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Tying it all together, starting up

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:29 pm
by Jegergryte

I'm now sitting on the core rule, tales from wilderland and words of the wise... any suggestions on how to tie this all together?

Starting with Words of the Wise seems like a good idea, it will take them around, experience some heroics and perhaps set a good feel in the players, while also learning the system.

The question is how to tie that together with The Marsh Bell adventure, and that into the series of adventures/mini-campaign that Tales from Wilderland supplies.
  • The journey from the Woodland Hall to Lake-town would need some incentive.
    • They could be sent my Radaghast I guess, some mysterious cliché riddle about being needed or whatnot?
  • Following the return to Lake-town with Balin, the group could get involved with the first encounter in the TfW quest line, with some deviation and changes to allow a return to Lake-Town, get reward and rest up and all... and then get into the caravan guard job...

Have anyone done anything like this, I'd appreciate hints, tips and notes if anyone got any.

Re: Tying it all together, starting up

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:45 pm
by bfl

Not sure if this will help as I did not follow the order that you are proposing, but here is what I did:
1) The Marsh Bell
2) Don't Leave the Path - the starting location makes this an easy transition. Here the players wanted to return the shards of Wolfbiter to Woodland Hall, which led to a Fellowship Phase there over the winter.
3) Words of the Wise / Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit - Combined adventures and changed location of hunt to Woodland Hall and Dindy's (and some Woodmen's) location of imprisonment to under the foothills of the Mountains of Mirkwood rather than beneath the Misty Mountains. Also introduced them to Merovech and Odo from Kinstrife and Dark Tidings since Dindy's caravan was now ambushed in Beorning territory much closer to the Inn. The thanes have pressing business in the South and our heroes realize that rescuing the hobbit and saving the kidnapped woodmen are one in the same quest. I saved Shanker for use later in Kinstrife and Dark Tidings and stole someone else's idea about him being a Ranger in disguise. The orcs involved wear the image of a red gibbet.
4) Kinstrife and Dark Tidings - While rescuing Dindy and the kidnapped Woodmen, the characters learn that more attacks are coming and thus set off to warn Beorn. On their way, they discover the bodies of his thanes and evidence of an escaped prisoner.
5) Those Tarry No Longer - The Heroes had already made arrangements to go back and try and rescue the hermit and bring him to Woodland Hall. Upon leading a contingent of Woodmen to his tree, they are beset by Galion and so begin the adventure pretty much as-written.
6) Just started a Darkness in the Marshes, have not worked out all the modifications yet. Am looking forward to one of my player's Beorning character running into Ghor, as I had used this orc in some leading interview questions that another forum poster had suggested using in order to tie player's backgrounds into the adventure material.

Hope that was useful.

Best regards,


Re: Tying it all together, starting up

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:25 pm
by Mim
These are very helpful Brian. You link these several times in ways that I hadn't considered, & I may use these myself.

Re: Tying it all together, starting up

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:06 pm
by Evening ... 000&st=120

JamesRBrown, Skywalker, and Ovid discuss the order and linkage.

read pages 9-11 (ending with Ovid's writeup)
bfl wrote: Not sure if this will help as I did not follow the order that you are proposing, but here is what I did:
You have some good ideas there Brian.