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by Ferretz » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:13 am
I am of course very excited for the anouncement coming this week. Maybe we get to hear about new books coming in the not too distant future? If I had a wish list of sourcebooks for The One Ring, would include (apart from the ones we already know about) a book on Bree, The Shire, and maybe Grey Havens, a book on Gondor, and a new super-big-campaign-book about Gloin's doomed expedition to Moria.
Then again, I'll gobble up anything C7 releases for this game... and most likely, the D&D versions too.
Jon Hodgson
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by Jon Hodgson » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:25 am
All being well, and I don't have the final say on this, so bear with me, there will be a series of TOR news items on our site this week, about The One Ring Roleplaying Game, and only The One Ring Roleplaying Game.
I'm hoping for three. It might end up as two. Let's see.
For once I don't say this to tease. We're really mindful of you guys as our core fans and customers. I wanted you to hear about the 5e game from us first, and it's important news clearly related to why you come here.
But we are absolutely not joking, or spinning you a line, when we say The One Ring Roleplaying Game will continue as an independent, fully supported line. You guys are at the heart of what we do. True story. And heck, I didn't shed this much blood sweat and tears to then throw The One Ring away, and I know the rest of the team feel the same, from the bottom to the top. We have some good stuff for you this week.
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by Cawdorthane » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:28 am
Like others I have mixed feelings about this.
Yes, it is a deservedly great coup for Cubicle7 and at the end of the day the Cubicle7 team are in business to make a living, hopefully with the added bonus of job satisfaction from delivering high quality rpg products. As someone who recently returned to D&D after an interval of nearly 30 years, I enjoy both D&D5e as a player and TOR as a LM. They are different but are not as necessarily polarised from each other as we might think. But I confess that I share the trepidation of those who saw their beloved 7thSea system die a d20 dealt death, and hopefully Cubicle7 will have learnt from such past failures. If D&D ME brings in significant capital into Cubicle7 then no doubt TOR can flourish too.
However, the real difficulty will be if the design teams are linked or respective resources are co-dependent, as basic human nature is to prioritise the option that produces the greatest benefit for the team - i.e. sales that generate filthy lucre! No responsible publisher would favour focusing limited resources on a product with a viable production run of a few thousand against one with a viable production run of several tens of thousands. So as a community, those of us who love TOR can only do our best continue to support it and TOR's sales of ever new and more wonderful tomes (I love Horselords and now I cannot wait for Oaths), and hopefully we will garner reflected positive growth from D&Ders exposed to the marvels of TOR....
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by Ghorin » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:45 am
Jon Hodgson wrote:All being well, and I don't have the final say on this, so bear with me, there will be a series of TOR news items on our site this week, about The One Ring Roleplaying Game, and only The One Ring Roleplaying Game.
I'm hoping for three. It might end up as two. Let's see.
For once I don't say this to tease. We're really mindful of you guys as our core fans and customers. I wanted you to hear about the 5e game from us first, and it's important news clearly related to why you come here.
But we are absolutely not joking, or spinning you a line, when we say The One Ring Roleplaying Game will continue as an independent, fully supported line. You guys are at the heart of what we do. True story. And heck, I didn't shed this much blood sweat and tears to then throw The One Ring away, and I know the rest of the team feel the same, from the bottom to the top. We have some good stuff for you this week.
Thank you for all the information you give us. You take care of your TOR fan base and that's good.
Now i look forward to read the next TOR news this week-end...
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by Otaku-sempai » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:52 am
Cawdorthane wrote:Like others I have mixed feelings about this.
Pardon me for not quoting you in full, Mark. I try to keep in mind that much of the design work on the TOR material is completed months in advance and a major reason for delays is waiting on approval from the licensor, which is something that C7 has no control over. I'm not worried about C7's production process.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."
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by Ernst-Jan » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:12 pm
Jon Hodgson wrote:All being well, and I don't have the final say on this, so bear with me, there will be a series of TOR news items on our site this week, about The One Ring Roleplaying Game, and only The One Ring Roleplaying Game.
I'm hoping for three. It might end up as two. Let's see.
For once I don't say this to tease. We're really mindful of you guys as our core fans and customers. I wanted you to hear about the 5e game from us first, and it's important news clearly related to why you come here.
But we are absolutely not joking, or spinning you a line, when we say The One Ring Roleplaying Game will continue as an independent, fully supported line. You guys are at the heart of what we do. True story. And heck, I didn't shed this much blood sweat and tears to then throw The One Ring away, and I know the rest of the team feel the same, from the bottom to the top. We have some good stuff for you this week.
Fears (largely) dispelled!
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by Glorelendil » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:09 pm
Jon Hodgson wrote:
For once I don't say this to tease.
So...wait....all those other times
you were just teasing us?!?!?!
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by Glorelendil » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:23 pm
Serious question, if you're allowed to answer: is this a deal with WotC, or is this pure 3rd party OGL? The whole Internet is conjecturing...
I'm crossing my fingers for the former, because I'd love to see this become an official Adventurer's League "season".
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by fbnaulin » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:37 pm
I feel this is good news.
C7 is taking advantage of the OGL and a huge D&D costumer base.
That means more money and efficiency to use already designed and approved contents, thus more support for The One Ring.
I just hope The One Ring keeps its unique style and graphical identity as its own.
Recreatividad is my blog in spanish, I write about roleplaying games, specially The One Ring, Mouse Guard, Diaspora and Prince Valiant. You can find custom characters sheets there.
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by Curulon » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:52 pm
Jon Hodgson wrote:All being well, and I don't have the final say on this, so bear with me, there will be a series of TOR news items on our site this week, about The One Ring Roleplaying Game, and only The One Ring Roleplaying Game.
I'm hoping for three. It might end up as two. Let's see.
I'm not sure I could properly contain myself at work if two or three announcements are coming! This week just got awesome.