2948 (late spring) Kinstrife and Dark Tidings
I thought this would be a very straight forward adventure, but my players holded a few surprises for me as LM.
First of all, the player with the dwarven character couldn't show up for the session, so we decided that he would stay for a time with the exiled dwarves they discovered in The Questing Beast, to discuss with Frár how to convince Dáin of retaking the Greydelve.
It fitted the plot and the adventure could begin. First of all, I must say that my players didn't shine for being Sherlock Holme's types when they discoverd the boat with the two dead beornings. First thing they said was: "If they are great beornings, don't touch ANYTHING in the boat and let's carry it to Beorn. And DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!". Even when I told them that there were ropes inside the boat, they didn't want to investigate any further, so they didn't even suspect that there was a third person in the boat.
Luckily for me, the adventure says that Beorn goes to investigate during the night, so that he discoverd all about the escaped prisioner.
I made a slight change to the adventure, putting Stonyford north of the Anduin, in the frontier with the Viglunds' lands, and substituted Valter's bandits with the Viglund's town (in the eaves of Northern Mirkwood). Also, Oderic's motivations were expanded, as I made him be in love with Aestid (I think that was the name), Viglund's daughter. The night of the murder, Oderic was telling all that to Brunhilde when Rathfic came into the house and heard Oderic talking about "love" and "joining the Viglunds". That was enough to make him mad at Oderic, thinking he was planning to take Brunhilde with him to the Viglunds or something like that.
My players discovered all that when in Stonyford. Once again they showed me that they don't like to be private detectives when they dismissed even trying to talk to Helmgut, Brunhilde's father, by saying "Bah, he's a drunken man. I don't think he can tell us anymore than Brunhilde already did. Let's go chase this Oderic."
In the way to Viglund's Town I changed the encounter with the Woodmen from the original adventure with Shanker, from "Of Leaves...". As its been said in other threads before, this NPC has a charisma of its own.
And here came the mayhem for me...
I must admit I didn't have an exact plan of how to allow the players to capture Oderic, but I expected them to observe the situation before acting. I also had in mind that Aestid wanted to escape town by freeing the slaves, but that was just an idea for the future. The fact is, I told the heroes that they saw Oderic walking out of town with 6 soldiers around him. They looked fierce, like beorning warriors, and while they surrounded Oderic, he didn't look like a prisioner. I expected the heroes to follow them, look where they were going, something like that. But they just walked straight to them and, after some chatting, they demanded them handing over the boy in Beorn's name. Of course, the Viglunds attacked.
And the three companions where reduced to 0 Endurance.
What to do when all the company is unconsciouss in a fight that wasn't even epic or important. To be fair, I didn't want the characters to end up there. I'm not a LM that "likes" to kill characters. Sometimes I even make things too easy for them to avoid the risk of a sudden death in an unepic moment.
An idea sprang to my mind in a second: They woke up in a badly illuminated room, with some people around that took care of their wounds and bruises... and who were handcuffed. They looked like slaves, and they themselves where handcuffed. I used the fact that Viglunds are not killers, but slavers, and might prefer to have some warriors as thralls than as dead bodies.
And then, not coming up with a nice plan to escape, I introduced the fleeing of Aestid and Oderic as a
deus ex machina moment, helping all slaves escape. The heroes talked to Oderic and convinced him that he couldn't run away forever, and that he should face Beorn's justice before even thinking of beginning a new live with Aestid.
The boy agreed and told them about the Viglund's plans to gather an army an attack Stonyford.
Oderic stayed in Viglund's Town to guide the army south through the Path of Serpents (see HotW) with the excuse of staying out of sight. That would allow the beornings to ambush the viglunds from above the ravine and in the exit mouth.
Aestid and the heroes lead the slaves first to the inside of Mirkwood, and then south, heading for Stonyford.
The beorning character decided to ride back to Beorn's House to inform him of the incoming attack, while the rest stayed in Stonyford to arrange the ambush in the Path of Serpents (far from town).
For the next session not only did the dwarf's player return (we played that he was staying at the Easterly Inn after talking with Frár, and heard the summoning of all available beornings and allies to Stonyford. He inmediatly suspected that his friends had something to do with it...), but also a new player joined the
He decided to play a Mirkwood elf Warden, with the Noble Blood background and the archer type (I'm finally going to test my Deadly Archery House Rule!).
Again, we had to come up with a motivation to explain why she (the player is a "he", the elf is a "she") was at the Battle at Stonyford. So I told him (he didn't know anything about the
campaign, of course) that she was in the service of Ruithiel, the captain of the Elf-path, and that in a scouting routine in Northen Mirkwood she had followed a group of humans that seemed slaves of some sort. When exploring further, she saw a large group of fighters coming out of Viglund's Town and heading south along the Anduin. She decided to send some elven scouts to report to Ruithiel, while she and 4 more elves at his command followed the fighting force.
So, the elven warden and the heroes met at the battle in the Path of Serpents.
I got to use again my Battle Rules, and they proved again very helpful to make battles interesting. Its the second time I use them and I like how they work with nearly no rules interruption.
I made the leader not Viglund, but his son Viglar, and the goblin Saviga was with him. Saviga managed to escape, while Viglar was surrounded and killed by Beorn when he made his apperance after four round of battle. This way, Viglund can be still used as an NPC, who has lost a son and a daughter to the beornings.
The judgment at the Carrock went well for Oderic, and he was set free, with only the prohibition to live in Stonyford.
The elf went back to report to Ruithiel, and he was asked to attend to the Woodmen Folk-Moot next summer. Thranduil had been receiving news of orcs moving in the south, and the werewolf had awakened in the Mirkwood Mountains. He wants to be informed of what the men of Mirkwood are planning to do, so as to know how it might affect the Elven Kingdom.
For the next session we'll be playing the Folk-Moot with the minigame from Devil (
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3272&hilit=mini+game), and also the reopening of the Old Forest Road by Bofri will be an issue to discuss.
After that, the players will have their Fellowship Phase, with a Year's End Phase (so, two Undertakings), until next spring in 2949 blooms with Darkness in the Marshes.