Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:18 pm
I had it in mind to write a series of adventures in a similar format to the ones in Darkening of Mirkwood based on some of the plot hooks from both the tale of years in that book and some of the adventure hooks found in Heart of the Wild as well as some ideas I've developed myself. The idea being to have some alternative adventure ideas to play alongside the ones developed for Darkening.
It is a big project and I would like to invite my fellow Loremasters to help me complete the project. Below I will detail the Tale of Years I have set out - it runs to T.A 2960 and contains 1-2 ideas for adventures to happen in that year. If one gets your creative juices flowing and you'd like to write an adventure please do so (and let me know which one you are writing so we don't get people picking the same ones.
I'm looking for a similar amount of detail to the ones written in DoM. There are 25 ideas to pick from - hopefully one stands out that you'd like to pick up and run with. Of course I'm open to additional adventure to be inserted in the Age of Years, but I'd like to get these written first - I suppose folk may come up with possible follow on adventures (or perhaps lead up ones) that can be added - that would be great.
Please send them to me by Private Message - when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.
So please if you are feeling the itch to write an adventure - please help.
It is a big project and I would like to invite my fellow Loremasters to help me complete the project. Below I will detail the Tale of Years I have set out - it runs to T.A 2960 and contains 1-2 ideas for adventures to happen in that year. If one gets your creative juices flowing and you'd like to write an adventure please do so (and let me know which one you are writing so we don't get people picking the same ones.
I'm looking for a similar amount of detail to the ones written in DoM. There are 25 ideas to pick from - hopefully one stands out that you'd like to pick up and run with. Of course I'm open to additional adventure to be inserted in the Age of Years, but I'd like to get these written first - I suppose folk may come up with possible follow on adventures (or perhaps lead up ones) that can be added - that would be great.
Please send them to me by Private Message - when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.
So please if you are feeling the itch to write an adventure - please help.