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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:37 pm
by Mithrandir
Indur Dawndeath wrote:zedturtle wrote:If we ever get this done (and I know I have obligations here that I've dropped the ball on), if be glad to do it up all nice and pretty.
That's great. I hope Mithrandir will work a little on it now, to get it closer to completion.
Since I already used it and is preparing the wedding and Questing Beasts for my players along with a lot of other stuff, I really have no time to work on the flavour any time soon.
I still believe in the project though!!

I certainly will work on it, if there anything i can use from your playtest? Ive already started perperation on scene 1, and I wanted to ask you. How did Beldir become leader of the Free Mercenaries? I have decided that Harald of the Red Banner company already doesnt trust him and that there will be a a Encounter before the debate where the players can breifly speak to the LM NPCS including Harad. So what might Harad know about how he was chosen as leader that makes him wary of Beldir? For escort sizes I came up with this does that sound about right? Also Beldir and Doran might have some connection, I intend for Doran to be a sort of red herring so its not to obvious its Beldir.
Escort Size
Small: 30 mercenary hands to man the 3 Cnarras, with enough room for 30 passengers. Or 30 Mercenary riders.
Medium: Kingsguard: 60 veterans, 30 Mounted Kingsguard, 30 Kingsguard Archers or Red Company mercenary equivelent.
Large: The Kingguard: 120 Troops professional mounted riders.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:48 am
by Indur Dawndeath
I certainly will work on it, if there anything i can use from your playtest? Ive already started perperation on scene 1, and I wanted to ask you. How did Beldir become leader of the Free Mercenaries? I have decided that Harald of the Red Banner company already doesnt trust him and that there will be a a Encounter before the debate where the players can breifly speak to the LM NPCS including Harad. So what might Harad know about how he was chosen as leader that makes him wary of Beldir? For escort sizes I came up with this does that sound about right? Also Beldir and Doran might have some connection, I intend for Doran to be a sort of red herring so its not to obvious its Beldir.
Escort Size
Small: 30 mercenary hands to man the 3 Cnarras, with enough room for 30 passengers. Or 30 Mercenary riders.
Medium: Kingsguard: 60 veterans, 30 Mounted Kingsguard, 30 Kingsguard Archers or Red Company mercenary equivelent.
Large: The Kingguard: 120 Troops professional mounted riders.
In my game one player have a Holding in Dale that does guard duties for merchants, so the setup was optimal for him. The Escort size was in my game 10 warriors for each Company. They did not need the Kingsguard. So a total of 50 men.
Beldir was not known to the players before, but I have worked on a background for him, where he was one of the Archers of Lake-town that moved to Dale with King Bard after the Battle, but his ambitions were not satisfied under Bards rule, so he decided to start illicit business robbing Merchants. The other free mercenaries are not all robbers, it is just a gathering of warriors with no previous attachment. They are drawn into this unwittingly.
(You could use this Company, if your players have no interest in leading a Company. They could be hired by Beldir)
In my game Doran the Quick was a very irritating person, always ready to ridicule anyone, so the players was weary of him, and not so much of Beldir. That worked very nicely.
Looing forward to hear what you come up with.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:04 pm
by Mithrandir
based on that this is what I came up with to explain how an outlaw could become a speaker for the Free Mercenary Companies. Its not much but im stumped.
Originally an Archer of Lake-town that moved to Dale with King Bard after the Battle of Five Armies, but his ambitions were not satisfied under Bards rule, so he left Dale in 2942 falling in with several bands of outlaws and eventually falling in with Gierbald the Kinslayer. They did not see eye to eye but during this time he fell in love with fair Valdis (HotW 100 and appears in the tDoM in 2951). Then in 2945 he used his ill gotten gains to sponser various companies to protect merchants from bandits. So successful was he working both sides that he was elected as speaker for the Free Mercenary Companies at the Gathering in 2946.Secretly He and Valdis are planning a great heist, he intends to be accepted in the escort and when the time is right. At night on the return trip. He will slay the guards, signal his outlaw group and Valdis. Using her Raven “Eyeeater”. he has no desire to remain speaker and intends to do as Valdis wishes and return to the wilds.
It it ok to post my work here and get feedback and ideas from the community or should I open a new thread to work on this?
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:06 am
by Faeron8
As a LM who's just starting DOM, I would love to hear others additional adventures and ideas!!
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:11 pm
by guver
Hey guys,
Anybody posted any of the adventures mentioned here?
I loved this post and I'm running DoM for my players but we could benefit a LOT from this amazing undertaking here.
Thanks in advance,