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Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:28 pm
by mirkwoodfalcon
Jon Hodgson wrote:...TOR will remain an independent, supported line. We'll have some more TOR news this week.
We have extra resource in place to make this happen. We aren't taking resource from TOR to make the D&D supplements. The D&D game is very likely provide more resources for TOR. However the proof of the pudding will certainly rest in getting you more TOR supplements than last year. Which is our aim, and we're in an excellent position to do this.
Thank you for taking time to address these concerns. I feel much better about the announcement given your clarification, I know I personally appreciate your response and I'm sure many others will as well.

And more TOR supplements is always a good thing.

Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:30 pm
by Wbweather
Jon Hodgson wrote:
To address the understandable concerns about the TOR release schedule, we're aware we will have to say this many times: TOR will remain an independent, supported line. We'll have some more TOR news this week.
We have extra resource in place to make this happen. We aren't taking resource from TOR to make the D&D supplements. The D&D game is very likely provide more resources for TOR. However the proof of the pudding will certainly rest in getting you more TOR supplements than last year. Which is our aim, and we're in an excellent position to do this.
That is encouraging to hear. We will have faith...
Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:41 pm
by Terisonen
It'a a good news, and for two reason:
-If Cubicle7 is able to gain support and money from D&D product based on Middle-Earth, TOR product will be more supported by Cubicle7 in turn. Don't forget they are men and women who need to eat, and to have a roof upon their head to give us what we love. So capitalizing upon D&D is a good move (and a smart one) Also, a bit more money for our (beloved) designers won't hurt (I guess that if you wan't to be rich, RPG design is not the path to take).
And two, even with TOR system we will have with the new line of D&D product more material, more ideas, more players.
And Three... I have made a conversion from the TOR system to the Pendragon system. I don't plan to use the TOR system, but the setting, ideas and mechanics of play in TOR are very inspiring. So going to throw an anathema to Cubicle for doing so is a non-sense

Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:48 pm
by Terisonen
However, if I spot any teleportation, wizard flying, Elf Drow, Martial Artist from the Far East or anything else like that, I will be very disapointed

Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:55 pm
by Terisonen
Will this line be available in PDF?
Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:56 pm
by Corone
When we do conventions I often find a GM who really wants to run One Ring,
but has a group of D&D players who point blank refuse to use any other system.
I'd offer that this new version will not only bring One Ring to a huge audience,
but also help a lot of new players and GMs possibly make the jump from D&D to something else.
On another note, I beleive D20 didn't actually kill 7th Sea, it saved it for a little longer.
It was about to have the plug pulled, but they decided to keep it going in the hope dual system would up the sales.
So I think this news can only be good really.

Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:20 pm
by beckett
I'm more than a little curious as to what this might look like and how I might use the material generated from it for my own TOR game.
Looking forward to it! Now, about those TOR announcements for later in the week...

Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:20 pm
by bbarlow
Terisonen wrote:Will this line be available in PDF?
Now THIS is a VERY intriguing question! The vast majority of C7's products are available in PDF. Jon, can you throw us a bone on this one? Is it safe to assume that will continue for this new line? Please? Pretty Please? Just a hint, even?
Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:22 pm
by Jon Hodgson
I don't see why it wouldn't be.
Re: DnD® comes to Middle-earth®.
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:23 pm
by Jon Hodgson
Terisonen wrote:Don't forget they are men and women who need to eat, and to have a roof upon their head to give us what we love. So capitalizing upon D&D is a good move (and a smart one) Also, a bit more money for our (beloved) designers won't hurt (I guess that if you wan't to be rich, RPG design is not the path to take).
Thank you.