2951 (Autumn) - Muder in Lake-town and Crossing of the Celduin
Part II
To keep it short, I'll say that after almost 3 months we managed to meet again and finish the last night stand of Crossing of the Celduin.
Do you remember that the adventure tells that, during the evening prior to the last assault, the Gibbet King hosts one of the defender's deceased body and menaces the survivors in the town hall? I did the same, only that it was the Nazgûl who did that (I didn't think much if a Nazgûl could host a dead body, I guess not, but it was dramatic enought for me to like it).
Do you also remember that the adventure tells to Inspire or Awe the spirit, so that it leaves the body? Well, I left the decision of how to handle the "possession" in the hands of the group (i.e. didn't tell them anything about Awe or Inspire tests). The dwarf in my group decided it would be a good idea to chop the poor fella's head.

When the head rolled on the floor of the town-hall -to the despair of the present widow- and started laughing again, the dwarf though it would be better to throw the head into the river. Well, he solved the problem, only that he gained a few Shadow points in the process.
As for the battle, the whole group survived. But barely. It came in the end to one of this rounds when either the heroes succeed at a test/attack, or the enemies give the final blow and everyone dies. Epic.
The Nazgûl was a blast. He made all heroes gain a few Shadow points. Also, all became daunted and couldn't use Hope points. They knew their rolls were all that's left for them. The Lake-town man was made unconsciouss by the Black Breath special ability the first round of the combat. The hobbit lasted a little more, but also felt unconsciouss pretty fast. Only the dwarf and the wood-man managed to resist enought to try to push the Nazgûl's horse over the bridge to the river (I considered this as being in Forward position). The Nazgûl attacked with his sword (Favourite + Denizen of the Dark gave him a +8 for every attack. So nearly no chance of missing). Also the Nazgûl had some Orc Guards by him that attacked the heroes, too.
As said, the dwarf and the wood-man had to roll Athletics for two rounds to add up 6 successes and throw the Nazgûl overboard. In the second round, the dwarf had 8 Endurance points (Weary, of course) and the wood-man had 6 (Also Weary). When doing their rolls, they knew only 4, 5 and 6s would count, and that they couldn't use any Hope points. Also they knew that a single hit would kill anyone of them. And that would allow for a Côup de Grace to all the company. But several 6s appeared on the table, and the Ringwraith shrieked in despair as it lost it's physical form in the running waters of the Celduin.
The embodied Nazgûl proved a formidable enemy, as it managed to take two members out of the fight fairly quick, and raised the Shadow score of everyone by 2 or 3 points.
As for the development of the heroes, I see now that most of them only have a difference of 4 or 5 points between their Shadow and Hope score. We still have to make the Fellowship phase, and probably some will take the Heal Corruption Undertaking. But after 9 years of intense adventuring, the heroes are getting close to their first breaking point...