T.S. Luikart wrote:I'm going to more or less withdraw and let you guys discuss this without stirring up trouble (especially for myself).
Bah! Humbug! What a tease...
Oaths of the Mark is very much about the "Troubles of Thengel King" and more or less assumes that the majority of your company are Rohirrim, with some allowances for one or two "outsiders".
:: Spock eyebrow raise :: ... Is that a name change, or a handy abbreviation? { I only ask because I was going to mention it in passing in another thread, and then I got paranoid about the name. }
As to Aragorn's Errantries - we don't know what all he
did for Ecthelion, do we?
Good point.
[Oh, and for the Tolkien scholars among you - and let me emphasize this is TS talking and completely unofficial - I postulate the Eorlingas would've called actually called Aragorn "Eärn". He notes that he wore "many different names" in his travels. Eärn means "Eagle" in Rohirric. Thorongil as many of you doubtless know, means "Eagle of the Star". It beggars belief that the Ecthelion, who was friends with Thengel, wouldn't have known that "Eärn" had served with him.]
I wonder if all three were ever in the same room, and if things got awkward. Or maybe they just all winked at each other...
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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