by Halbarad » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:38 pm
Regnald the Fox. Age: 21
Culture: Woodmen of Wilderland
Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty
Background: Seeker
Calling: Warden
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Specialties: Beast Lore, Mirkwood Lore, Shadow Lore
Distinctive Features: Cunning, Vengeful
Body 2/5
Awe 1
Athletics 2
Awareness 3
Explore 3
Song 1
Craft 1
Heart 5/6
Inspire 2
Travel 2
Insight 1
Healing 3
Courtesy 0
Battle 1
Wits 7/9
Persuade 0
Stealth 2
Search 1
Hunting 2
Riddle 1
Lore 1
(Bows) 3
Long Hafted Axe 4
Dagger 1
Wisdom: 3
Valour: 3
Damage: 2
Parry: 7 (9 in woodlands), +2 shield (9 & 11)
Protection: 2d+4
Virtue- Mastery of Expertise (long hafted axe), Hunter's Resolve
Reward-Cunning Made Leather Corselet, Grievous Axe
Endurance: 25
Fatigue: 19 (war gear)
Starting Hope:15
Current Hope:12
Shadow Points(T) 3
Fellowship Focus: (Previously Arathor, Currently None)
Standing: 1
Travel Role: Huntsman
Experience points spent 38
Experience points to spend 0
Advancement points spent 34
Advancement points to spend 0
Treasure points 9
Gear: Long Hafted Axe, Bow, Dagger, leather corselet, helm
travel gear includes a tin whistle,twine for making snares, Flint and tinder, kindling hatchet and several arm rings of hack silver.
Regnald, known as 'The Fox', was born and raised in a hamlet on the Dusky River called Woodman's Ford. When he was barely three summers old, the Wizard Radgast brought a foundling girl child(Dagmar) to his mother, who was currently nursing his newborn baby brother(Alwis). Despite their initial misgivings, his parents accepted Radagast's word that the child had no evil in her and agreed to raise the girl as their own. She was, according to the old wizard, a special child and perhaps destined for great things.
As the three grew up together, they played with the other children at the pool by the little waterfall, just south of the was here that Regnald first noticed her affinity with the water and gave her the pet name of 'little otter'.
These days, she is known among their people as 'the Foundling'. Regnald refuses to use the term and continues to address her as 'little otter'. He regards her as his blood kin, even if she is not and he is prepared to fight anyone who suggests otherwise.
His own name is 'the Fox'. As a child, his mother would often send him into the woods between the hamlet and, nearby, Rhosgobel. "Off you go, little fox, bring us home a rabbit for our supper." Never once did Regnald fail in his duty to his family, even if it took him three days. He was a determined boy and would not return empty handed. His parents, Acbold and Heledwis, grew used to his going off for days on end. They recognised his love for the woods and soon gave up on forbidding him to cross the river into the wilder parts of the forest.
Now he is a man and the name suits well his russet brown hair and beard as well as his guile.
He never failed in his duty as a boy and he has sworn that he will never fail in his duty as a man to protect his people. He is a warrior of some skill but is wise enough to realise that a dead hero is no hero at all.
He firmly believes that the Free Folk of the Wilderland must unite to have any chance of survival. The shadow over Mirkwood has rescinded but only fools believe that it is anything more than a breathing space.
He has travelled to Dale to seek the patronage of King Bard, a gift-giver and a Dragonslayer, no less. So far he has failed to gain an audience. The King is ever surrounded by an army of scribes and counsellors who have constantly barred his way.
He is currently at Laketown, awaiting the opportunity which will prove his mettle. Something that will draw the King's attention.
He has been accompanied by Dagmar(much to his consternation). He knows that he should not worry about her unduly. She is a match for any young male warrior and he rarely underestimates her capabilities but he is her older brother and, sometimes, he just cannot help it