I wrote something for Aestid and Denlar (2950). I'll send you soon, if you are interestedpoosticks7 wrote: (...)
I am willing to act as an editor for those who struggle with English. It would be a pleasure in fact.
Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
- Indur Dawndeath
- Posts: 467
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I am sort of done with the Escort of Una, but is struggeling with the conversion to an adventure for everyone. All I needed was a bunch of notes to play the scenario. I lack all the flavour of the TOR adventures...
One game to rule them all: TOR
- Posts: 370
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 1:11 am
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Well send it to me in private message and I'll take a look at it.
This is a big project and is going to take time - so if anyone else wants to get involved please do so
This is a big project and is going to take time - so if anyone else wants to get involved please do so

- Indur Dawndeath
- Posts: 467
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- Location: Denmark
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I'll work a bit more on it and then send it...
One game to rule them all: TOR
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Here's a first draft of the adventure "Clearing the Path".
I'll try to expand and on it and give more details to every part.
Thanks to Funs_Athal from the spanish forums for the basis of the adventure, to Mythholder for Don't Leave the Path and it's encounters, and to Corvo for the story of Wolfbiter.
... you see, I'm just a copy+past guy, not a creator...
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzkNI5 ... sp=sharing
I'll try to expand and on it and give more details to every part.
Thanks to Funs_Athal from the spanish forums for the basis of the adventure, to Mythholder for Don't Leave the Path and it's encounters, and to Corvo for the story of Wolfbiter.
... you see, I'm just a copy+past guy, not a creator...

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzkNI5 ... sp=sharing
It was not long before they grew to hate the forest… But they had to go on and on, long after they were sick for a sight of the sun and of the sky, and longed for the feel of wind on their faces.
• When: Recommended after “The Marsh Bell”, although could be played any time after 2946.
• Where: Esgaroth to Woodmen-town, along the Old Forest Road.
• What: The dwarves of Erebor want to establish trading relations with the Vales of the Anduin and need to reopen the Old Forest Road for traffic. Aware of Beorn’s dislike of Beorn for dwarves, they’ve decided to start negotiations with the Woodmen.
• Why: After Balin and Oin failed in their journey along the Old Forest Road, Glóin decides to hire the same adventurers that succeeded in rescuing them.
• Who: Bofri, son of Bimbur, will go with them as dwarven emissary among the Woodmen, and head chief in the works along the Old Forest Road.
The adventure covers various terrains that the company must cross. Each terrain is, more or less, a part of the whole adventure.
The companions are contacted by Glóin, who wants them to embark on a long-term quest. Bofri is introduced to them, as well as the plans for the Old Forest Road.
The preparations for the journey and the first leg south, until they find the eastern remains of the Old Forest Road. The company has to choose between travelling across the Long Marshes or around it. Either way, they’ll end up in Erlinburg, the last settlement before entering Mirkwood.
This is the longest part of the adventure, where the heroes will have a first glimpse of the Werewolf of Mirkwood, find themselves in the middle of an underground war between Forest Goblins and Attercops at the Beacon Tower mines, and maybe have an unexpected rest with the mad Hermit at Millfort.
After having reached the Western Eaves of Mirkwood, the Barrows of the Northmen call to the heroes with soothing chants. A Thing in a Well waits there for the faint of heart.
Finally the company reaches its goal. They can rest and tell their story. If the Hermit gave them the head of the axe Wolfbiter, maybe they can hear the axe’s legend.
Glóin summons the companions to Esgaroth. He sends messages for them during the first weeks of spring. The company is introduced to Bofri and can look for information about Mirkwood and the Old Forest Road. [Some info from Heart of the Wild p.84-85 might be revealed to the players].
Also they can know about the town of Erlinburg, where they can rest and buy supplies before entering Mirkwood.
The journey south can take the route of the Long Marshes [see The Marsh Bell for dangers] or take a detour along the forest borders. If so, the company encounters caravans of traders coming from the far east, heading towards Esgaroth and Dale. The heroes can spend the night with them on the road, and they’ll hear wolves howling as coming from the Mountains of Mirkwood. The next day they’ll see a few wagons being attacked by wolves. A family of dorwinrim are trying to keep them at bay when the companions arrive. If they save the trader’s, they’ll be rewarded with a bottle of fine wine each. Furthermore, the Dorwinrim culture can be “unlocked” in the game for future characters.
When arriving at Erlinburg, the company finds a muddy town, poor and bad kept. The local storage has been build using the stones from the Westfort keep that the dwarves built at this end of the Forest Road. For a price, some dubious boats can cross the Running River to the other side.
After finding the start of the Old Forest Road covered in moss and ivy, the journey through Mirkwood begins.
[Heart of the Wild p.66-69 can be very helpful here].
After two days in the wood, the group notices that a pack of wolves is following them. At night, a fell terror comes to them as the Werewolf of Mirwood howls, ordering his creatures to attack. The players never get to see the Werewolf, except as a glimpse in the forest, but they suffer from Corruption tests.
The numbers are too great, and they need to escape.
In their run, the company finds the Beacon Tower, and manage to slip inside and fool the wolves.
As they try to find a way out, they dig out the old dwarven mines. But the mines are now the battle ground of a group of Forest Goblins and some Attercops. The heroes can negotiate to help one of the factions for free passage to the far end of the mines.
After returning to the Old Forest Road, having eluded the wolves’ chase, the heroes go on with their journey.
Another dwarven keep, Millfort, seems a nice place to get cover from the pouring rain. But it is far from abandoned: a mad Hermit lives there, and he’s not easy to befriend. If the company manages to do so, they might even be given a part of a legendary weapon: the head of the axe Wolfbiter. But the best reward seems to be the chance to rest for a night from the journey and recover some strength.
Thinking already of the end of the road, and seeing how the forest darkness diminishes around them, the group grows confident in their success. Maybe overconfident. Mirkwood still keeps a last surprise in his sleeve. The humming of insects, the sparkling of small streams, some sudden rays of light that warm the heroe’s faces,… everything invites to take a nap among the stones that crown a nearby hill. Little do they know that this are the Barrows of the Northmen, that lure creatures from the path so that the Thing in the Well may seduce their wills and gobble them underground.
Finally the group manages to arrive at Woodmen-Town after a safe journey along the Western Eaves of Mirkwood, where they cross the Pale Rider Caves and the Long Barrows, getting a chance to know a bit more about the story of the Vales of the Anduin.
Once in Woodmen-Town they can tell their story and Bofri can explain the dwarves’ plans of business. If the company have Wolfbiter with them, the people from Woodmen-Town might want to call Ingomer from Woodland Hall before they tell anything to the heroes about it.
Twenty years ago, Ingold son of Ingomer, and Geirbald were two young, brave and bold woodmen. Wishing to inscribe their names in the Great Hall, they decided to hunt the Werewolf of Mirkwood. For this task, they managed to persuade Leudast, the greatest hero among them, killer of uncountable wolves. With them came some of their friends, all seeking glory in the hunt. When they first saw the Werewolf, fear stroke in the hearts of all. Geirbald, his reason blinded, shoot arrow after arrow at the beast, ignoring friend from foe. Unbeknownst to him, one of his arrows stroke his sister, who was among the scouts of the group. Most of the friends fled the place, but Leudast, Ingold and Geirbald somehow managed to follow the beast. Ingold felt uncounscious after trying to wound the beast. Leudast, with his legendary axe, managed to hit it deeply, burying the head of the axe in its flesh like a fang. But the hit was so strong that the handle broke. Unarmed, the Werewolf subdued him and disappeared with both Ingold and Leudast into the utter darkness of the forest. Geirbald, still shaking, managed to take the handle of Wolfbiter from the ground and runned for days until he reached Woodmen-Hall. There, Ingomer heard his story, and full of rage for the loss of his son, broke the handle of Wolfbiter on his knee. After sending scouts to look for his son, they found the body of Geirbald’s sister, killed by one of his brother’s arrows. Ashamed by so many loses, he fled Woodlmen-Hall and lived as an Outlaw in the woods thereafter, hunting wolves, orcs and spiders.
When the heroes brought the head of Wolfbiter back to Ingomer, his first thought was that either Ingold or Leudast was alive. If the first, his son could return home to his father. If the second, he might have information about what happened to his heir.
ITEM: Wolfbiter
Type: Long-hafted Axe
Craftsmanship: Númenórean
Banes: Wolves, Goblins
1. Raging
A weapon graced by this Quality deals an extra loss of Endurance to an attacked Bane creature equal to your Valour even on a missed attack roll.
2. Superior Fell
Its Injury rating gains a bonus equal to the bearer’s Valour only when used against a Bane creature. Otherwise the weapon’s Injury rating is raised by two, as the normal Fell bonus.
3. Keen
The weapon’s Edge rating is reduced by one (note that an Edge rating of A becomes a rating of 10).
Notes: An axe of Númenórean craftsmanship, its broad head engraved with images of wolves and warg-riding goblins. Its age suggests it was crafted during the time that Arnor’s successor kingdoms struggled against the armies of the Witch-king of Angmar, and it is wound with spells to drive the evil forces back to the mountains.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Are people still working on this?
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” ~ Faramir
- Posts: 370
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 1:11 am
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Sorry my life has been super busy the last few months - hoping to get back to this at some point.
Finishing a novel - it is taking priority at the moment.
Finishing a novel - it is taking priority at the moment.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I've been trying to get work done on my part, but it's probably going to be a while.... Too much going on!Seosaidh wrote:Are people still working on this?
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
This space intentionally blank.
This space intentionally blank.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Well, at least my work on Aestid and Denlar (2950) was done.Seosaidh wrote:Are people still working on this?
I don't know about the general state of the project, though.
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I hope this is still happening. It's an amazing undertaking.
Read my campaign's journal entries at https://the-company-of-the-whiskey-drin ... ortal.com/
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