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Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:26 pm
by DavetheLost
My guess on the Men of Gondor is that they will not get extra starting points that Rangers of the North do. Most of the men of Gondor being of a bit more ordinary stock. I think the Bardings likely give us a good picture of what to expect.
The suggestion that they have a way to repenish Hope seems appropriate to me. The two Men of Gondor we see most prominently, the brothers Boromir and Faramir, seemed quite dogged individuals and able to inspire their companions with Hope to stay the course even when times were greatly difficult. The people of teh White City also were willing to hold on and hold out in the face of the armies of Mordor, when none could have thought the less of them for despairing.
Just don't try to use Denethor as justification for a Culural Reward of Palantir!

Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:47 pm
by Deadmanwalking
Yeah, Men of Gondor won't get extra stat points. I'm not actually sure we'll get an other Cultures that do. Dunedain and Elves of Rivendell being rather distinct and special in that regard.
And something involving extra Hope could be interesting, though I'd imagine it wouldn't be useful more than once or twice a session. No idea how to work that mechanically, though...
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:02 pm
by Glorelendil
A Virtue or Cultural Blessing that improved companions' chances of success would be roughly equivalent to generating bonus Hope, as they would all be less likely to need/want to spend Hope.
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:05 am
by Falenthal
As we're going to have various supplements covering widespread terrains and cultures, I'd like a chapter or writing about ideas or hints on how to mix them. Why should a beorning be playing a Rohan campaign? Can we have a Wose, a Black Númenórean and a Noldo elf adventuring together (like we did with old MERP)

I know this is part of the work a Company has to do as players, but it would be nice to read some of those beautiful ideas and words that Nepitello has.
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:38 am
by Terisonen
A black Numenorean will not fit very well with a Noldo or even an Elf. Mixed adventuring between Rohirrim and men of Gondor seems easy for they have strong bond between each other. And you can imagine that Gondor always have an eye of what happen in the wild, keeping track as much as they could from Easterling, even if Ithilien is much of interest to her.
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:05 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Terisonen wrote:A black Numenorean will not fit very well with a Noldo or even an Elf. Mixed adventuring between Rohirrim and men of Gondor seems easy for they have strong bond between each other. And you can imagine that Gondor always have an eye of what happen in the wild, keeping track as much as they could from Easterling, even if Ithilien is much of interest to her.
I do like the idea that even an 'evil' culture (or perhaps that should be "a culture allied with Evil) can produce Heroes of good conscience who could rebel against Evil. I just don't know how such characters would work with the mechanics of TOR. I don't think that we can expect official write-ups for such cultures as
Black Númenóreans,
Haradrim, or
Variag Men.
On the other hand, would there be interest in a supplement devoted to Heroes from Variant Cultures? Besides the above, it could include other options that would otherwise be ignored such as the
Lossoth and the
Woses. Perhaps even
Half-orcs could be included. This would also have the benefit of having all of these variants in a single volume that is easily ignored by those not interested in them.
EDIT: Well, I was certainly wrong about the
Dunlendings as they are an Heroic Culture in
Horse-lords of Rohan. I imagine we might eventually see something similar for the
Haradrim and/or some faction(s) of the
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:18 pm
by Halbarad
Will Dunlendings be in either Horselords or the Companion as a playable culture, or only as adversaries? Any thoughts?
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:21 pm
by Ernst-Jan
Halbarad wrote:Will Dunlendings be in either Horselords or the Companion as a playable culture, or only as adversaries? Any thoughts?
Doubtful, I'd wager. They've been unpleasant types every time they have been mentioned.
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:08 pm
by DavetheLost
I have never been convinced that all of the peoples away South and East are under Sauron's sway. However the bulk of the ones bordering on Gondor, Mordor, etc certainly are.
I think it is possible to stray too far "off the map" in that respect though. Better to keep focus on those areas explored in the two novels.
As for a Beorning in a Rohan adventure, is that any less likely than what we have already seen? The son of the King of the woodelves of Mirkwood, the heir to the throne of Gondor, a dwarf of the Lonely Mountain, the son of the Steward of Gondor and no fewer than four(!) hobbits of the Shire all adventuring together with one of the Istari. Along the way they pick up a shield-maiden of Rohan.
Re: Adventurer's Companion - Speculation
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:13 pm
by Glorelendil
You could fill an entire supplement with playable cultures based on evil races. However, I think it falls in the "trained gamer on a closed course; do not try at home" category.
I think it would be fun to see, but I'd like to see it in its own dedicated supplement, after all those cultures have been introduced as adversaries in their respective supplements. So....2017?