass, they head to the door or breach to take the defenders from behind. Repel this attack decreases SR Interaction of a level not not be achieved by increasing the SR against two levels of difficulty.
The wolves in the walls!
In contrast where the houses are burned , a gathering of wolves formed and silently approach to leap over the wall. Many of them carry a goblin archer on the spine. The objective This horse is to take defenders setbacks and create panic in their ranks. SR Interaction heroes is increased If the two levels are within wargs the village.
A hero must pass a test of Art guerre pour that the defenders not break ranks and join him to track wargs entered the village.
An Art of War test successful at the chapter they come! allows to thwart the attack and take the wargs by surprise before they do not cross the wall. Test Hunting or Vigilance SR 16 permet the same.
The (or ) the heroes into this part of the wall facing a Warg mounted by a goblin round combat. If he manages to touch his opponents ( not just touch kill ! Goblin Warg are baffled then completed by the defenders who support the hero ) for five rounds in a row the attack rejected. If Brith is alongside heroes, three rounds sufficient to deter wargs .
Crime Brogan
At the height of the attack Frael , fevered by the proximity of the werewolf that killed his wife and perhaps
even one of his children , runs the wall in all directions seeking his eyes bulging Caran Gaur that known to be close . His disability prevents it from being of any use on the wall, the shepherd would rather be home to protect her children.
The inattention Frael , Brogan does more support . Inspired by the Shadow, nephew Frael , dagger in

the campaign.
the enemy.
but remains
Endurance .
away .
Gaur .

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:41 pm
salut Hermes.
si tu as participé au site, mes félicitations....... tu auras compris que lorsque j'ai parlé du site, c'était pour en faire de la pub...... ;)

english non official stuff can be quite impressive . i often like the french touch, but unfortunately, we are not enough, compared to english speaking population!!!!!! furthermore translation took quite a lot of time......
before TOR, my favorite Middle earth RPG was Tiers Age, a non professionnal RPG, whose flavour can sometimes be compared to TOR, even if it is not as the same period......the game was not enough known, and i'm glad a game with the quality of TOR has appeared.......

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:29 pm
by Hermes Serpent
AULENDIL wrote:salut Hermes.
si tu as participé au site, mes félicitations....... tu auras compris que lorsque j'ai parlé du site, c'était pour en faire de la pub...... ;)

english non official stuff can be quite impressive . i often like the french touch, but unfortunately, we are not enough, compared to english speaking population!!!!!! furthermore translation took quite a lot of time......
before TOR, my favorite Middle earth RPG was Tiers Age, a non professionnal RPG, whose flavour can sometimes be compared to TOR, even if it is not as the same period......the game was not enough known, and i'm glad a game with the quality of TOR has appeared.......
Sorry, you had me copy and paste the French text into Google translate to understand what you said. No, I have nothing to do with that site. I merely grabbed a copy of the article from the magazine and posted chunks into Google translate and reassembled the resulting mish-mash into the post above. I speak just enough French to get me into trouble e.g. I once asked for 50 postage stamps instead of 15 at the Post Office.

The other French RPG material I picked up doing various searches for One Ring material and reading this forum.

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:50 pm
by Rue
Dunkelbrink wrote:Running some parts of the newly found French adventures through Google translate and it actually works pretty well. Now the company have just arrived at a Northman village near Gundabad and find fresh tracks of Killer whales...
I hope ElfCrusher doesn't throw a pod of Killer Whales at us during our PbP game. :shock:
It'd be almost as shocking as buying RichH a bear.

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:40 am
by Caran Gaur
Hello One ring's anglophone community :)

(Don't know if it's the rigth place for this message...)

This message to inform you about the release “Le Marauder” 14 in which is the third and final episode of the Caran Gaur campaign.
This episode is entitled "Woodland Hall". In this scenario, your company will have to deal with a community of Woodmen borrows doubts and suffering the onslaught of Shadow ... Do the heros manage to convince the elders to trust them ? Will they access to the informations they need to save the lineage of dogs who do not fear the wargs ? Will they themselves be open minded enough to see the dawning hope where they least expect it? And finally will they manage to get up against Caran Gaur and his evil ?
It was a great pleasure to imagine this story, now it's up to you and play it !

I am truly honored that someone took the trouble to translate my modest work in Tolkien's language Thank you again for this work. But as you say, it seems to be a huge task... But, I'll be happy to offer help to anyone who wants to translate this campaign in english.

Best regards.

« Keep it safe, keep it secret »

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:36 am
by Arthadan
Hello Caran Gaur, good to have you around!

I've taken a look to your site and the quality of the material is pretty good. Besides adventures, I've also liked
"Les Foires de L'Anduin". Perfect event for meeting people, hearing news of the western Wildlands and so on.

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:53 am
by StuartJ
Salut Caran Gaur!

I'm very glad that you are happy for someone to translate your work into english. I don't know if anyone else is already doing this (anyone?), but I've made a start - work in progress in a folder on Google Drive.

I just took the machine translation of the start of the Caran Gaur campaign shared by Hermes Serpent - thanks for doing this Hermes! - and have started to fix it up to more idiomatic english. Both documents (English and French) are editable by anyone, if anyone with better language skills and/or more spare time wants to help!

I'll send you a personal message too about collaborating on the translation.


Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:37 am
by Hermes Serpent
Hi Stuart, no probs about that. I just got bogged down with working through part one and didn't go further. If you need a pdf of the story in maradeur 9 I've got it and can send it over. I also started on the Fair pdf but once again that's bogged down but it has a great amount of information. Just wish that Google translate did a better job. Too much to do so little time.

Re: Herbier de la Terre du Milieu

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:02 pm
by Caran Gaur
Arthadan wrote:Hello Caran Gaur, good to have you around!

I've taken a look to your site and the quality of the material is pretty good. Besides adventures, I've also liked
"Les Foires de L'Anduin". Perfect event for meeting people, hearing news of the western Wildlands and so on.
Thanks for yout welcome Arthadan and thanks for compliments but i have to say the site your talking about is not mine and "Les Foires de L'Anduin" is not my work ! ;)

I've only committed "Caran Gaur" campaign (and in my vision, Anduin valleys are a little more depopulated) .