Re: The Canon discarded, the Adventure set free
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:36 am
So from the start of my campaign (marsh bell, TFW, DOM) I accepted there was a point when canon might fall to the wayside (which was proven by the end of the first game when one of my player's expressed a wish to wind up with the party's heirs to eventually become the Fellowship of the Ring). Well last night we completed 'Those Who Tarry' and that time of the canon falling away happened a lot quicker than anyone expected.
Everything had started off fine with our party of a Noldor Slayer, Barding Slayer, Lakeman Wanderer, Dwarf Slayer, Dwarf Burglar, and Hobbit Burglar all taking up the cause of getting Irime to the appointed meeting place (though it was begrudgingly agreed by the Dwarf brothers) so that the party could hopefully travel to Rivendell with her. Fast forward a bit and they had failed in their quest to protect her, I won't go into spoiler territory but they failed horribly.
Still determined to make it to Rivendell and hoping to make up for their failure, they requested to aid in escorting her alongside the sons of Elrond and the newly arrived Dunedain Warden. Travelling back through the High Pass they wound up with 4 hazards across the two journey rolls and ended up scavenging for firewood in a copse of trees when a group of 16 Orc Soldiers attacked them. Things at this point took a turn for the worst when the Dwarves and the Lakeman became miserable on the first round of combat. The very next round of combat the Dwarf Slayer and the Lakeman both rolled Eyes with the Lakeman determining they were all doomed and going catatonic and the Dwarf deciding the reason they were in this mess was be cause of Irime and on the next turn he coup de graced her while the others were focused on the Orcs. This act got all the Elves focused on knocking out the Dwarf to be dealt with later, they didn't count on his Burglar brother breaking off the fight with the Orcs to battle anyone attacking his brother.
Four rounds and two more bouts of madness later the combat was over with the following results: Irime had been slain by the Dwarf Slayer who was in turn slain by an Orc after being knocked out by Elladan. The Noldor Slayer had been slain by an Orc after being knocked out by the Dwarf Slayer. The Lakeman Wanderer had been slain by an Orc. Elladan had been slain by the Dwarf Burglar after he slew his brother's killer. The Dwarf Burglar was slain by the Barding Slayer who suffered the final bout of madness when he killed off the final Orcs he had been battling in time to see Elladan slain by his companion.
It was a very unexpected turn for the adventure and the storyline as I'm now envisioning this might wind up pushing Elrond to be more like Thranduil in how he works with the very least I think Dwarves may have lost any sort of access to Imladris.
Everything had started off fine with our party of a Noldor Slayer, Barding Slayer, Lakeman Wanderer, Dwarf Slayer, Dwarf Burglar, and Hobbit Burglar all taking up the cause of getting Irime to the appointed meeting place (though it was begrudgingly agreed by the Dwarf brothers) so that the party could hopefully travel to Rivendell with her. Fast forward a bit and they had failed in their quest to protect her, I won't go into spoiler territory but they failed horribly.
Still determined to make it to Rivendell and hoping to make up for their failure, they requested to aid in escorting her alongside the sons of Elrond and the newly arrived Dunedain Warden. Travelling back through the High Pass they wound up with 4 hazards across the two journey rolls and ended up scavenging for firewood in a copse of trees when a group of 16 Orc Soldiers attacked them. Things at this point took a turn for the worst when the Dwarves and the Lakeman became miserable on the first round of combat. The very next round of combat the Dwarf Slayer and the Lakeman both rolled Eyes with the Lakeman determining they were all doomed and going catatonic and the Dwarf deciding the reason they were in this mess was be cause of Irime and on the next turn he coup de graced her while the others were focused on the Orcs. This act got all the Elves focused on knocking out the Dwarf to be dealt with later, they didn't count on his Burglar brother breaking off the fight with the Orcs to battle anyone attacking his brother.
Four rounds and two more bouts of madness later the combat was over with the following results: Irime had been slain by the Dwarf Slayer who was in turn slain by an Orc after being knocked out by Elladan. The Noldor Slayer had been slain by an Orc after being knocked out by the Dwarf Slayer. The Lakeman Wanderer had been slain by an Orc. Elladan had been slain by the Dwarf Burglar after he slew his brother's killer. The Dwarf Burglar was slain by the Barding Slayer who suffered the final bout of madness when he killed off the final Orcs he had been battling in time to see Elladan slain by his companion.
It was a very unexpected turn for the adventure and the storyline as I'm now envisioning this might wind up pushing Elrond to be more like Thranduil in how he works with the very least I think Dwarves may have lost any sort of access to Imladris.