Now that
Horse-Lords of Rohan is here, I can finally post my second Legendarium character, Éoheort! Next to the Dúnedain of the North, the Rohirrim are my favorite culture of Men, and I've long been waiting to play a Rohir in
The One Ring, officially.
I first made Éoheort formally years ago when
The Lord of the Rings Online years ago, and I've used him in a variety of other roleplay scenarios aside from that. In most incarnations, he's been a rider in the éored of Éomer, being that he's from Aldburg. With
The One Ring's earlier setting, he's now a rider in the éored of Esmund, Éomer's grandfather. So, still a connection to his other incarnations, just a bit earlier in the timeline!
First up, here is his backstory as he exists in
The One Ring!
Éoheort, Son of Éobrand, was born in T.A. 2935 in the Eastfold settlement of Aldburg. The eldest of four children, Éoheort grew up learning the ways of horsemanship from his father, a gifted horse-herd that bred many of Aldburg’s valiant steeds. He learned the way of the sword and shield as a boy, and he was gifted with a horse of his very own on his 12th birthday. Éoheort named him Ethelwine, meaning “noble-friend” in the tongue of his people, and horse and rider soon became like brothers.
When Éoheort came of age in T.A. 2951, he entered the service of Esmund, son of the late Third Marshal of the Mark, Edwin. Wishing to do his part in defending his beloved country, he joined with Esmund’s éored, knowing that it was the most renowned and active of the Eastfold. On more than one occasion, Éoheort rode to the far reaches of the Eastemnet with the éored to guard against invaders and outlaws and in T.A. 2953 he accompanied the éored to Edoras, where he witnessed the crowning of Thengel King.
During his years of continued service in the éored of Esmund, Éoheort grew to become a valiant and fierce warrior, never shying away from the battle-fury that comes upon the warriors of the Mark. As a reward for his deeds, he was given a helm crested with great plumes of horse hair, and he pledged to lead his fellow riders through a bold example.
In T.A. 2957, Éoheort’s younger brother Éomód, a rider in a smaller éored of the East-mark, was killed by orcs while patrolling near the borders of the White Mountains. Stricken with grief, Éoheort returned to Aldburg to mourn the passing of his brother, all the while swearing vengeance upon the orcs that felled his kin. With the blessing of Esmund, Éoheort and his younger sister Éohild, a shieldmaiden, took a company of riders from his éored and rode down the orcish host, slaughtering them upon the plains.
In the years since his brother’s passing Éoheort has continued to ride in the éored of Esmund, now with his sister counted amongst the riders. As Thengel King strives to redeem the honor squandered by his father, so does Éoheort strive to gain renown slaying those who threaten the Riddermark. With sword in hand and Ethelwine to carry him, he rides each day with a determination worthy of the songs that fill the halls of Edoras.
I incorporated details from his background package - Fey and Dangerous - as well as his Slayer calling, and I think they both work fairly well. I gave a little background to his Horsetailed Helm, as well, since he'd start with that specific Reward. I might expand on this history somewhat, but for now, I think it will suffice!
Visually, I forgoed my usual methods of picking a representation of characters through actor face claims, and instead looked to the wonderful concept art for the
Riders of Rohan expansion of
The Lord of the Rings Online. I took a number of different pieces and combined parts from them all to achieve the look I wanted.
My girlfriend intends to play her Rohirrim, Éofled - similarly from Aldburg and of Esmund's éored. We have had some talks of them becoming involved romantically, but such things will surely develop once we can formally play. She hasn't yet officially created her in
The One Ring, but I edited art for her, as well!
We're both very excited to play these characters, and eagerly await
Oaths of the Riddermark!