What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

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What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by pduggan » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:44 pm

The prior "ideas for the Viglund thread" had some good ones I plan on using, like making Astrid a love interest for the Beorning PC in my group, and some of the characterizations of Viglund.

Old thread viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3474

But the first thing DOW has with Viglund is he wants to "seize the Forest Gate"

Why? What good would it do him? Wouldn't the elves be really wroth with him? Pace Beorn scuffling with him over the gate, I'd think elf archers shooting him out of the dark would be appropriate.

Now it does seem Tharanduil is occupied with weightier matters in 2951 on, since Sauron is active and 3 ringwraiths are about in the wood. But maybe all the more reason why he would need to keep men from controlling the Gate.

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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by Falenthal » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:42 pm

I don't see him as wanting to control the Elven path, but the lands of the Anduin that surround it.
I imagine he would do this to control the trade lines, and receive the tolls. Elves are known for keeping to themselves if the fight isn't brought to their territory. As long as the Viglunds don't tread in the wood, Viglund probably expects the elves not to interfer.

Also, Viglund probably wants the more fertile lands to the south of his territory, and that begins at the Forest Gate.

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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by zedturtle » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:52 am

To me, Viglund not only serves as a foil to Beorn (and a thorn in his side), but as a dark mirror of what fate awaits Beorn if he mis-steps on his road to leadership.

As a mirror, Viglund controls the North Ford, like Beorn controls the Old Ford. But the North Ford leads only to the Sceadudene, so travel is light. Controlling the Forest Gate would allow Viglund to capture the revenue that Beorn is capturing at the Old Ford. And, knowing Viglund, he might be capturing more than just revenue, if he thinks he can get away with it. As others have said, Thranduil is far away, and rarely interested in the doings of mortals. Beorn is closer, but how many Beorning lives are worth the Toll?

In my game, Viglund has taken a two-prong approach to this problem. I don't want to give too much away, as I know I have players reading this, but he wants to improve his trade prospects in the lands that he holds (or those he could control) and also expand out to seize new lands, but only when he thinks he can get away with it.
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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by Láthspell » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:51 am

Also something to consider is that Viglund was a chieftain in the Vales before the Battle of Five Armies and thus before Beorn decided to take up the mantle of leadership. He might well believe Beorn to be a usurper, claiming territories and fealty that Viglund considers to be his by right. The Viglundings likely suffered from Orc raids in the dark years, and are effectively a bulwark between the Grey Mountains and the cottars further south in the Vales. Having someone come in and reap the rewards likely vexed Viglund considerably.

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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by Falenthal » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:45 pm

Láthspell wrote:Also something to consider is that Viglund was a chieftain in the Vales before the Battle of Five Armies and thus before Beorn decided to take up the mantle of leadership. He might well believe Beorn to be a usurper, claiming territories and fealty that Viglund considers to be his by right. The Viglundings likely suffered from Orc raids in the dark years, and are effectively a bulwark between the Grey Mountains and the cottars further south in the Vales. Having someone come in and reap the rewards likely vexed Viglund considerably.
Very good points. Viglund vs Beorn, and the Kingfisher vs the Lord of the Eagles are quarries where not everything is black and white.
Last edited by Falenthal on Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by farinal » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:41 pm

I just love the Kingfisher. What kind of interaction can he has with the players do you think?
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Re: What does Viglund want? (ideas?)

Post by Glorelendil » Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:24 pm

He just wants somebody to ask him how his day was for once. Is that too much?
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