Post Your Heroes Here!

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Lara Redleaf
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Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Lara Redleaf » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:20 am

So, let's have a thread about our various heroes. You can include stats, artwork, theme songs, or just the general concept. Whatever you feel like sharing.

The character I really want to play is Calára Airalassë (Redleaf, if I'm not mistaken), distant descendant of Fingolfin. I've worked out some histories with various sources and Tolkien scholars to come up with a character who has a rightful claim to Ringil, how that might factor into a campaign, and doing so without crushing everyone else in the weight of her shadow. Her story is an exploration of the hope that appears even in the darkest moments, that any wound may be healed in time. Gandalf attests to such concepts when he speaks of guiding forces that work to bring up light out of darkness:
Gandalf wrote:"Behind that there was something else at work, beyond any design of the Ring-maker. I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and not by its maker. In which case you also were meant to have it. And that may be an encouraging thought."
Lára descends from Írimë, of the House of Finwë. Írimë, it is said, took to exploring the Helcaraxë, finding in glittering ice both danger and beauty. When she returned to warmer lands she wandered, finding many scattered bands of her people and immersing herself in their cultures. It was in this way that she met Díriel, son of Amras, far removed, and they fell in love. Their union was the start of healing rifts opened between the Elven peoples long ago, when Elf turned upon Elf in the Kinslaying, beginning the mending of House Finwë. They had a daughter, Yávindë, who remained in Middle-Earth even after Írimë and Díriel returned to Aman following the War of Wrath. In Yávindë bloomed the fire of Nerdanel, it seemed, for she was given to adventure, driven by a thirst for knowledge. Yávindë pursued arts most commonly practiced by men, and she was especially skilled in the use of swords.

Yávindë had a daughter of her own, Alyára, soft and delicate in every way that Yávindë was the opposite. Alyára was a songstress with few equals, and in her music would blossom visions of past glories, triumphs, tragedies, and echoed most keenly the Music of the Ainur. It is said of the two that they were night and day, summer and autumn, fire and soothing water. Stories sung and spoken in the halls of Rivendell tell of a fateful encounter between a band of Elves, Yávindë and Alyára among them, and several terrible Trolls. Yávindë drew her blade and would have struck down the Trolls, but Alyára was first to act. She broke into a song so bittersweet and pure that even the Trolls wept and none in either group could shed blood that night. It is said that those Trolls never again harmed a traveler, and even that Alyára would sometimes visit them when traveling to share stories. Both women traveled between Rivendell, Mirkwood, and Lothlórien, though Alyára, like her mother, preferred to spend her days in Lórien.

Alyára had a daughter, Calára (Írimë's great-great-granddaughter), in whom was reborn the adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity of Nerdanel and Yávindë, but also the kind heart and thoughtful ways of Alyára. Her hair is red as the eaves of Autumn. In her youth she took her name from the Quenya and kept it ever after; elders still scarred by the Kinslaying might have bristled, but to many, it was simply an oddity. Unknown to Lára, however, it was a sign of things to come. Destiny calls even those too distant to hear its words, and her role in Middle-Earth is to be a healer of old wounds. The scarred house of Finwë, torn by the tragic acts of Fëanor, must be mended again.

Part of how I want to do this is in her finding Ringil and taking it up, redeeming the legacy of the Noldor and of Fingolfin himself. Thankfully, the magical items from the Rivendell book make all of this more possible. There are a few possibilities for how she might come to learn of the sword, and how it might factor into a campaign (including lots of cool opportunities for the other players):

1) The Elostirion Stone, which gazed into the West, had its sight drawn to a lonely isle in the Sea. This is Fingolfin's tomb, in the Western Isles, or more specifically Tol Fuin. Destiny, it seems, draws the attention of those who look into the Elostirion Stone, and eventually the Elves realize that something is calling them to the area where Fingolfin's cairn lies cold and undisturbed for an Age. They then might trace the rightful claim to Lára, after Elrond, who has no need of the sword, and is wise enough to recognize when a tale awaits someone meant to do great things.

Other PCs: This one is easy for other heroes. The ruins of Beleriand hold many secrets, and it may be more than Fingolfin's ghost calling to blood that drives them there. Perhaps something evil, long since slumbering in the ruins, threatens to rise and turn its hunger toward Middle-Earth. Only a group of true heroes (the PCs) can answer this call and stop this evil before it arises. Add a bunch of cool artefacts with evocative histories in the ruins and we have ourselves the basis for a whole adventure!

2) Elrond might have the sword in his collection. It may have been looted long ago, and eventually Elrond recovered it to place in his stores in Rivendell. When another heir to its legacy appears, he might be willing to provide her (and her companions) with it and other items of power, if they prove themselves as enemies of the Shadow. Great deeds ahoy!

3) Cirdan and the exiles might have seen the sword looted, and so when the group visits the Grey Havens, he could have some clue where to look. This sets the group on a long journey through adventure and danger to recover heirlooms of kingdoms lost, things that might help heal old wounds or inflict new ones on the Enemy.

I had a picture done by Magali Villeneuve altered for use here as my character. I choose a Lindsey Stirling song for her theme. Below you'll find a sample post from a game I was in (sadly short-lived) with a similar character. I'm quite proud of that post, though I'd change a few things now.

Theme: Lindsey Stirling - Ascendance

Here's the post I made before that sort of encapsulates what I love about Elves (with Keilbrun being another PC):
Keilbrun, Son of Kailte wrote:He caught himself staring again and decided it was a time to take in the wood around him. Glancing around briefly, he said, "I find that I do not want to leave this wood quite so soon."
Alara wrote:"My own ancestors felt the same desire to stay and enjoy Greenwood in the youth of the world and of our race. It is many long years now since the Dark Lord's influence has tainted this forest, and yet we find that we do not wish to abandon it. Should it come to pass that he be vanquished and his influence removed from Arda, perhaps 'Mirkwood', as many now call it, will return to its former glory. If only you could see it then, Keilbrun! You might never wish to leave!"
Keilbrun, Son of Kailte wrote:His eyes returned to her, "There is a peculiar quality that intrigues me, not the least of which are its inhabitants, especially those that seem to know so much about the place. Be careful, daughter of Liriel, I am debating asking you for a guided tour. As much as I have seen in just a handful of days, I can only imagine what years of experience has uncovered." His eyes flickered slightly, his smile broad.
Alara wrote:Alara laughed. "Mortal Man bids caution to the fey woman he asks to guide him through the shadowy eaves of Taur-nu-Fuin, who might steal him away to work some witch's spell upon him!" She laughed again, throaty laughter, as she sat back upon her hands. "Come, then, I will give you a tour, but by its end you may yet regret your request!"

After they had finished their meal and morning slowly gave way to noon, Alara took him upon the many paths that wound hither and thither through the forest, often without a consistent sense of direction, for Alara gave little heed to the passing of time and grew not weary wandering barefoot through the woods. She stopped along a particular stretch of stream in a small clearing, barely large enough to accommodate half a dozen crowded together, and dipped her hands in it. Collecting cool, clear water in her hands, Alara she leaned in and drank gladly of the fresh water. Afterward she thanked the stream in the elf-tongue. "Hannad."

As they wandered further, so too did the Sun wind its course through the sky, and afternoon broke golden upon Mirkwood. Alara flitted from path to path, hill to hill, stopping at times to place a hand against a trunk, sometimes old and towering trees, other times saplings, and she would speak to them in the Sindarin language. How had the water quenched them, she would ask, and how had the sunlight that reached through the eaves warmed them? What songs had the birds sang for them?

In a semicircular clearing, upon the north side there was a hill covered in small yellow flowers, sitting in a spot where sun reached it during the day. There Alara stopped perhaps the longest, kneeling beside the hill and smelling deeply of the flowers, speaking to them. "This is my Amon-od-Aurloth," she said. "Hill of the Dayflower. I knew the very first of these flowers to grow here, and still I recall my conversations with him many, many seasons ago. He flew here on the wings of great bees. He was so bright, his bloom was as looking upon a reflection of the Sun itself. I loved him so. 'I am alone here now,' he said to me, 'but one day my descendants will be a kingdom of gold, and the Sun will fall upon us in gratitude.' Often would I come to speak with him, and hear his pride in the kingdom that bloomed around him."

Alara then set her pack down carefully and withdrew from it a large yellow flower. "I sang to him as he passed from this life, and promised that ever would I sing to his kingdom, that they be reminded of the beautiful flower who once braved the winds of chance and solitude among the giants, that they might one day flourish." She affixed the flower to her hair, and some of the magic of the Elves, perhaps, was in it, for it had never withered, countless seasons after it fell from the stalk.

She sat upon the edge of that hill and sang, then, a sweet song that spoke to days in the light of the Sun and nights beneath Moon's silver sheen.

Golden eye in yonder sky
Look upon me and see
Reflection of thyself
From my heart, joy I give to thee
Who warms the hearts of grass, tree and Elf
Night then falls in thy stead
Stars shine and bright Moon glows
Eldarin children over silver paths tread
While I dream of when first over me you rose
Golden eye spin day upon the loom
Morning comes and in your warm embrace
Petals bloom and parts the gloom
Forest wakes upon your grace
Green things grow beneath your gaze
In silver nights and golden days

Her fingertips softly caressed the petals of the yellow flower in her hair, and those upon the hill. "Rest well, loth-od-guren, flower of my heart."
Long post! :mrgreen: But let's hear of your heroes! As you can see, level of detail is not a problem, so if you have a backstory or a concept you want to flesh out, by all means, do it here!
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Curulon » Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:40 pm

What a great topic! I love talking about people's favorite characters - or in this case, heroes!

First, Lara, I love how much work you put into Calára. I feel like I know the character well despite having only read what you posted, and the picture is a great evocative image. Man, you must be really pining for the Adventurer's Companion.

My main character in most things related to the Legendarium is Curulon, roughly meaning "skilled man" in Sindarin. He is one of the Dúnedain and a Ranger of the North, some years older than Aragorn, but within his generation so to speak. I've always been intrigued by the events in the North during the interlude between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and the War of the Ring itself, and the initial conceit for Curulon was "an Aragorn-like figure in Wilderland". That is, a great Man who helps fight the growing Shadow and rally the Free Peoples to unite against it.

Making a plausible reason for a Ranger of the North to be in Wilderland was something I struggled with for a time, but The One Ring helped to fashion one, since it gives a certain amount of freedom - within reason, of course. I formally wrote out his backstory when Rivendell released last year, and it gives an idea of his life up until the point of whenever a given campaign of the game might begin.
Curulon, Son of Curunar, was born in T.A. 2894 in the land between the rivers Bruinen and Mitheithel, known as the Angle. Curunar served his people, the Dúnedain, as a Ranger of the North and as his first son, Curulon would inherit that duty. As a boy, Curulon learned the skills of woodcraft and tracking from his father, and trained in the way of the sword and bow. As he came into his own, he became known for his keen sight and skill in battle.

Curulon saw the reign of three Chieftains of the Dúnedain. First, Argonui served as Chieftain and it was during his reign in T.A. 2911 that the Fell Winter began. Curulon joined the Rangers and the wizard Gandalf in gathering food to provide the Hobbits of the Shire, saving them from starvation. Argonui’s death came in T.A. 2912 and his son, Arador, became Chieftain. It was during his reign that Curulon was sent to join the Rangers guarding Sarn Ford, on the river Baranduin at the far southern borders of the Shire. Arathorn II became Chieftain in T.A. 2930 after his father’s death at the hands of Hill-trolls.

Arathorn’s rule was short, as he was killed by orcs in T.A. 2933. His son, Aragorn II, became Chieftain then, and as was tradition he was sent to Rivendell, his name hidden from the Enemy. Curulon remained at Sarn Ford until T.A. 2941, when he was tasked by Halbaron, leader of the Rangers in Aragorn’s absence, with tracking the Company of Thorin Oakenshield as they journeyed to the Lonely Mountain.

Curulon came to the gates of the Elvenking’s Halls shortly after Thorin’s Company, having learned of their road from Beorn the skin-changer, who had received him in his home. Thranduil welcomed Curulon to his halls, and offered him food and shelter. It was here that he met and befriended Nidhiel, a skilled Elven archer and hunter.

Sensing the Shadow that fell over the Greenwood, Curulon sent word to Halbaron of his findings and took to traveling the southern road through Mirkwood. He came upon a nest of spiders, and soon a pack of orcs moving towards the Hill of Sorcery. In November of 2941, Curulon spotted the host of orcs of the Misty Mountains and Grey Mountains moving through the forest, and he began to follow them. His skill of woodcraft kept him from their sight, and soon he guessed their destination.

Curulon joined with the united armies of Men, Elves, and Dwarves and fought in the Battle of Five Armies, his blade felling many orcs and wargs. Curulon joined Thorin and his Company in their charge, alongside the many Men, Elves, and Dwarves, his friend Nidhiel among them. Despite the many losses on all sides, Curulon survived to see the Great Eagles, led by Gwaihir the Windlord, and Beorn the Skin-changer arrive and turn the tide of battle. Victory was secured by the Free Peoples, and Curulon joined Nidhiel in one of the many hunting parties that went in pursuit of the fleeing orcs.

After the battle and the crowning of Dain Ironfoot as King under the Mountain, Curulon knew that the Shadow still lingered in the North and orcs still dwelled deep in the mountains, and that his skills could prove valuable to the Free Peoples. Deciding to remain in Wilderland, Curulon took refuge amongst the Woodmen of Mirkwood, taking the name Hafgrim, Son of Hord, a hunter descended from the survivors of Dale when it was razed by Smaug.

The Woodmen came to know him and soon they called him Hafgrim the Watcher, or simply The Watcher, for few amongst them could match his keen sight. Curulon soon befriended the Woodmen’s patron, Radagast the Brown, and he revealed his true self to the Brown Wizard, though it was unlikely he had truly been hidden from the eyes of a Wizard. The Elves of Mirkwood, too, knew of his true identity and Curulon spent many days hunting orcs and spiders with Nidhiel.

For many years, he has traveled beneath the trees of Mirkwood and along the shores of the Anduin, tracking the movements of orcs, spiders, and other foul things. He made his home in Rhosgobel, dwelling amongst the Brown Wizard and the Woodmen there, though he spends much of his days in the wilds of Wilderland.
The Elf of Mirkwood mentioned, Nidhiel, is my girlfriend's main Legendarium character and is the Legolas to my Aragorn, if you will. There are differences, of course, but that's the easiest way to explain without delving into greater detail. We play in the same campaigns, so they're usually in the same Fellowship, and part of their relationship is Curulon inspiring Nidhiel to fight for the greater world beyond Mirkwood.

He's wielded the sword Annúngil - "West Star" - since I created him many years ago, and with the Famous Weapons and Armor rules in Rivendell, I was able to have the weapon be present in The One Ring. Usually, his development leads to him earning The Ring of Hissael - "wise eyes" - an Heirloom of Lost Arnor. It is described as "a ring of silvered steel inlaid with gold, bearing the head of a great bird with emerald gems set upon its eyes that bestows upon the wearer eyesight as keen as a hawk."

Visually, I looked to the wonderful Born of Hope fan-film for imagery of Curulon, and settled upon using Arathorn himself, who is played by Christopher Dane. He evokes the same bearing and presence that I had envisioned for Curulon, as well as clothed how I would imagine he dresses. I should note that I have a specific look for Annúngil that isn't represented by the pictures, but I have yet to sit down and visualize the sword.


I don't have a singular musical theme for him, but I utilize Howard Shore's scores for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies in play, and the Fellowship theme is sound enough for my liking. Any of the Gondor theme motifs would suffice, as well.

Curulon is very dear to me, and even though I am very excited for Horse-Lords of Rohan, it's hard to imagine playing The One Ring without Curulon as my character! On that note, I'd be very intrigued at the idea of a Fellowship in which Curulon and Calára are companions.

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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Finrod Felagund » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:29 pm

Lovely thread which I hope get's some more love. I actually prefer Alyara, who I think is a more interesting character and would be fascinating (if hard) to roleplay.

I haven't got a PC to share, but I am particularly proud of an NPC I created in an unpublished adventure ("The 7 Wisdoms of Finrod Felagund") called Miriel. Basically she's the daughter of Caranthir and took the lead in the various kinslayings. As a result she was banned from returning to the blessed lands at the end of the First Age. By TA 2950 she lives in North Lindon at what remains of Lake Helevorn, with the descendants of Huan the Hound. She's a very Dark Goddess type figure - harsh and stern - and the greatest Elven Warrior in Middle Earth. She's not evil but her story has a tragic element as other Elves will not speak with her, and she misses her father and other kin. Mortal Men never see her as she surrounds herself with a Dark Fog, but shiver in their homes when they hear the thunder of hooves and baying of hounds in the distance.

Her eventual fate forms part of the 7 Wisdoms storyline - just to say that she sacrifices herself, and in doing so finally ends the division between Sindar and Noldor.

No pictures or music for this character, but I will say that the inspirations for her were a mix of Tolkeins early creation of Measse, and the Irish Goddess of War the Morrigan.

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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Otaku-sempai » Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:04 pm

Like Finrod above, I haven't been able to play regularly, so I also have an NPC I developed rather than an actual hero to share:

Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod
Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called Draupnir Forkbeard, is the Lord of the Dwarf-city of Hargrod in the southern Ered Luin. Draupnir sees himself as a wise ruler; however, he remembers with bitterness the treatment his folk received long ago at the hands of the Elf-king Thingol and his people and he is distrustful of all High Elves. He also worries about the security of his realm and might be susceptible to overtures from agents of the Enemy if he feels that they might strengthen his position.

I imagined Draupnir as being descended from the Naugrim of both Belegost and Nogrod, but it is the blood of Nogrod that seems to flow hottest in his veins.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."

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Lara Redleaf
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Lara Redleaf » Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:56 pm

Curulon wrote:First, Lara, I love how much work you put into Calára. I feel like I know the character well despite having only read what you posted, and the picture is a great evocative image. Man, you must be really pining for the Adventurer's Companion.
Thank you, and yes, I want that book like you wouldn't believe! Especially based on the unbelievable quality of every past supplement.
Curulon wrote:My main character in most things related to the Legendarium is Curulon, roughly meaning "skilled man" in Sindarin. He is one of the Dúnedain and a Ranger of the North, some years older than Aragorn, but within his generation so to speak. I've always been intrigued by the events in the North during the interlude between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and the War of the Ring itself, and the initial conceit for Curulon was "an Aragorn-like figure in Wilderland". That is, a great Man who helps fight the growing Shadow and rally the Free Peoples to unite against it.

Likewise, it seems like you really have a clear vision and a lot of love for this particular character. I think it'd be fun to get to roleplay with you sometime. Such a Fellowship would be a very interesting one to play.
Finrod Felagund wrote:Lovely thread which I hope get's some more love. I actually prefer Alyara, who I think is a more interesting character and would be fascinating (if hard) to roleplay.
I think she'd be fun, but that's why I like Lára, because I intend to have both her mother and grandmother as influences—she'd prefer song to swords, merriment to fighting, but she has a warrior's fiery spirit if need be. She isn't content to sing away the ages in some remote hall; whether by sword or by song, she's going to go out there and change the world.
Finrod Felagund wrote:I haven't got a PC to share, but I am particularly proud of an NPC I created in an unpublished adventure ("The 7 Wisdoms of Finrod Felagund") called Miriel. Basically she's the daughter of Caranthir and took the lead in the various kinslayings. As a result she was banned from returning to the blessed lands at the end of the First Age. By TA 2950 she lives in North Lindon at what remains of Lake Helevorn, with the descendants of Huan the Hound. She's a very Dark Goddess type figure - harsh and stern - and the greatest Elven Warrior in Middle Earth. She's not evil but her story has a tragic element as other Elves will not speak with her, and she misses her father and other kin. Mortal Men never see her as she surrounds herself with a Dark Fog, but shiver in their homes when they hear the thunder of hooves and baying of hounds in the distance.
Very evocative imagery and a very interesting character. I might have to use her sometime, with your permission of course, and see how it goes.
Otaku-sempai wrote:Like Finrod above, I haven't been able to play regularly, so I also have an NPC I developed rather than an actual hero to share:

Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod
Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called Draupnir Forkbeard, is the Lord of the Dwarf-city of Hargrod in the southern Ered Luin. Draupnir sees himself as a wise ruler; however, he remembers with bitterness the treatment his folk received long ago at the hands of the Elf-king Thingol and his people and he is distrustful of all High Elves. He also worries about the security of his realm and might be susceptible to overtures from agents of the Enemy if he feels that they might strengthen his position.

I imagined Draupnir as being descended from the Naugrim of both Belegost and Nogrod, but it is the blood of Nogrod that seems to flow hottest in his veins.
I like the character! I think it'd be cool if you got to play him as an actual hero. If I ever set up to run a TOR game, you're all invited and can play as your characters.
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Otaku-sempai » Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:15 pm

Lara Redleaf wrote:
Otaku-sempai wrote:Like Finrod above, I haven't been able to play regularly, so I also have an NPC I developed rather than an actual hero to share:

Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod
I like the character! I think it'd be cool if you got to play him as an actual hero. If I ever set up to run a TOR game, you're all invited and can play as your characters.
Thanks, but I think that it might be awkward to adventure using the active ruler of a Dwarf-city. I might be better off sticking with my old MERP characters that I converted to TOR: Brilliamar Stoutfellow, Hobbit Treasure-hunter; and Talathar son of Belegthor, Ranger of the North and Warden. I've been working on a story (which is threatening to turn into a novelette) set in the Blue Mountains with them and a couple of other heroes (Bror, a Dwarf of Erebor, and Kelda daughter of Jarl, a Barding of Dale). Somehow I neglected to include an Elf.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."

Finrod Felagund
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Finrod Felagund » Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:04 am


"Very evocative imagery and a very interesting character. I might have to use her sometime, with your permission of course, and see how it goes."

Sure, feel free. You can of course do what you like, but just note that as I've conceived her she's a Princess of the Noldor - not far below Galadriel - and needs to be played as such. Her story is also about sacrifice and redemption (saving others) after carrying out evil acts, and I think she needs to achieve that in a majorly epic way such as taking out a Fire Dragon to save a nation of Silvan Elves for example.

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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by bluejay » Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:47 pm

I can post more details of my group's heroes later but suffice to say these three have been through a long, long campaign. They've played through all the events of Tales From The Wilderland and The Darkening Of Mirkwood.

They're all powerful heroes now with 5 or 6 in their Wisdom and Valour, wielding ancient magic weapons.

The most striking thing about them is that I commissioned artwork from Jon Hodgson to depict the heroes and honestly it really helped bring them all to life!

Here is Jarl, Barding Slayer and the de facto leader of the Fellowship ... r.jpg?dl=0

Next we have Miriel, Wood Elf Warden and archer supreme. ... r.jpg?dl=0

Finally we have Cobb Grubb, an unlikely hero but certainly the most polite! ... r.jpg?dl=0
James Semple, occasional composer of role playing music

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Lara Redleaf
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Lara Redleaf » Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:25 am

Keep them coming! I'm really enjoying what I see so far. Now let's add gear to the mix thanks to the rules in the Rivendell book. First, for Ringil!

"Seven times I wounded the Great Enemy, that you call Morgoth. I hewed his foot as my master lay dying beneath his heel and did a hurt to him that ever after pained him. Long have I lain in darkness, and long have I hungered for vengeance. Ever shall I strike down the servants of Shadow while true hands wield me."

Type: Long sword
Craftsmanship: Elven
Bane: The Enemy
Superior Keen

Why Luminescence over something like Superior Grievous? Because I figured its Bane was already "the Enemy" (it's easily the most fitting thing for this particular blade), which is pretty rare, and because it glitters like ice. I take that to be somewhat literal, in that it looks not unlike a blade made of gleaming ice when in the presence of the Enemy's servants. Plus, I like glowing swords. It's a cool feature. If in your games you wanted Ringil found and wanted it to be as deadly as possible, you could replace Luminescence with Superior Grievous. The book does mention that Famous Weapons/Armor do often gleam with unnatural light or burn as with enchanted flame, so the "glitters like ice" stuff could just be a part of that.
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Re: Post Your Heroes Here!

Post by Falenthal » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:55 pm

Hobbits sure love their genealogies and family trees. In them, it appears that Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and Otho Sackville-Baggins only had one son, Lotho Sackville-Baggins. However, some Hobbits of good memory remember a brother of Lotho, one named Otto, that disappeared completely from the fine detailed family tree of the Sackville-Baggins family.
This is the story of that boy, and the whereabouts that lead to his deleting from The Shire registers…

Otto was in the guests room of Bag End, measuring the walls to know if his bed would fit in his parent’s newly bought smial. That was when the “deceased” Bilbo Baggins appeared, all of a sudden, in the main hall, dressed up in shiny clothes, and leaving a poney loaded with sacks and coffers that smelled of gold at the entrance.
Bilbo had been disappeared for a whole year and everyone assumed him dead. But alas! Look who was standing in the front door, healthy as ever, with a shiny sword at his side and a glittering mail under his coat!

The stories Bilbo told from this day on, about dragons, mountains of gold in caverns deep, gems and jewels the size of a hobbit’s head,… reached every corner in The Shire.

Envy surrounded the Sackville-Baggins like a mist, and Otto, the youngest of the family, came up with a brilliant idea (well, in his case, the simple fact of coming up with an idea is brilliant in itself): he’d travel to the place Bilbo had gotten all that treasure, and would come back with even more gold than this Baggins. That would make his parents proud, and would put that black sheep of the family to shame.

We must add here that Otto had always been a little short of wits. But also he was very strong for a Hobbit. Not a great combination, if you ask me. Every Hobbit smaller than him (which mostly were) did know better than to anger this bully [Background Favourite Skill Awe]. His stubbornness was called by those who didn’t want to upset the young Sackville-Baggins just “unbreakable spirit” [Background Attributes “Bucklander” - Body 4, Heart 6, Wits 4]. As Lotho had always been the favourite son in the house, Otto thought (if we might say “thought” for something that comes out of Otto’s head) he’d give his parents a surprise. As Bilbo did, he’d disappear out of the blue and return in no time loaded with silver, gold and all kind of coins from distant lands [Background Trait Reckless]. Being in charge of all the cooking for the family [Cultural Trait Cooking], he had an easy time collecting rations for a few days from the kitchen. Also he was a fairly good storyteller (also called “liar”) [Cultural Trait Storytelling with alternate use], so he convinced his parents Lobelia and Otho to advance him the pay he received weekly. Lastly, he managed to “gain” [Calling Trait "Tresure Hunter" Burglary] the family’s heirloom: a leather waistcoat that did save his grand-grand-parent’s life when some orcs or the like tried to invade The Shire a long time ago [Valour 2 - Cultural Reward Lucky Armour]. Well, or so the tales from the Green Dragons Inn say, after a few rounds of beer and some pipe-weed has been smoked.

So did Otto Sackville-Baggins leave The Shire, heading east, thinking that in a few weeks he’d be back home, having accomplished what the fool of a Baggins had needed a year to fulfil. In his wanderings he always asked for Lake-town and the Lonely Mountain, the only places he remembered from Bilbo’s tales. Whenever Otto thought he was “already there”, someone answer that he needed to travel east a bit further.

The Hobbit joined a company of traders and travellers, working as a cooker in exchange for protection along the road. Little by little, he realized the task he had imposed upon himself was going to be harder than thought, and that the dangers, perils and hazards Bilbo had told him about, were for real.
He learned what it meant to spend the cold nights on the road, covered only by a holed blanket and surrounded by the distant howls of wolves [Calling Favourite Skill Travel. Only his pride (again, “stubbornness”) [Background Trait Proud] made him stay firm in his endeavour and not return home.

After weeks of living with the Big People, Otto began to understand them and their strange ways of thinking, so different from the ones of a Hobbit [Calling Favourite Skill Insight]. Riddles, so common among the Hobbits, delighted his travelling comrades that kept asking for more to have something to think about during the unending hours of walking. They even teached Otto how to defend himself with a dagger (which was like a short sword for him), that he was gifted with for the little Hobbit’s delicious stews [Cultural Weapons Short Sword, Bow, Dagger].

Otto lost himself in the unending days and nights he shared with the caravan, crossing tall, white mountains and deep, black woods. But a day like any other, without neither expecting nor hoping for it, the group leader announced: “Look ahead, young fella! Lake-town! You’ve reached your destination!”

“Now” –Otto thought to himself- “I only need to become rich.”

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