Enemy called shots

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Re: Enemy called shots

Post by Glorelendil » Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:43 am

And even at low levels I love the image of the smug statistician saying, "Sweet, he has to make a Called Shot. The odds of....wwwha!?!? What do you mean, my Shield is smashed!?"

It's almost better for being treated as an auto-miss.
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Re: Enemy called shots

Post by Majestic » Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:00 pm

Random221B wrote:
Majestic wrote:Bottom line is that as the adversaries become more skilled and proficient, the PCs will be "celebrating" less and less when an EoS is rolled, as it will often represent nasty consequences.
Ok, I will grant you that. An Eye roll will be a good thing less often, as the Adversaries improve in skill levels, and it will become much less of a "phew!" reaction for players. I still find it a little weird that it is ever a good thing for the players, but that's just my gut reaction, not a lack of understanding how and why the rules are set up the way they are. It all makes sense intellectually, but still feels weird to me. And I'll either get used to it, or apply a house rule to make it feel less weird. :)

But I'm still enjoying the discussions and seeing other folks' opinions and experiences with this.
I'm with you on that. I didn't like it at first, either. But as my heroes have gotten more experienced I've rationalized that it's nice that they're a little safer while they (and their opponents) are a little less lethal (while they are less experienced). Once both sides (PCs and adversaries) are extremely skilled and deadly, Called Shots become much more doable for both sides.
Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).

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