Re: Upcoming One Ring Releases Updated
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:38 am
That's not what the y usually tattoo in Magaluf though Jon.
You mean the Adventurer's Companion will include the six core cultures as well as all those from other supplements? That's going to take up an awful lot of space, assuming it includes virtues and rewards (and it would be a bit pointless if it didn't!) and it will still be outdated as soon as another culture is published afterwards...Jon Hodgson wrote:The Adventurers Companion will contain the Riders of Rohan culture. It is Intended as a players supplement, so covers all the published cultures to date, along with some new ones.
The idea is your players will grab a copy for their own reference, while not necessarily needing the core rules.
I'm very happy about this. It will make gaming at my table a lot easier (if expensive!).Jon Hodgson wrote:The Adventurers Companion will contain the Riders of Rohan culture. It is Intended as a players supplement, so covers all the published cultures to date, along with some new ones.
The idea is your players will grab a copy for their own reference, while not necessarily needing the core rules.
You should put it on one cheek, and on the other have "Keep an eye on the site."Jon Hodgson wrote:I have recently taken the time-saving measure of having "The 5e Middle-earth game is not part of, nor replaces, The One Ring, which continues as a fully independent and supported game line" tattooed onto my face.
I now realise just putting it in my forum sig might have been a better plan. Oh well what can you do?
Sorry - I wasn't very clear - Adventurers Companion collects all cultures published outside of the core rules.Earendil wrote:You mean the Adventurer's Companion will include the six core cultures as well as all those from other supplements? That's going to take up an awful lot of space, assuming it includes virtues and rewards (and it would be a bit pointless if it didn't!) and it will still be outdated as soon as another culture is published afterwards...Jon Hodgson wrote:The Adventurers Companion will contain the Riders of Rohan culture. It is Intended as a players supplement, so covers all the published cultures to date, along with some new ones.
The idea is your players will grab a copy for their own reference, while not necessarily needing the core rules.
I'm very curious to see what else will be in it now! I was hoping for additional virtues and rewards for the various cultures, but this makes me wonder if there will be space for that.
Of course the quality of TOR products has been fantastic so far, and I'm sure this will be excellent too. I just feel more choices for the cultures already published would be a real plus.
Ah, right. Thanks! That's a bit of a relief: more space for new things!Jon Hodgson wrote:Sorry - I wasn't very clear - Adventurers Companion collects all cultures published outside of the core rules.
Thanks for the clarification, Jon.Jon Hodgson wrote:Adventurers Companion collects all cultures published outside of the core rules.