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Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:43 pm
by Mim
Dom, Jon: I just received my pdfs of Lake-town & the Loremaster's Screen & everything went fine.
Thank you!
For those of you still waiting, you'll love these when they arrive in your Inbox (or in my case Spam filter - don't forget to check your Spam) & they download easily.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:39 am
by bartol91
Ordered my Lake-town + LMs screen on Sunday, can't wait for it to arrive.
I just want to say how the people working on The One Ring line of products have been great in showing full customer support (and well above), and You guys really have an appreciation for the customer, and it shows. Getting back the PDF's is not a move some companies would be bothered with, but with it you have gained my respect and loyalty. I have nothing but words of praise for you gentlemen!
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:33 am
by bartol91
Hmm, still no email with the download. Probably just some backlog, right?
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:09 pm
by Jon Hodgson
bartol91 wrote:Hmm, still no email with the download. Probably just some backlog, right?
Sounds like something has gone stray, somewhere. Please send us an email at with your order number and we can look into it for you.
Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:03 pm
by PhoenixAndy
While I'm happy that the issue has been resolved, I find myself slightly frustrated at the timing, having bought a copy from a 3rd party about a week before I read this news as it was significantly cheaper.
Now I know to get all my future tOR purchases direct

Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:06 pm
by Thig
1 Digital copy of Laketown! Thank you!

Re: The One Ring PDF products
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:24 pm
by aramis
Seeing that PDF's were again for sale, I've purchased the Laketown sourcebook. Good stuff in there.