This makes me think of the discussion on Slashdot when the very first iPod came out. All the alpha-techies said, "This will never doesn't play Ogg has less storage than XYZ's not open source..." etc. etc.Beran wrote: See you are more-or-less talking about making the setting fit the rules which is a big mistake. It is what TSR did with Lankmar back in the day, and it is pretty much widely regarded as failing to meet the feel of that setting; the rules are going to have to be made to fit the setting. For this to work properly the base system will require some pretty heavy overhauling. If C7 is going to pander to the D&D table top computer game crowd then this project will more-then-likely fall flat like Lankmar did in the past.
Fortunately for Apple's sake they didn't market to the kind of people who hangout on Slashdot. They designed it to appeal to the masses.