by SirGalrim » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:32 am
Spring 2949 T.A. - A Darkness in the Marshes
We spent the long winter in the tranquillity of Rivendell. Although to us the winter seemed to pass like a mild breeze. We filled our days with the the pleasant company of the elves. The elves in Rivendell was both cheerful and wise at the same time. They enjoyed food, music, dance and stories. But they where not foolish, they told us up about ages past, they knew of forgotten crafts and lore, and sung songs of legends. Narur spend time talking to Damron, the master smith of Rivendell, and he used the opportunity to study more about Mount Gundabad and the Burzath clan. Lomund said he was studying history of the Lost Watchtower, but he always ended up in the great halls instead of the libraries.
One day in mid spring Lord Elrond called us to a council. There sat Lord Elrond, Lady Irimë, Lord Glorfindel and a few other elves and men. The matter of the council was the shadow that attacked Irimë, and the dark fortress that Gwaihir - the Lord of the Eagles - had spotted in the swamps of Gladden Fields. There was discussion whether the shadow could have come from that place. Elrond said it would be to great benefit learning the nature of the shadow creature. And if that being, or something else entirely, dwelt in the Gladden Fields. He asked us to investigate the mysterious fortress. We where a bit nervous but agreed to take on the mission. To assist us an Ranger with interest for Wilderland, and great experience in staying hidden in the wild, would accompany us. He asked Eradan to step forth. It was a young man with a firm gaze, strong shoulders. He looked to belong in the wild and bore light armour, a bow and a sword. (Eradan was played by a guest player.) Elrond recommend that we visited Mountain Hall first, maybe they would know more of what is going on in the marshes. If we where to find out anything he told us we may report to Radagast the Brown that will relay the information to the White Council.
A few days later we set out with our new companion. We learned to know him as a pleasant man that was very focused on the task and didn't talk to much. We where sad to leave Rivendell, and the climb out of the vale was perhaps the toughest part of the whole journey. We crossed the high moor between Rivendell and the Misty Mountains without any incidents. After some days of climbing the mountains Lomund spotted a storm coming fast. We found a cave to hid in just in time before the downpour struck. The rest of the high pass proved a hard but trivial journey. At the other side we avoided the ruins of Haycombe. After Haycombe Farald left the company. We where worried about the Easterly Inn and the farms we are building there. And Farald volunteered to see that the Hobbits there was safe, and also wanted to continue building our farms. The rest of us set foot into unknown territory, south towards Mountain Hall. Passing a small river coming down from the mountain Hildebrand found a pond brimming with mountain trout. We spent some time fishing and enjoying a excellent meal together.
After twenty-two long days since departing from Rivendell we finally arrived at Mountain hall. Mountain Hall was located up in a vale bellow the Misty Mountains. A fast-flowing river with icy-cold water protected Mountain Hall as it tumbled down from the snowy heights of the mountains. The hall had no protective hedge or walls – it only needed the river and the cliffs. A narrow bridge crossed the river, leading to a knot of outbuildings and storerooms at the front of the hall. Behind the long hall itself, a watchtower rose as if in imitation of the towering peaks around. At the bride we where met by the doorkeeper Bernald. We where allowed to speak with the chieftain, Hartfast, son of Hartmut. Hartfast himself looked like the Misty Mountains; craggy features,absurdly tall, and a wild shock of white hair. Golden amulets where braided into his grey beard. We then realized we had met this Hartfast before. He was in the delegation we escorted to the Gathering of the Five Armies. We met him deep in the mines where he and three other burly mountain-folk stand with their ears pressed against the far wall. When we asked why, they told us to listen for ourselves. In the distance, echoing through the stone, we could hear the tap-tap-tap of a hammer in the depths. Goblins trying to get into the mines of the Mountain-Hall explained Hartfast.
After trading news, and Narur telling how to fight goblins down in the dark, we finally got to the matter at hand. “Aye, there’s something afoot down south, in the Gladden Fields. There’s always trouble in those
parts, around Dwimmerhorn. I pay it little heed – I’ve worries closer to home.", Harfast said. He and the other elders explained that Dwimmerhorn is an old fort that sits on a stony hillock in the marshes. At least, it usually does – Dwimmerhorn moves of its own accord, they said. They told that it is said by the mountain-folk that the fort was built by servants of the Necromancer many years ago. One elder said that the marsh fortress is atop a ‘great black rock’ and that there is only one way up, a narrow path that is watched by many eyes. Orcs and worse things dwell there, and it is reputed to be haunted. Tales speak of dungeons and treasures delved deep into the black rock below. Some say the rock fell from the sky. Harfast added that some of the hunters who often come to Mountain Hall to trade have not been seen in several weeks. Maybe something happened to them in the marsh. If he had time and men to spare, then he would look into the matter. He appreciate that we would look into the matter. Hartfast offered us hospitality for several nights and supplies for the journey south. He also offered to send a guide with us.
That evening we spent in good company in the hall. We got introduced to a hunter named Magric that would guide us in the swamps. He often ventured there he said, but had kept clear of Dwimmerhorn. During the night, we where awoken by shouts of alarm from outside. Outside a storehouse was partly afire. Narur and Lomund spotted a trio of goblins scrambling up the steep mountain slope! Lomund shot one of the goblins and it fell far to the ground. The other two got away. Meanwhile Eradan heard something from the cliffs. He ran there and saw a injured guardsman clinging to a stone above the stream. Eradan did not hesitate and climbed down to the poor man. Lomund came over and help hoist up the guardsman. He had been stabbed by a goblin and fell over the cliff. The morning after, Hartfast visited us and thanked us for our help. He invited us to accompany him as he climbed the steps leading to the burg to behold the Horn of Warning. Carved from the tusk of a Cold-drake, it is a huge blowing horn, wrought with images carved by the hands of many skilled craftsmen. With this informal ceremony, Hartfast recognized us as friends of the House of Mountain Hall.
Magric was tall and well-spoken compared to most Woodmen. He told us he has been hunting and trapping a lot in the vales of the Gladden River. As we travelled with him he had a light mood and took an interest in our homelands and cultures. He was a skilled guide that knew many travel songs that made the miles go quicker. We arrived at the Gladden River and spotted a small boat of the river-folk. We hesitantly approached them and asked if they had seen the Dwimmerhorn or anything else foul in the marshes. They told us they avoid venture deep in the marsh and keep to the river. They did not know of the black fortress. They did not wish to talk of dark things and rather invited us to come to their Trader's Isle to play, dance and sing together. We refused and crossed the river. Three days into the marsh Magric told us he thought we where getting close. Then we suddenly heard hear the sound of several foes crashing through the marsh, and the savage howling of hunting Wargs. A single Northman in rags stumbled into view through the willow trees. He had clearly been living in terrible conditions for some months. Then Magric cried out “Ambush! Ambush!” A pack of orcs and wolves where then upon us. Before we could slay them all Magric ran away, and one orc sounded his horn. We freed the Northman and prepared for more orcs to come. They did and we where pretty weary when we managed to kill of the second wave.
The man in rags introduces himself as Walar, a Woodman. He recognised Magric the moment he saw him, for Magric had betrayed him too – the trapper had told Walar that he had found a cache of treasure in the marsh, and that he needed Walar’s help to recover it. The pair went into the marshes, and Magric handed him over to the Orcs! For long months, now, he suffered as a slave of the Orcs on the Dwimmerhorn. Walar told us that the fortress was not far away and that there is a lot of orcs there, and a few men. He told us about a temple built of the same black stone that makes up the cliff: “In the temple... there was something else, something horrible. It... was a watchful shadow.” He had managed to escape by a narrow goat path. He had waited for weeks to get the opportunity to jump over the wall and climb down the cliff. He called it a miracle that he was still alive.
We decided to try that path Walar spoke of. He hid in the swamp while we approached the fortress. The black rock of the Dwimmerhorn loomed out of the mist. The rock rose more than one hundred and fifty feet above the marshy plain. We saw that climbing the rock would be exceedingly difficult. Atop the rock we made out a low curtain wall encircling several buildings. Lomund and Eradan made the climb up the goat path. Narur and Hildebrand did not dare to try the climb. After listening for a while Eradan jumped over the wall and sneaked into the fortress. He circled the building of black stone and entered it from the courtyard. A fear came over him as he entered the corrupted temple. He managed to suppress it and walk further in. He could see some green light and hear someone talking further in. Then he bumped into something in the dark. Eradan immediately ran out and hid in the darkness. An huge orc came out and demanded to know who had dared enter the temple. Eradan and Lomund hid during the commotion. When things where settling down Lomund climbed up the back side of the temple. At the top there was some narrow openings and the ghostly green light emerged from the chambers bellow. He could see a casket where the green light emerged from. In front of it lay a ancient corpse with pale skin and dressed in a dark robe.
As Lomund peered into the unholy chamber two figures entered it. A man and an huge orc. They where arguing something. The Orc with the deep voice urged that they need to move sooner rather than later:“The mountain-maggots want plunder and war. They say they didn’t come south to sit and wait in holes. They want to kill!”
The human argued against striking to early: “But we are not ready, we need more time. The Chain is useless to us, unless we master its secrets. We must bide our time, until we can strike with one of the greatest weapons in all Middle-earth.” The man had a smooth voice but overemphasized words in every sentence.
The Orc responded boldly: "I say let 'em do some small raids. It won't reveal our full strength. Could burn those boats of those River-folk. No one cares about them. Or ambush some Woodmen out travelling or herding. And that village, Stonyford, is ripe for picking after Valter's attack"
The human seemed nervous: "Any raids close to the marshes will eventually draw attention here. If there is to be raids it must come out of Mount Gundabad, or somewhere up north. Stonyford turned into a huge mistake. Valter was not ready. He was blinded by his desire for a crown and struck to early. Now the fool is no longer around to draw attention away from us. And what about that Sword of Dale? They have meddled in out affairs to many times."
The corpse stirred and it's eye sockets got a gleam light. It whispered without any movement of it's head. Every word sent a shiver along Lomund's spine. “Send word to the mountain tribes... They will wait, or they will die with the rest of the North... Double your patrols. If we are discovered, all may be lost... As for those mortals... “ The voice was filed with hate and Lomund felt as if the corpse spat the words. “Sword of Dale... Prepare a trap for them where they least expect it. And send the most bloodthirsty orcs of the mountains with Ubhurz. He will hunt down the mortals and kill them, if they ever dare return from Rivendell... If Ubhurz fails me again he will suffer a slow terrible death..." The voice sounded delighted in thought of death and torture. The corpse lay still the whole time, but now the voice seemed gone also. The Orc and the man knelt before the corpse, and the gleam in the eyes of the corpse vanished. The two cohorts rose and left the temple. Lomund could hear the orc start talking to the man again: “Don't you worry about those traveling Bardings. Ubhurz has...” As they tuned a corner Lomund could not hear the rest of the sentence.
Eradan then circled the building again to see what was in the casket. This time he bumped into a guard in the dark but managed to pretend he was an patrolling orc! The corpse lay still without any gleam of light in it's eye sockets. But there was still a green light from the casket. Eradan saw that is was a oversized black metal chain that made the light. It was uncomfortable to look at. Eradan looked around what else interesting was in the room. As he touched a dagger he felt something move behind him. Without looking he ran out. And just as he opened the temple doors an orc spotted him, calling out. Then the the horns of alarm sounded.
We where chased through the marshes by orcs. We took some swift paths and hid our track well, crossing streams and finally Anduin river. We chose to flee to Rhosbogel and the wizard Radagast. We could in the distance see the goblins chasing us across the plains. After several days of forced march we got to the small forest village. We talked to the village elders but they did not know where Radagast currently was. They said we could look in the woods surrounding the village. In the wood we saw a squirrel behaving strange. We followed it to a cottage. Inside was the brown wizard feeding some birds... We told him the complete tale. And he said we had to go out and prepare the village for battle. When we stepped out the door and past some trees we stepped out into the village! The rest of the evening we helped with preparing defenses for the village. We where told that Radagast's spell would make the orcs have a hard time finding the village, and that their advancement on the village would be warned long before the attack. Some watchmen thought they saw some figures sneaking in the woods outside the forest. But there was no attack that night. Scouts returned later the next day and told that the orcs and gone south. It seemed to have been about one hundred of them!
With the immediate threat gone we could finally relax. But the very next day Radagast spoke to us again. Someone had to investigate the Dwimmerhorn again. Are there still prisoners there, how many orcs, who is this creature giving commands? Radagast asked if we would go again together with other Woodmen. We where hesitant and he offered to go with us himself. Together with the guide Banna we traveled back towards Gladden Fields. Walar had recovered some and was also with us. Radagast said he had magic that would protect us from detection and we could often see him speak with birds. He also gave us a Mirkwood Cordial that will restore our vigour after a battle. Banna was very curious, she had not seen much of the larger world. But she was also a bit strange. She talked to Lomund's horse as Lord Horse and talked to a bird as Mistress Bird. She also told us about the Field of Heroes (a battlefield also used for tournaments), The Toft (a large town that used to serve Dol Guldur, mostly men and some orcs live there, a few Woodmen go there to trade) and The Kingstone (a pillar of rock with the skull of a great beast — a Dragon, some say. The touch of many hands has worn the skull smooth, for it is a tradition for visitors to put their sword-hand upon it for luck.).
As we approached Dwimmerhorn Radagast told us that there was no trace of life there. After observing the place for a while we climbed up the main path. It was total silence inside the wall. We search around. It seemed like the place had been abandoned hastily. Then we ventured into the black temple. Inside was the horror of a pile of burned human slaves. It seemed they had been burned alive. Most of us ran out. A few stayed to search though the room. There was nothing interesting left. The pale human body that spoke had also been burned with the rest. Radagast poked it with his staff but it remained lifeless. We hurriedly left the place. Radagast speculated that the enemy did not expect to be discovered so soon, and has retreated to some other place of safety. He feared that the enemy is still plotting somewhere. Radagast wanted to hurry back to Rosbogel. We promised to take Walar back to Mountain Hall and tell about Magric's betrayal.
As we approached Mountain Hall we where surprised how fast we faced Magric. We where met by Magric, Harfast and twelve archers ready to knock their arrows at us. Hartfast yelled at us “You are not
welcome here. You have betrayed our friendship. Magric has told us about how you tried to murder him in the marshes. You are outlaws and Orcfriends! If I see you again, I shall have you put to death. Leave now and never return!” But we yelled back that Magric was the one betraying us. Once again the persuasive skills of Lomund saved us. We showed that Walar was with us, and he also yelled that Magric was traitor. We could see that Harfast became uncertain. Then a voice yelled “Shoot them!” Some men knocked their arrows at us, others stood confused as a blade flashed in Magric’s hand and stabbed Hartfast, before he dived into the river. Lomund ran forward, getting even more arrows fired at him as the guards was confused.
He then shot an arrow himself down in the river hitting Magric in the neck. And that was the end of Magric. We calmed down the guards, and Hildebrand ran over to help Hartfast. The wound looked bad. But Hildebrand has not failed to treat a wound yet. Hartfast recovered and was awake a few days later. He apologized, and thanked us again. He cursed himself for not seeing through the lies of Magric. He wondered how many of his people Magric had led to the enemy. With this our quest was over. We wanted to go back to the Easterly Inn and meet Farald again. But when we came to the Old Road, Eradan suddenly informed us that he wished to travel back to Rivendell. He nodded and wished us luck. And by that he was gone from our group just as quickly as he arrived. We finally got back to the Easterly Inn where we saw that Farald had got a lot work done on his farmland. It was good to be back at our second home.
Last edited by
SirGalrim on Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.