What, exactly, are the benefits of a Sanctuary? Reading over the rules again, I see that the description of Fellowship Phases says:
So, a place does not have to be a Sanctuary for characters to spend their Fellowship phase there. I also noted that in the description of the Heal Corruption Undertaking, it says:The players are free to spend the phase at any place they
have already visited during the game.
So that is one tangible benefit of spending an FP in a Sancturay--the ability to make two rolls to Heal Corruption, instead of just one.Characters spending their Fellowship phase in a
sanctuary are entitled to two rolls, while heroes who
returned home are allowed a single roll instead.
(A couple of quick side questions on the above: 1) I assume that means that if you are successful on both rolls, you get to remove the total amount of Shadow indicated by both results, but it occurs to me that it *could* just mean that if you fail the first roll, you are entitled to try again. What do folks think? And 2) FPs can be spent anywhere the characters have already visited, but this Undertaking only mentions Sanctuaries and Home. I presume that means that this Undertaking cannot be...undertaken if you spend an FP somewhere other than a Sanctuary or Home?)
Anyway, back to my original topic, I'm going back through all the rules, because it has been a while, but so far I haven't come across any other tangible/mechanical benefit of turning someplace into a Sanctuary, other than the Heal Corruption one mentioned above. I looked through a list of all Undertakings from all books so far, that somebody compiled, which included info on where those Undertakings could be undertaken, and none of them specified Sanctuary Only, so as far as I can tell no Undertakings require you to be in a Sanctuary.
So, *are* there other mechanical/tangible benefits to making someplace a Sanctuary and then spending an FP there? And if so, what are they? If the benefits are largely roleplay-oriented or something the LM comes up with, I have no problem with that. Roleplay/narrative/story elements are all things I and my group very much enjoy, and we can run with that, with no problem. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. The fact that the Open Sanctuary Undertaking requires all characters to select it together, everyone choosing to give up accomplishing any other Undertaking during that time, suggested to me that Sanctuaries were meant to be very useful somehow. Again, if that usefulness comes primarily from narrative and LM adjudication, and not from the game's mechanics, I have no problem with that. I just want to make sure I have a clear understanding.
Thanks for your time.