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Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:25 pm
by Curulon
I suppose aggressively refreshing the C7 homepage looking for the Horselords of Rohan pre-order is not a productive way to spend my downtime, is it?

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:40 pm
by cuthalion
Curulon wrote:I suppose aggressively refreshing the C7 homepage looking for the Horselords of Rohan pre-order is not a productive way to spend my downtime, is it?
You'll find no judgement here.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:48 pm
by cuthalion
Jon & Cub7, this is a pitifully late reply, but wanted to add my thanks for this update. The new releases and coming developments for the line are super exciting: you are all doing a great job! And it's especially noted that the news comes via the forum exclusively, for us compulsive followers. Shucks!

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 5:21 pm
by Rue
Wait, clicking refresh and hoping for the preorder doesn't make it appear faster? Damn.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:16 pm
by Curulon
And yet we try.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:16 pm
by markmohrfield
The C7 website, on which you should keep an eye, has this to say:

"The Adventurer’s Companion – The first supplement aimed squarely at players. Including a whole wealth of advice, ideas and background for making your own hero and company, as well as new Heroic Cultures including Bree-folk, Riders of Rohan, Dwarves of the Blue Mountain, the Elves of Lorien and People of Gondor, a new Calling in the form of the Captain, and expanded rules for generational play."
I was wondering if any alterations had been made since that had been put up. In particular, I heard a rumor (which I'm suspicious of, for the record) that Elves of Lorien had been dropped as being too similar to Elves of Mirkwood.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:51 pm
by Otaku-sempai
markmohrfield wrote:I was wondering if any alterations had been made since that had been put up. In particular, I heard a rumor (which I'm suspicious of, for the record) that Elves of Lorien had been dropped as being too similar to Elves of Mirkwood.
This is the first I've heard of such a rumor, but neither have I been hanging about any other rpg forums.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:55 pm
by Falenthal
I also haven't heard about the Elves of Lórien being dropped. I would be very disappointed, as they're my favourite elven culture.

But I agree that they could be pretty similar to Mirkwood elves, just with some minor changes (Great Bow instead of Bow, Elven Cloack as a Reward, ...).

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:00 pm
by Jon Hodgson
When we can share information we do. And I promise we don't hold anything back.

We won't have anything more to add about The Adventurer's Companion until after the release of Horselords of Rohan. And Horselords is full of really great stuff, so that's no great hardship.

I can say with complete confidence any rumours you have heard are complete bunk. There just isn't anywhere for them to have come from.

One of the great joys of The One Ring for me is getting a new supplement (or in my case the new manuscript - sadly the bonus of the early look is balanced by the fact I don't get the surprise of seeing it all laid out with the art like you guys do!) and discovering how Francesco, Andrew, Gar and the rest of the design and writing team have handled a given culture or locale. I don't think it would be right, nor within the terms of our various agreements, to diminish those magical moments by spoiling any of the amazing surprises that are coming up.

That's said, don't feel like you can't speculate about what might be in any of the upcoming material. We love reading your guesses, and whilst we're often not in a position to take direct requests, we do take opinions expressed here into account where we can.

Re: Horselords of Rohan Update October 21st 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:06 pm
by Curulon
Jon Hodgson wrote:We won't have anything more to add about The Adventurer's Companion until after the release of Horselords of Rohan. And Horselords is full of really great stuff, so that's no great hardship.
Jon, you do not help the anticipation! :D *refreshes C7 website more*