Hello everyone, new LM here.
I ran a session the other day where this issue came up and we discussed some options back and forth. We settled on a solution where the player would still roll when invoking the trait, but being Hardy allowed him to consider a normal travel roll as easy, so the TN was 12 instead. The player felt this was apropriate and it allowed for a roll that allowed advancement points and possibly invoking a hazard result.
We will probably be flexible depending on the scene and stakes involved with regards to how we will use traits.
Travel Fatigue and Traits
Re: Travel Fatigue and Traits
Welcome, Fundin! 

Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
- Posts: 5160
- Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:20 pm
Re: Travel Fatigue and Traits
I gotta admit, I wish there something explicitly in the rules regarding standard/repeated skill tests, such as preliminary rolls and travel tests. I like the "One auto-success per trait per scene" rule, with a "scene" being defined as a full Combat, Journey, or Encounter, with the onset of one of the other two types marking the end of the scene. (I.e., your Journey lasts until you have a formal Encounter or Combat.)Fundin wrote:Hello everyone, new LM here.
I ran a session the other day where this issue came up and we discussed some options back and forth. We settled on a solution where the player would still roll when invoking the trait, but being Hardy allowed him to consider a normal travel roll as easy, so the TN was 12 instead. The player felt this was apropriate and it allowed for a roll that allowed advancement points and possibly invoking a hazard result.
We will probably be flexible depending on the scene and stakes involved with regards to how we will use traits.
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
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