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Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:11 pm
by mirkwoodfalcon
T.S. Luikart wrote:
mirkwoodfalcon wrote:
zedturtle wrote:Yeah, true be had I'm not actually going to be able to play a Dunlending, I am perpetual LM too.

The huorns were a lot of fun. I wish that the creature hinted at on page 82 got a write-up. Maybe some day.
Oooo, especially that very last bullet point... I can't even imagine the stats for something like that. :shock:
I can.

Now I'm intrigued. Does it relate to an adventure in Oaths of the Riddermark, perhaps?

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:12 pm
by Otaku-sempai
I've pre-ordered the book and already received the PDF. I've only barely begun to read it. First impressions:

I've wondered how TOR would handle the great journeys and errantries of Aragorn and, I'll admit, this is a little different from what I imagined (SPOILERS).
Aragorn remains in Rohan for only eight years, leaving to go to Gondor and serve the Steward Ecthelion for fifteen years.
Aragorn does wander for a bit,sometimes in the company of Gandalf, between the years of 2951 and 2957 (and the adult Aragorn doesn't meet and befriend the wizard until 2956), but most seem to assume, based on the timeline of the Tale of Years, that his great journeys to the distant East and far South took place within this twenty-three year period. I must assume that you are placing them primarily after 2980 (there is some support for this within the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen).

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:17 pm
by zedturtle
T.S. Luikart wrote:I can.
Attribute Level 24?

- - -

Maybe that can be a new thread. We can have fun and then find out how wrong we are some day. :)

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:29 pm
by T.S. Luikart
I'm going to more or less withdraw and let you guys discuss this without stirring up trouble (especially for myself). I will say this -

Oaths of the Mark is very much about the "Troubles of Thengel King" and more or less assumes that the majority of your company are Rohirrim, with some allowances for one or two "outsiders".

As to Aragorn's Errantries - we don't know what all he did for Ecthelion, do we? ;)

[Oh, and for the Tolkien scholars among you - and let me emphasize this is TS talking and completely unofficial - I postulate the Eorlingas would've called actually called Aragorn "Eärn". He notes that he wore "many different names" in his travels. Eärn means "Eagle" in Rohirric. Thorongil as many of you doubtless know, means "Eagle of the Star". It beggars belief that the Ecthelion, who was friends with Thengel, wouldn't have known that "Eärn" had served with him.]

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:58 pm
by Blubbo Baggins
My favorite new ability, not because it's powerful, but because of the amazing story implications.

Dunlending Virtue:

"Grim of Aspect"

I'm super impressed C7 - I actually did not expect much from the Dunlendings, and I am now sold that they would be a very interesting, fun race to play. Well done!

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:34 am
by zedturtle
T.S. Luikart wrote:I'm going to more or less withdraw and let you guys discuss this without stirring up trouble (especially for myself).
Bah! Humbug! What a tease...
Oaths of the Mark is very much about the "Troubles of Thengel King" and more or less assumes that the majority of your company are Rohirrim, with some allowances for one or two "outsiders".
:: Spock eyebrow raise :: ... Is that a name change, or a handy abbreviation? { I only ask because I was going to mention it in passing in another thread, and then I got paranoid about the name. }
As to Aragorn's Errantries - we don't know what all he did for Ecthelion, do we? ;)
Good point.
[Oh, and for the Tolkien scholars among you - and let me emphasize this is TS talking and completely unofficial - I postulate the Eorlingas would've called actually called Aragorn "Eärn". He notes that he wore "many different names" in his travels. Eärn means "Eagle" in Rohirric. Thorongil as many of you doubtless know, means "Eagle of the Star". It beggars belief that the Ecthelion, who was friends with Thengel, wouldn't have known that "Eärn" had served with him.]
I wonder if all three were ever in the same room, and if things got awkward. Or maybe they just all winked at each other...

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:39 am
by Otaku-sempai
T.S. Luikart wrote:As to Aragorn's Errantries - we don't know what all he did for Ecthelion, do we? ;)
True. Tolkien doesn't say much outside of the raid that Thorongil led against the Corsairs of Umbar in 2980, except that he had become a great friend and trusted advisor to Ecthelion. But my impression is that most of Aragorn's 'great journeys' were supposed to have been independent of his service to either Rohan or Gondor (although that doesn't preclude Thorongil taking one or more leaves of absence from the Steward of Gondor during his fifteen years of service).

However, our topic here is Rohan and I'll leave further discussion of Aragorn in Gondor for another time and/or place.

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:41 am
by zedturtle
Blubbo Baggins wrote:My favorite new ability, not because it's powerful, but because of the amazing story implications.

Dunlending Virtue:

"Grim of Aspect"

I'm super impressed C7 - I actually did not expect much from the Dunlendings, and I am now sold that they would be a very interesting, fun race to play. Well done!
They do seem super interesting, and they dance on the line that I've always been interested in... Men are not born evil (nor good) and must choose their own way in the world. Grim of Aspect really does a jig on that line, and it's a very intriguing ability (though one that really will require a Tolkienesque touch).

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:44 am
by zedturtle
vilainn6 wrote:You know, I am sure One of your pbf player could take the LM role and allow you to play if you ask it.
Eh. I'm not the best player, and I prefer to LM anyways.
Rohirrim for me. The mechanic for horse combat seem cool.
The Rohirrim are not the only ones with horses, thought they are the ones with the best horses. I'm sure that mounted combat will be showing up in my games, when it makes sense in the narrative (and the timing of this, just after I had the bandits dismount and decide to sneak up on you instead... oh well).

Re: Horse-lords of Rohan discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:47 am
by T.S. Luikart
I've always mentally shorted it to Oaths of the Mark. My bad - Oaths of the Riddermark it is.