JamesRBrown, I like the way of your though as I myself used this additional rule when one of my players used hope to overcome a missded.
This derived into interesting philosophical discussion.
But in my opinion despite the game favours this discussion, system in its inception is not so deep .The Ego think to me is not an excuse to use your hope withouth penalize to carry on with a misdeed. Let's say that after you finished the deed you can realize that you put all your heart in it, and It could feels good, that's so wrong and that's why your character must earn additional shadow or additional corruption test (before spent the hope in the missded)
jamesrbrown wrote:I can see that a villain may hope for a nasty outcome when committing misdeeds. That hope he has is 'positive' spiritual fervour to him, even though others do not see it as positive. They will see it as the influence of evil.
That is what game defines in monsters as Hate and I consider it the same for villains once they're corrupt. Hate.
And that's what you can use it to overcome actions, not shadow as shadow is only a marker, as someone stated, of how close are you to the breakdown and to the "darkside".