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Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:02 pm
by farinal
I just watched the second part now. Bravo to the LM with the portrayal of the Hermit of Mirkwood. Awesome stuff! Very entertaining.

Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:43 am
by Hobbit Scholar
Thank you so much! I'm the LM for the game and am glad that other gamers are enjoying the podcast.

Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:47 am
by Evening
Quite a dry spell. Are they now being posted somewhere other than youtube?

Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:58 am
by Hobbit Scholar
Unfortunately, yes, we've had quite the dry spell. But we're not off the air. We're in talks now to go to a monthly broadcast due to several changes in the lives of players. Just to give everyone a rundown of the current situation of the players.

James/Loremaster (me): I've been quite busy and is still deeply in love with Middle-earth. My wife and I discovered in November that we will be expecting our first child in the coming summer! We're thrilled beyond words. Secondly, and almost as cool, is that I'm actually currenly working as a freelance author for Cubicle 7 Entertainment. I'm working on products tied to both the Rocket Age and The One Ring lines of games. It's a year of dreams come true for me.

Tyler/Theodmund: Tyler has had some pretty tough medical issues, a cross-country move, and is expecting another child to be joining his own family as well! While the medical issues have been resolved and he's safely moved from the West Coast of America to the northern midwest, he's still quite busy as a founder and creative director for the Middle-earth Network.

Lisa/Galmara: She's had a tough season. California wildfires have thankfully avoided her, and she too recently moved.

Martin/Cirmacar: Following the trend, he moved as well. With a new job and new home, he's settling in to his new home.

Chad/Belvil: He's continued to be amazing and if I recall correctly, he's managed to lose somewhere around a hundred pounds!

Steve: As News Director for Legendarium Sci-fi and Fantasy News, Steve's neck-deep in all things nerdy.

BUT, we're still coming together and look forward to releasing a new episode of TCoW this month as we continue exploring the adventures of Tales from Wilderland.

Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:39 am
by Evening
Thanks for the update and congratulations on wee one! What a tumultuous 3 months you and your friends have had. The most exciting thing that happens around here is when the geese flyover and the last time anyone moved was 8 years ago.

Anyhow, I think we can get by on a few more Random Fandoms until the next episode.

Best of luck to you.

Re: The Company of Wilderland - A One Ring actual play podca

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:04 am
by jacksarge
That's great news that you guys will be back. I've been watching all the episodes I could find whilst waiting for my copy of TOR to arrive in Australia. I really enjoy listening to you, helps me learn more about the game plus having a good laugh at the antics of the group. Keep up the good work, and all the best to you and your families.