Majestic wrote:While I agree with those that have said they want to encourage Trait usage, it did strike me as a little bit abusive to just say "I'm going to invoke Nimble three times" or "I'll just invoke my Hardy Trait for all four rolls".
I understand your point of view, and in part think the same.
But also, I prefer to value that this character won't gain any AP. In fact, if he rolled, he could even gain all three Movement points just with this action: 1 for the first succeed, 2 for the second by just applying his Nimble Trait, and if he was lucky to roll a 6 in the third test, applying the Nimble Trait again. To say the least, with two successes he could gain the first and second AP.
By invokint the Trait three times, he doesn't gain anything other than succeeding at a task with no remarkable consequences. Because if the consequences were of uttermost importance, then autosucceeding with Traits shouldn't be allowed as per RAW.