Every once in a while, I've written a little bit about what I think players want out of TOR. And I know I've (on occasion) said something about GMing TOR. But I'm quite often wrong about such things (or at least it feels that way) and I'd like to know more.
When you play The One Ring are you:
- Wanting to interact with the world (visit places, regardless of whether or not 'anyone' is there)?
- Wanting to interact with the famous people of the world (do you want to hold forth with Gandalf, bandy words with Saruman, try to impress the Elf King, etc.)?
- Wanting to interact with the 'little people' of the world (do you care what the name of Barliman's grandfather was? Are you curious about how Beorn gets his honey? About the trade imbalances in Lake-town)?
- Wanting to engage the Enemy (maybe not directly, but fighting Orcs or worse)?
- Wanting to solve mysteries (figuring out how things came to be, or what's going on with that shady guy in the corner)?
- Wanting to make changes (throw canon out the window, or maybe you're the reason why the world looks the way it does in the books)?
- Wanting something that I forgot to list here (there's probably a thousand things, at least)?