Doh! The order of events in HLoR makes it clear that the Charge is not Close Combat. I missed that, thank you.Falenthal wrote:
As I read it, bows cannot be used from a mount when in Close Combat. But they can be used in a Charge. A Charge is not Closed Combat.
Agreed. The Virtue does suggest that. I guess I don't like the mechanic of allowing archery in a cavalry melee. It certainly is not prohibited however, so I must live with it.Falenthal wrote:That would be represented by the fact that, to fire into a melee once in Close Combat, the archer has either to dismount and get to Rearward Stance (with a base TN of 12) or have the Horse-archery Virtue and go into the melee itself (with lower TNs due to the closer approach to enemies).Dunheved wrote: I also can't see any missile weapons being fired into a melee where the risk of friendly-fire casualties is significant because a cavalry melee seems to be a lot more mobile and fluid with targets and friends changing relative positions many times.
As for the sections from the Two Towers describing the mobile archery of the Rohirrim: I think I actually don't want a specific mechanic in RAW: I'd rather let a PC suggest how it would work and reward good narrative with an ad hoc decision then and there. I can't come up with a short and clear idea how I would run this. If I was in a good mood I'd maybe remind a PC of the possibility and ask them if they had a plan to shoot on the run. However, I agree that using the the Wheel & Charge rule as a starting point seems best advice.
(Maybe Oaths of the Riddermark might have a scene about horse archery put in to it - ....hint hint to anyone who might know...)
And thanks to Rich H as well: I quoted from TTT as the only canon example I could think of. Using the skills tests that you put is a good alternative and a closer match to the narrative.
Dunheved wrote: The Horse Archery virtue in HLoR simply permits you to fire a bow while on a horse: just as you would fire a bow while on foot in normal combat. Or am I reading this wrong?
Again. Thanks for the pointer. (My excuse is that it is so much easier to read these things when in hard copy than pdf!)Falenthal wrote: It permits you to fire the bow from a horse when in Close Combat, from a position of melee (Forward, Open or Defensive), thus having a lower TN to hit. Also, it negates the limit to the Bow skill due to the Athletics skill.