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Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:31 pm
by Willis
Im going to be running a darkening of Mirkwood campaign and I like to give my players as many character options as possible. Can any of you think of a way for me to include the new Horse-Lords book as an option for them?

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:45 pm
by Otaku-sempai
An envoy of Rohan and his retinue arrive at Dale to discuss possible trade agreements or some other matter. A young member of the party falls in with a group of locals. Perhaps the young Rider is actually under orders to gather information for King Thengel (or even Saruman).

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:46 pm
by zedturtle
Rhovanion is the ancient home of the Rohirrim, so seeing the sights of the homeland works.

For Dunlendings, they may be trying to escape persecution, especially if they come from the blended West-March area.

In either case, the Hobbit tells us that the Woodmen came from the South in recent memory, so that could be another connection.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:59 pm
by Falenthal
I don't have the Horse-lords book, but I've always thought that their rules might be used for the Leofrings from Wilderland, without breaking the setting at all.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:20 pm
by Glorelendil
Given the political situation in Rohan, I could easily see a young Rider feeling that his/her safest recourse is to go into self-exile in the north.

"Exile" Calling, anyone?

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:58 pm
by Terisonen
zedturtle wrote:Rhovanion is the ancient home of the Rohirrim, so seeing the sights of the homeland works.

For Dunlendings, they may be trying to escape persecution, especially if they come from the blended West-March area.

In either case, the Hobbit tells us that the Woodmen came from the South in recent memory, so that could be another connection.
Or may be to recover an ancient Heirloom of family, lost in the migration. A call for help from ancient relative some generation above? This can work well.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:59 pm
by aramis
Hounded northward by warg-riding uruk, who turned away when they realized they were in the Necromancer's turf, not Sauruman's.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:54 am
by Andrew
Glorelendil wrote:Given the political situation in Rohan, I could easily see a young Rider feeling that his/her safest recourse is to go into self-exile in the north.

"Exile" Calling, anyone?
Wanderer covers that, surely? I'm sure Thengel was just the most famous Rohirrim to flee Fengel's toxic political climate.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:05 pm
by beckett
Andrew wrote:
Glorelendil wrote:Given the political situation in Rohan, I could easily see a young Rider feeling that his/her safest recourse is to go into self-exile in the north.

"Exile" Calling, anyone?
Wanderer covers that, surely? I'm sure Thengel was just the most famous Rohirrim to flee Fengel's toxic political climate.
Exile feels more like a Background then a Calling, but then the Wandering Outcast background for Riders of Rohan probably fits the bill.

Re: Rohirrim in Wilderland

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:20 pm
by Glorelendil
Well, I've been interpreting a "Wanderer" to be somebody who is curious about other lands and people, and feels drawn toward them. He motive is to learn more and see more and to collect experiences.

An "Exile" is somebody who can't go home and is therefore pushed away from it. His motive is to achieve a goal that allows him to return, while avoiding that from which he flees. Personality/Perception?

Whether that's a useful distinction depends entirely on whether increasing the number of Callings is a desirable goal.