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Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:18 pm
by SirKicley
Mim wrote:Thank you Sir Kickley.
[derailing conversation]
Hey Mim; it's Kicley. You always add an extra K.
If it helps - it's supposed to be pronounced "Kis-lee" It's a name of my first favorite D&D character - an elven cavalier in 1st edition Unearthed Arcana version that I played for about 3 years when I was 14-16 years old. (a long time ago). To this day - it's still a name and persona that I tend to gravitate to and is my screenname on just about everything.
FWiW - It was my all-time favorite character I ever played until about 10 years ago when I discovered Frostrazor (my barbarian/rogue in 3rd edition D&D - who has since become my alter ego and favorite character I've ever enjoyed portraying)
[/derailing conversation]
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:34 am
by Robin Smallburrow
In regards to Noldor (and all other Elves) I don't have a problem with a player who wants to play such a character because although the PC will have advantages over a hobbit in areas such as combat, what about social situations (imagine if Legolas had to do the talking with the Rohirrim!)
Secondly, I have introduced a racial Shadow Weakness for all elves: Fading, to represent the danger all elves face in the late Third Age and later. The first trait of this weakness is Forgetful, where a character who gains this trait can go into a 'trance' for a certain no. Of minutes without warning (to other characters it as if the elf has gone to sleep)
Robin S.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:41 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Mim wrote:Thank you Sir Kickley.
Good call on Elrond's sons Otaku-sempai. I agree with the Slayer calling, considering their mother's 'torment' at the hands of the Orcs.
Ditto for the Elven backgrounds.
Some of the Eldar will make extraordinary warriors - Glorfindel will be a one-Elf army
Thanks. I was writing off the cuff, not having looked at the other posted examples yet. The greatest of the Eldar would (naturally) be given NPC status. Glorfindel is an excellent example.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:54 pm
by Mim
Oops, mia culpa
BTW, it sounds as if you had a blast running that character.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:32 pm
by Ferretz
Just wanted to get this thread back onto the topic. Still no status updates? Any news from some Twitter feed or something?
Just watched the new teaser for the next The Hobbit film, and it really got my blood pumping.
I know that the nice people at Cubicle 7 will tell us when they have something to tell. But I'm posting this anyway, instead they forgot.
(and to mention the new teaser trailer, of course!)
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:59 pm
by Mytholder
As soon as there's anything to be announced, we'll shout it from the rooftops. We're just as eager as you are to see the coming supplements released.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:42 pm
by Moria Firefly
Mytholder wrote:As soon as there's anything to be announced, we'll shout it from the rooftops. We're just as eager as you are to see the coming supplements released.
Thanks Mytholder!
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:59 pm
by DavetheLost
As far as Noldor or other "superpowered" PCs in my games I deal with them quite simply. I am the GAme Master, I am the Law!
If I suspect a player of beardy munchkinly Min-Maxing I will simply say "No". If the character looks like it will make an interesting addition to the game I will say "Yes". If I am not sure I will say "Let's try it and see what happens."
Just because the stats are in the books doesn't mean you get to play one in my game.
That said, any hints on what comes after Mirkwood and Rivendell? When do we get out of Wilderland? Not that I am complaining, but Rohan and Gondor would be a great place to set a campaign.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:25 pm
by DavetheLost
One request and one additional comment.
Will it be possible to obtain single copies of the Adventurer's Book? For those players who don't intend to become Lore Masters.
Comment for Jon on bindings: The great thing about the hard (as in shield grade) slip cover for the Laketown sourcebook is the way it doubles as a Lore Master's Screen. Excellent product functionality and way to give us extra value.
Re: Status on next TOR book?
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:53 am
by Numenorean
Just a quick contribution on the playability of Noldor elves. I think it is important to remember that the Noldor that we know the most about in LOTR, Glorfindel and Galadriel, are exceptionally ancient and powerful. Galadriel is arguably the greatest Noldor of them all (Feanor being corrupt) and while we don't know much about Glorfindel's origins, we learn enough from Gandalf's conversation with Frodo in 'Many Meetings'. We are told that 'those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once in both worlds'. So Glorfindel was born before the Sun and the Moon and dwelt in the Undying Lands. In game terms that must be worth a good few experience points!
Of course such characters have to be NPCs. However, just because you can't play an ancient and powerful Noldor doesn't mean that you couldn't play a much younger one, born in recent years and never resident with the Valar. Remember too that Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel no-less, was ambushed and captured by Orcs - so she doesn't seem to qualify as a one-elf army! Elves are immortal and therefore capable of BECOMING incredibly powerful. Those who dwelt in the light of the two trees also seem to have returned to Middle Earth greatly enhanced. So, saying no millenia-old Noldor Exiles as PCs need not be the same thing as saying no Noldor PCs full stop.