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Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:37 pm
by Rich H
SirKicley wrote:If you're going to tease us with these TMI snippets, the least you can do is include pictures!
Of course, how rude of me.
Here you go...

Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:07 pm
by bartol91
If I order through the Cubicle 7 shop right now, will I get my pdf immediately or do I have to wait (let's say would I have to wait more than 1 day, anything less than that I do not consider waiting)?
Thank you in advance, and a big thank you for going back to pdf. I love having a printed edition, but I enjoy my pdf's as well (easy reading on the iPad, plus I carry printed PDFs to conventions because a lot of people have really bad manners and tend to ruin my cherished rulebooks!)
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:53 pm
by Mytholder
PDFs are sent out manually, but tomorrow's a working day, so it should be dispatched relatively promptly.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:10 am
by jamesrbrown
@Gareth - You have one of the coolest jobs anyone could ask for! You must be having the time of your life. How many hours do you spend in research each week for your writing?
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:08 pm
by Mim
@Rich, Thanks for the pic - I can't wait to get my pdf of the source book!
@James, I concur - Gareth (& the rest of 'em) must love their jobs
BTW, for anyone waiting for your
Lake-town pdf, the purchase copy on RPGNow is number three in popularity this morning. Considering how many games they have, number three is pretty darn impressive, & says a great deal about how well fans receive this game.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:19 pm
by Rich H
Mim wrote:... for anyone waiting for your Lake-town pdf, the purchase copy on RPGNow is number three in popularity this morning. Considering how many games they have, number three is pretty darn impressive, & says a great deal about how well fans receive this game.
I'd love to know how much exactly.
Mind you, you only have to check out the traffic on this sub-forum when compared to C7's other games to see how much more interested and engaged the TOR fans are.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:09 pm
by Mytholder
jamesrbrown wrote:@Gareth - You have one of the coolest jobs anyone could ask for! You must be having the time of your life. How many hours do you spend in research each week for your writing?
Depends on the project. The One Ring actually requires less research than some other projects, as it's pretty self-contained and there's a wealth of existing material concentrated in a few places. Still, you do find yourself looking for the oddest things, like horizon calculators to determine what you can see from the summit of Erebor...
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:46 am
by Yusei
Mim wrote:BTW, for anyone waiting for your Lake-town pdf, the purchase copy on RPGNow is number three in popularity this morning.
I'm guessing they're counting the free downloads we're all receiving at the same time. Still, good publicity.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:57 am
by Jon Hodgson
Yusei wrote:
I'm guessing they're counting the free downloads we're all receiving at the same time.
In our experience that is not the case.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:29 am
by Ferretz
First off (and I'm sorry if this has been asked before), will upcoming books for The One Ring be released as PDFs before the physical books? I seem to remember that this was the case with the core set and Tales from Wilderland.
Also, I got an e-mail with a coupon code for the Lake-Town sourcebook. It ended up in my spam filter, but when I tried to move it to my innbox, it disappeared. :/