Zirak looks to mean; tall, high, spike, pinnacle... but what does "inbar" means?
What does Zirakinbar mean
Re: What does Zirakinbar mean
It's an older version of what became Zirak-Zigil. My best guess is that "High Horn" is the best way to translate it; 'inbar' (before it was deprecated) seems to mean horn or spur of rock.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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Re: What does Zirakinbar mean
Zirakzigil is the Silvertine, and apparently "zigil" means "silver", so "zirak" presumably means "tine" i.e. "point" or "prong".
Barazinbar is the Redhorn, and "baraz" means "red, so "inbar" presumably means "horn".
So "Zirakinbar" seems to mean "point (of) horn", maybe referring to the tower's appearance, like a sharply projecting spike on the mountaintop?
Barazinbar is the Redhorn, and "baraz" means "red, so "inbar" presumably means "horn".
So "Zirakinbar" seems to mean "point (of) horn", maybe referring to the tower's appearance, like a sharply projecting spike on the mountaintop?
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... but you can call me Mark.
... but you can call me Mark.
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