The name?Dedicemancometh wrote:Did I miss something in TOR that says the Viglundings are of Dalish origin? I thought they were of the Anduin Vales.
Thing is, it seems quite clear that the name was intended to be Old Norse. What does that imply re the linguistic situation in TOR? But, you would like to reverse their decision simply based on your personal aesthetics that names should sound English??
Tolkien wasn't cheating in linguistics, though.Dedicemancometh wrote:Tolkien himself was often influenced by the resonance of certain words to the modern English ear (and not above puns).
Don't use a reconstructed OE reflex of the word, then.Dedicemancometh wrote:Eorf, sounds like Oaf. Eh, so-so.
[Edit: You know, in actual OE, eorf would sound nothing like "oaf". Also, Eorl didn't sound like "owl". You can get an idea of the OE pronunciation (both the eo diphthong and the r) here: ... ation.html (click "eorþan").]
You are of course free to use whatever English-sounding names you like in your game... I just didn't see why you would want to preface your opinion with a criticism of TOR in this particular case.