Hi Elmoth,
Absolutely, the aim is not to make it a burdensome logistical exercise if someone wants to use the trait. As I mentioned in a response to Robin, going on constant quests for herb collection is not what I am aiming to achieve. What I do want to do is to make the skill Herb-Lore and other associated skills very much worth while, not make the ability more difficult. I did not say that I wanted to turn my game into a "search for that herb game", more for the players to think about how they heal whether through regular means or supplemented with herbal remedies (assuming that there is no problem getting the herbs).
I am trying to, in my own mind, establish a framework as to why this skill is important and how it takes place in the game. As I move forward I would be looking at other skills as well, for example Smoking. I'd be asking why is Smoking an important trait, what value does it add and why would people choose that over a more functional trait like Burglary? A friend of mine and I were talking about the complexities in languages using Japanese to English as an example, it's not just about the direct translation, there are cultural issues as well. I would like to see how this concept is applied in Custom Skills like Song, Courtesy and Riddle or the trait Fair-Spoken.
For example, Cooking. It has one sentence that says the character can cook and prepare food from simple bread to special dishes. I could look at this two ways ...
- It's a relatively useless trait, most people can cook basic meals.
- Cooking a good meal using this trait can speed up recovery or have some other positive mechanical effect.
I started with the Healing, Herb-Lore, Gardening, Cooking first because it's related to combat and recovery and impacts a characters survival. The skills that I mentioned in the previous post are all important ... or at least I want them to be. There is no mention of 'healing salves" under the Treating Wounds section (page 131) and there is an assumption that with Healing skill (page 89) you can apply use herbs or salves. Herbs and salves don't have a mechanical impact on recovery either as far as I can tell (I haven't finished reading yet). So in a way, players could argue that Herb-Lore is a useless skill, as long as you can pop down to the corner store and get some supplies you'll be alright. Which incidentally is also an automatic success given the rules on Standards of Living (page 119) where
The characters in The One Ring are adventurers, individuals used to relying on their abilities to find sustenance in the wild, rather than putting their hand into their money bags. To avoid the need for a lengthy equipment list, or overly detailed rules for economics, a characters culture provides them with a Standard of Living.
The party just needs a dwarf in it and they are set.
I don't want to play the game that way, I want each skill to matter and have a positive in-game effect. I want all the skills and traits to make a difference and be valuable. I love the flexibility that TOR has, it's a wonderful thing, so it's up to me to work out a way to utilise this flexibility in my own game in a way the makes sense to me.
The discussion and my writing on the topic was not about the collection of herbs but more about the availability. Why I think elixirs are rare, why would medicinal herbs be expensive? And ultimately why would Herb-Lore be a good choice.
As a
new player I am attempting to rationalise these traits and skills through discussion, starting with the skills, traits and virtues around healing. This discussion is to help me understand how I would apply non-combat skills in the game in such a way that provides a little more depth and life in the world.
I understand that TOR is not about the logistics I would not have bought the product if it was.