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Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:31 pm
by Francesco
Khamul wrote:...hope the bindings will be alot better though hehe ;)
They should be hardbacks. And content-wise, I think we didn't prepare you yet for the impact The Heart of the Wild and The Darkening of Mirkwood will have on the line... can't wait!


Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:54 pm
by Ferretz
The One Ring is my favorite rpg, and I've followed it since before release. I don't think any other rpg inspires such enthusiasm. Our group still has a long way to go before we run out of published material (yes, you guys at C7 did a fantastic campaign in Tales from Wilderland).

So, what I wanted to ask is if Darkening of Mirkwood and Heart of the Wild will be released at the same time. And if not, which comes first? :)


Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:57 pm
by Francesco
Ferretz wrote:So, what I wanted to ask is if Darkening of Mirkwood and Heart of the Wild will be released at the same time. And if not, which comes first?
The Heart of the Wild will be released first, as the supplement is perfectly usable without its companion, The Darkening, where on the contrary you need The Heart of the Wild to fully enjoy the Darkening.


Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:01 pm
by Ferretz
Francesco wrote:
Ferretz wrote:So, what I wanted to ask is if Darkening of Mirkwood and Heart of the Wild will be released at the same time. And if not, which comes first?
The Heart of the Wild will be released first, as the book is perfectly usable without its companion, The Darkening, where on the contrary you need The Heart of the Wild to fully enjoy the Darkening.


So are we talking a couple of months between the two, or longer? (ok, I'm fishing for hints, I admit it :P )


Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:09 pm
by Francesco
Ferretz wrote:So are we talking a couple of months between the two, or longer? (ok, I'm fishing for hints, I admit it :P )
Not the right person to ask unfortunately! But it seems an official communication is indeed imminent. Consider also that the lifting of the .pdf ban makes for a shorter wait.


Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 1:04 am
by Aiwendil
This RPG is an outstanding homage to Middle Earth. Can't wait for more TOR products.

Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:02 am
by BobusX
Wonderful news! The One Ring is one of the only RPGs to really hold my interest long enough for me to get a campaign really rolling. Should be finishing Kinstrife and Dark Tidings this weekend, and keep rolling from there. Thanks again for the great work!

Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:07 am
by roodie
My birthday is on 24th of May. Just saying. If you know what I mean ;)

Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:58 am
by Ferretz
Mine is on the 28th of May. ;)

Re: Status on next TOR book?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:44 am
by BobusX
Funny enough, my Birthday is May 24th as well. Sounds like we are building a consensus release date. ;)