Prince Telvido's New Campaign
- Prince Telvido
- Posts: 8
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Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Hello all, a long time Tolkien enthusiast and gamer here. I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, gleaning precious information and ideas for crafting my own 'The Great Shadow Rising" campaign, and thought i would share the first few sessions of my game with those who have so richly blessed me with my preparations.
For myself, I have been reading some work of Tolkiens (or about him) every year since 1986. My players know my deep passion for the world, even if they are comfortable with never wanting to rise to that same level. Back in the 80's and 90's I played Iron Crown Enterprises "Middle Earth RPG" and also the Middle Earth Card game fanatically. As one of my players is also a Tolkien fan, and also played some of the MERP and CCG with me in college, I decided to draw a lot of names and story arcs from that source material. My other player has watched the Movies, and listen to me natter on often enough he is familiar with the setting, but a bit clueless as to the events not depicted on screen. Fortunately he has one of my "Tolkien A-Z" copies in his gaming material, and has been reading up on the world and peoples.
We made characters two weeks ago, and created a medium/large sized party. We have one Beorning, one Woodsman, two dwarves, a hobbit and I created young 'Jarvi' as the local Lakeman Barding. With the presence of two 'Broadbeam' clan dwarves, we opted to have this party as somewhat anti-Elf. As there are only two players, each player runs two or three characters. As we have been gaming for 15 or more years together, we are fairly good at running multiple characters well. The one player far more knowledgeable of the world is running 'Nain' the more Scholarly of the two dwarves, plus 'Kieran' the wandering Hobbit from the Shire and 'Wulfgar' the Woodsman Ranger. The less experience player is running 'Dolf' the Warden Beorning and 'Feldspar' the Treasure seeking dwarf. I occasionally run 'Jarvi' the Merchant Widow's son from the adventure "Blood in the Water" when he is not being run by the less experienced (in Middle Earth lore) player, mostly to help build up the local flavor and information.
For Background information, I helped build up each character spending a few hours of just drawing up histories and agenda's for each character with the players.
'Feldspar' is the semi defacto leader of the company. A Dwarf of the Iron Hills, his home in Azanulinbar-Dûm connected him to many wealthy Longbeard dwarves, which made his lesser status as a Broadbeam all the more wearisome. For Feldspar's is is a noble heritage from long lost Barazbizar (Carn Dum), and one of the last kin of the son of King Brór, who ruled Barazbizar when the Witchking came to claim the city for his own. While Feldspar dreams of rebuilding the kingdom of the Broadbeam Dwarves, much as Dain has done for the tribe of Durin, Feldspar know his Tribe of Dwalin will never rise to rule their lost halls as long as the Lord of the Nazgul walks Middle Earth. But he knows of long lost Zarak Dum, a Stronghold also in the Mountains of Angmar, which was lost to plague a hundred years before the coming of the Witchking. He dreams of entering those long forgotten halls and becoming his own 'King under the Mountain.' He suspects that the halls of Zarak Dum have been occupied by a Drake or Dragon, and came to Erebor to learn how to kill a Dragon and keep its horde, as Thorin and Company managed to do. He has arrived in the still being build city of Esgaroth, in time for their second 'Dragontide' Celebration, in Autumn of 2943. (LM Note: I decided that Dragontide would be celebrated ever year, starting in 2942, but would grow bigger, grander and more elaborate each year, culminating in a huge fireworks display in 2946, as a competition to Dale's 'Battle of Five Armies celebration').
Nain is a cousin to Feldspar, and also of the tribe of Dwalin. While Feldspar dreams of gold and lordship, Nain dreams of the long lost records and knowledge of his people hidden in lost halls and deep delves. His home in Zirakbhund (Mallost in the Ered Luin) and those long forsaken mines offered him much lost lore to explore, but little in the way of people to communicate with. The few members of the garrison in little more than a backwater outpost could little understand the great thirst for knowledge that young Nain had. So when he heard of the success of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, he set out for Erebor with other dwarven travelers from the Blue Mountains. He has just witnessed the Second Dragontide celebration, and is embarking on a ferry ride up the Long Lake to Dale and thence to Erebor.
Kieran was ever restless. At just 44, he is not quite yet a truly mature Hobbit, and ought not to be on his own. But Dodi and Agatha Brandybuck brought him along on their mad idea to set up an Inn under the leaves of the Great Mirkwood anyway. Now they know why their kin in Hobbiton had asked them to apprentice him. Kieran is a lovely lad, but far to bubbly and energetic for any respectable Hobbit. So Agatha came up with the idea to send Kieran to Esgaroth to set up some trade for foodstuffs and other necessities with the merchants over there. They managed to hire (swindle) a Beorning named Dolf to escort their ward across the Wildes. Kieran is ever looking to explore the wild world. He just hasn't got any plain Hobbit sense in his head, and instead just wants to see everything. Maybe even find some Goblins and battle them as Bilbo did on his adventure. Alas, the Grey Mountain Narrows proved a pleasant enough trip with no Goblins, but Kieran swears he heard a Warg howl one night when the moon was full. Dolf told him to shut up and that it was just an owl. Esgaroth was very impressive, but only half the buildings are done. Clearly Aunti Agatha would want trade with a more establish population, so you have taken it into your head that better Merchants can be found in Dale, which is a proper city.
Dolf, a Beorning son, a dedicated Warder, has taken it upon himself to bring the young Hobbit through the Wildlands to Esgaroth and back. The two managed to make it across the Grey Mountain Narrows with no real issue, and Dolf thanked the Great Bear Spirits and the wisdom of Orome for guiding them safely thus far. Alas, the young Hobbit has prematurely greyed some of Dolf's beard with worry, as the lad is often scampering about, and vanishing into dark holes and other places, looking for the Goblin's that he has heard that other crazy Hobbit Bilbo speak of. Now that they are in Esgaroth, Dolf though he could be finally free of worry, but the dratted Hobbit is off already on a Ferryboat to head up to Dale.
Wulfgar has lived in Woodmentown all his life. The warm light of the Lanter of Balthi has made the nights tolerable, even under the eves of the trees so close to Dol Guldur. Once the Necromancer was driven out two years ago, things have improved. More people are coming to the Woodmen's halls, and Wulgar hopes to make a name and reputation for himself, and the best way to do that is through money. So, he has come to Esgaroth and Dale to claim some of the dragon treasure that is flowing out of the mountain. A Good trapper and Furrier ought to provide the excessively rich folk of these lands with some good sturdy furs for the long cold winters that must be common so far to the north. Once Wulfgar has his own treasure chest loaded with gems and gold, he can return to Woodmen Town, become a councilor of the people, and help rule wisely and richly.
Jarvi is the young boy from the adventure 'Blood in the Water" by Eclipse from these forums. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=195
As LM, I decided a young, energetic local would be a good Plot controlled PC, and the late teen son of a Merchant would allow me ample opportunity to create PC plothooks. So rather than him stay with the Ferry when they discover the events in 'Blood" I had Jarvi join the party. He has taken a liking to Kieran, as both are pretty much late teens getting into trouble in the wild world. And I set up Jarvi with the Treasure Hunter background. Tired of life as a Stockboy for his Mother, Jarvi want to seek out wealth and fame with none of the hard work. So when a company is formed on the Dock of the Dragon Head Inn, he seizes the opportunity and joins in hunting for the miscreants who caused the trouble 'Practically in our own back yard mother!'
So, that is the Company heading up the Long Lake towards teh Dragon Head Inn, and their first adventure.
For myself, I have been reading some work of Tolkiens (or about him) every year since 1986. My players know my deep passion for the world, even if they are comfortable with never wanting to rise to that same level. Back in the 80's and 90's I played Iron Crown Enterprises "Middle Earth RPG" and also the Middle Earth Card game fanatically. As one of my players is also a Tolkien fan, and also played some of the MERP and CCG with me in college, I decided to draw a lot of names and story arcs from that source material. My other player has watched the Movies, and listen to me natter on often enough he is familiar with the setting, but a bit clueless as to the events not depicted on screen. Fortunately he has one of my "Tolkien A-Z" copies in his gaming material, and has been reading up on the world and peoples.
We made characters two weeks ago, and created a medium/large sized party. We have one Beorning, one Woodsman, two dwarves, a hobbit and I created young 'Jarvi' as the local Lakeman Barding. With the presence of two 'Broadbeam' clan dwarves, we opted to have this party as somewhat anti-Elf. As there are only two players, each player runs two or three characters. As we have been gaming for 15 or more years together, we are fairly good at running multiple characters well. The one player far more knowledgeable of the world is running 'Nain' the more Scholarly of the two dwarves, plus 'Kieran' the wandering Hobbit from the Shire and 'Wulfgar' the Woodsman Ranger. The less experience player is running 'Dolf' the Warden Beorning and 'Feldspar' the Treasure seeking dwarf. I occasionally run 'Jarvi' the Merchant Widow's son from the adventure "Blood in the Water" when he is not being run by the less experienced (in Middle Earth lore) player, mostly to help build up the local flavor and information.
For Background information, I helped build up each character spending a few hours of just drawing up histories and agenda's for each character with the players.
'Feldspar' is the semi defacto leader of the company. A Dwarf of the Iron Hills, his home in Azanulinbar-Dûm connected him to many wealthy Longbeard dwarves, which made his lesser status as a Broadbeam all the more wearisome. For Feldspar's is is a noble heritage from long lost Barazbizar (Carn Dum), and one of the last kin of the son of King Brór, who ruled Barazbizar when the Witchking came to claim the city for his own. While Feldspar dreams of rebuilding the kingdom of the Broadbeam Dwarves, much as Dain has done for the tribe of Durin, Feldspar know his Tribe of Dwalin will never rise to rule their lost halls as long as the Lord of the Nazgul walks Middle Earth. But he knows of long lost Zarak Dum, a Stronghold also in the Mountains of Angmar, which was lost to plague a hundred years before the coming of the Witchking. He dreams of entering those long forgotten halls and becoming his own 'King under the Mountain.' He suspects that the halls of Zarak Dum have been occupied by a Drake or Dragon, and came to Erebor to learn how to kill a Dragon and keep its horde, as Thorin and Company managed to do. He has arrived in the still being build city of Esgaroth, in time for their second 'Dragontide' Celebration, in Autumn of 2943. (LM Note: I decided that Dragontide would be celebrated ever year, starting in 2942, but would grow bigger, grander and more elaborate each year, culminating in a huge fireworks display in 2946, as a competition to Dale's 'Battle of Five Armies celebration').
Nain is a cousin to Feldspar, and also of the tribe of Dwalin. While Feldspar dreams of gold and lordship, Nain dreams of the long lost records and knowledge of his people hidden in lost halls and deep delves. His home in Zirakbhund (Mallost in the Ered Luin) and those long forsaken mines offered him much lost lore to explore, but little in the way of people to communicate with. The few members of the garrison in little more than a backwater outpost could little understand the great thirst for knowledge that young Nain had. So when he heard of the success of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, he set out for Erebor with other dwarven travelers from the Blue Mountains. He has just witnessed the Second Dragontide celebration, and is embarking on a ferry ride up the Long Lake to Dale and thence to Erebor.
Kieran was ever restless. At just 44, he is not quite yet a truly mature Hobbit, and ought not to be on his own. But Dodi and Agatha Brandybuck brought him along on their mad idea to set up an Inn under the leaves of the Great Mirkwood anyway. Now they know why their kin in Hobbiton had asked them to apprentice him. Kieran is a lovely lad, but far to bubbly and energetic for any respectable Hobbit. So Agatha came up with the idea to send Kieran to Esgaroth to set up some trade for foodstuffs and other necessities with the merchants over there. They managed to hire (swindle) a Beorning named Dolf to escort their ward across the Wildes. Kieran is ever looking to explore the wild world. He just hasn't got any plain Hobbit sense in his head, and instead just wants to see everything. Maybe even find some Goblins and battle them as Bilbo did on his adventure. Alas, the Grey Mountain Narrows proved a pleasant enough trip with no Goblins, but Kieran swears he heard a Warg howl one night when the moon was full. Dolf told him to shut up and that it was just an owl. Esgaroth was very impressive, but only half the buildings are done. Clearly Aunti Agatha would want trade with a more establish population, so you have taken it into your head that better Merchants can be found in Dale, which is a proper city.
Dolf, a Beorning son, a dedicated Warder, has taken it upon himself to bring the young Hobbit through the Wildlands to Esgaroth and back. The two managed to make it across the Grey Mountain Narrows with no real issue, and Dolf thanked the Great Bear Spirits and the wisdom of Orome for guiding them safely thus far. Alas, the young Hobbit has prematurely greyed some of Dolf's beard with worry, as the lad is often scampering about, and vanishing into dark holes and other places, looking for the Goblin's that he has heard that other crazy Hobbit Bilbo speak of. Now that they are in Esgaroth, Dolf though he could be finally free of worry, but the dratted Hobbit is off already on a Ferryboat to head up to Dale.
Wulfgar has lived in Woodmentown all his life. The warm light of the Lanter of Balthi has made the nights tolerable, even under the eves of the trees so close to Dol Guldur. Once the Necromancer was driven out two years ago, things have improved. More people are coming to the Woodmen's halls, and Wulgar hopes to make a name and reputation for himself, and the best way to do that is through money. So, he has come to Esgaroth and Dale to claim some of the dragon treasure that is flowing out of the mountain. A Good trapper and Furrier ought to provide the excessively rich folk of these lands with some good sturdy furs for the long cold winters that must be common so far to the north. Once Wulfgar has his own treasure chest loaded with gems and gold, he can return to Woodmen Town, become a councilor of the people, and help rule wisely and richly.
Jarvi is the young boy from the adventure 'Blood in the Water" by Eclipse from these forums. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=195
As LM, I decided a young, energetic local would be a good Plot controlled PC, and the late teen son of a Merchant would allow me ample opportunity to create PC plothooks. So rather than him stay with the Ferry when they discover the events in 'Blood" I had Jarvi join the party. He has taken a liking to Kieran, as both are pretty much late teens getting into trouble in the wild world. And I set up Jarvi with the Treasure Hunter background. Tired of life as a Stockboy for his Mother, Jarvi want to seek out wealth and fame with none of the hard work. So when a company is formed on the Dock of the Dragon Head Inn, he seizes the opportunity and joins in hunting for the miscreants who caused the trouble 'Practically in our own back yard mother!'
So, that is the Company heading up the Long Lake towards teh Dragon Head Inn, and their first adventure.
Peter J. Ross II
Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Sounds like an interesting setup, especially as you're starting a bit early (which is cool, y'all get more good years that way). We used to sometimes do the multiple-characters-per-player thing when I was younger, but I don't think I could manage it these days.
Good luck, and tell us about the further adventures of your Company...
Good luck, and tell us about the further adventures of your Company...
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
This space intentionally blank.
This space intentionally blank.
- Prince Telvido
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:31 pm
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Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Thank you muchly. I plan on doing a slow start out, with only one adventure the first year, and going into a Fellowship phase and wintering in Dale, so to as allow the Characters get immersed in the greater arching plot.
As to that plot, the main agent of the Enemy for this arc is the Grimburgoth from Iron Crowns MERP. From my old sourcebooks, the Grimburgoth was a kinsman of Khamul the Easterling, and long centuries ago joined the Ringwraith in Dol Guldur, becoming a servant of Sauron. Once called Daon, he rose swiftly through the ranks, and became the leader of the Rangers of Dol Guldur, called the Grimburz. In time, he was awarded a lesser ring, and became a Ring wight. When the White Council cast the Necromancer out of Dol Guldur (my game will use the Movie version to help out Joe, the lest Lore aware player), the Grimburgoth hid in the deep dungeons. However, the wheels he and his main rival for rule of Dol Guldur when not run by the Necromancer, the dark Lady Eleria, leader of the Kisothi, (the Sorcerors of Dol Guldur), had set in motion functioned just as well if not better with the 'False Peace' in place. Seeing the rise of the nations of Men as a threat, the Grimburz and Kishothi had joined in a common task to enslave the rising nations to the Dark Lord's will through treachery and deceit.
The Lady Eleria went to the man city of Maethelburg along the Anduin River (an Old MERP location, I added to TOR so that there was a major trade city in the Middle Anduin vales, which I plan on using as a major refuge as the Darkening of Mirkwood weakens the Woodmen confederation), along with the man Taladhan just prior to teh White Councils attack. To Erebor went the dwarves Threlin and Nain, to Dale went the cunning Dunadain Sorceror Hador, and the haughty Elf Calendal, and to Esgaroth the dark Ranger Eradan (man). In my campaign, Hador becomes King Bard Seneschal in 2944, Nain and Caladan set up shops in Dale in 2945, and thus are able to ensnare the merchant Lochmand into the Grimburgoth plots in 2946. Plots which include letting a certain Gibbet King try for gaining a Dragon ally over the next few years. Tensions between the Sorcerers and the Rangers will keep evil from getting to overpowering too quickly, and if the Players manage to do things right, they can find ways to play these two factions off one another.
Each agent of the Shadow has a magical broach, shaped like a red oval with an onyx stone set in the center (sort of a red eye), in which charms of communication have been worked into. These broaches will allow the wearers to communicate with one another. If the Players are clever, they might be able to capture one, and if strong enough of will, manage to overhear vital information in helping them derail the coming "Night of Revenge" when the agents of Sauron rise up and retake the North for their Dark Master. A few other servants of the Shadow, like the Sorceress Ziraphel, have their own evil agenda, and look to ruin the cooperation of the Grimburgoth and Eleria. After all, the Grimburgoth has a ring, albeit a Lesser one, and if he is slain, then the Sorceress could claim it for herself, or if she topples Eleria, then she could claim the Kishothi for her own. The PC's will have ample opportunity to cause divisions in the Shadows forces if they play their cards right.
As to that plot, the main agent of the Enemy for this arc is the Grimburgoth from Iron Crowns MERP. From my old sourcebooks, the Grimburgoth was a kinsman of Khamul the Easterling, and long centuries ago joined the Ringwraith in Dol Guldur, becoming a servant of Sauron. Once called Daon, he rose swiftly through the ranks, and became the leader of the Rangers of Dol Guldur, called the Grimburz. In time, he was awarded a lesser ring, and became a Ring wight. When the White Council cast the Necromancer out of Dol Guldur (my game will use the Movie version to help out Joe, the lest Lore aware player), the Grimburgoth hid in the deep dungeons. However, the wheels he and his main rival for rule of Dol Guldur when not run by the Necromancer, the dark Lady Eleria, leader of the Kisothi, (the Sorcerors of Dol Guldur), had set in motion functioned just as well if not better with the 'False Peace' in place. Seeing the rise of the nations of Men as a threat, the Grimburz and Kishothi had joined in a common task to enslave the rising nations to the Dark Lord's will through treachery and deceit.
The Lady Eleria went to the man city of Maethelburg along the Anduin River (an Old MERP location, I added to TOR so that there was a major trade city in the Middle Anduin vales, which I plan on using as a major refuge as the Darkening of Mirkwood weakens the Woodmen confederation), along with the man Taladhan just prior to teh White Councils attack. To Erebor went the dwarves Threlin and Nain, to Dale went the cunning Dunadain Sorceror Hador, and the haughty Elf Calendal, and to Esgaroth the dark Ranger Eradan (man). In my campaign, Hador becomes King Bard Seneschal in 2944, Nain and Caladan set up shops in Dale in 2945, and thus are able to ensnare the merchant Lochmand into the Grimburgoth plots in 2946. Plots which include letting a certain Gibbet King try for gaining a Dragon ally over the next few years. Tensions between the Sorcerers and the Rangers will keep evil from getting to overpowering too quickly, and if the Players manage to do things right, they can find ways to play these two factions off one another.
Each agent of the Shadow has a magical broach, shaped like a red oval with an onyx stone set in the center (sort of a red eye), in which charms of communication have been worked into. These broaches will allow the wearers to communicate with one another. If the Players are clever, they might be able to capture one, and if strong enough of will, manage to overhear vital information in helping them derail the coming "Night of Revenge" when the agents of Sauron rise up and retake the North for their Dark Master. A few other servants of the Shadow, like the Sorceress Ziraphel, have their own evil agenda, and look to ruin the cooperation of the Grimburgoth and Eleria. After all, the Grimburgoth has a ring, albeit a Lesser one, and if he is slain, then the Sorceress could claim it for herself, or if she topples Eleria, then she could claim the Kishothi for her own. The PC's will have ample opportunity to cause divisions in the Shadows forces if they play their cards right.
Peter J. Ross II
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:15 am
Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Interesting fusion of MERP and TOR. Let us know what happens!
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Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Sounds good; although if I were you I think I would have a contingency plan for a second adventure that first year, in case the first one is resolved more quickly than anticipated. I will also suggest that Grimburgoth should probably be a lesser Fell Wraith rather than a 'Ring-wight' as I'm not sure that Tolkien's Wights were really ever mortal men.Prince Telvido wrote:Thank you muchly. I plan on doing a slow start out, with only one adventure the first year, and going into a Fellowship phase and wintering in Dale, so to as allow the Characters get immersed in the greater arching plot.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."
- Prince Telvido
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:31 pm
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Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
I completely agree that the first adventure will likely be finished off quick, that is part of the plan. Rule one of a good GM is to know your players. I've been running Star Wars, D&D (2, 3x, 4, and 5th editions), Serenity, Mouseguard, Warhammer 40K and some home brewed games for these guys for about 15 years (20 years plus MERP for my friend Angel). I want to set the tone for TOR very differently than any game they have played with me before. With a seasonal style similar to Mouseguard as a major mechanic for TOR, I think running a Adventure in the Spring and Autumn seasons, with downtime in the Summer and Winter at first, will help change the typical D&D games I've run for them before.
As the Darkness gathers strength, adventures will run more and more into the off season time, making it harder for the Company to accomplish their goals, and become forced to either control their resources better, or create a net of NPC's to help carry out their goals. This is similar to the old Birthright campaign I ran back in the 90's, where an old AD&D group became the movers and shakers of their own faction in the world, and had to manage time and resources better. I still have players recounting how much fun they had from that experience, and Angel and Joe have both expressed interest in that style of game. Hence only one adventure to start us off for the year 2943.
As for the Grimburgoth history, I am lifting that straight from the old MERP "Dol Guldur" "Mirkwood" and "Southern Mirkwood" Realm sourcebooks I have. I agree, Tolkien never had men become wights and the only wraiths of real note were the Nine and the Oathbreakers. Even the Barrowwights are fell lesser Maia whom the Witchking encouraged to inhabit the remains of men. But then, Iron Crown Enterprises did take liberties with Tolkien's world. For MERP, the idea of Wights (not to be confused with the Barrow-wights) are one of three types of Undead (the other two being wraiths and ghosts, although I think they also had Phantoms under the Undead category at one time). MERP Wights refer to cursed beings, who remain "bound to the will and goals of the one who cursed them" in their after-life. Unlike wraiths and phantoms, wights can possess the remains of other dead people. In the case of the Grimburgoth, while he was already unusually loyal to both Khamul and Sauron, his death after so long being unnaturally extended by his lesser ring completely enslaved him to Sauron's will. In a way, TOR's Gibbet King fits nicely with the idea of a MERP Wight, and I plan to run the Gibbet King as a servant of the Grimburgoth who was slain and bound by the Grimburgoth ages ago. Thus the Gibbet King's wight nature makes him a loyal, although hate filled, servant.
Granted, chances are slight that the players will encounter the Grimburgoth himself, as he lairs deep in the ruins of Dol Guldur, but they will more likely deal with his minions as the game progresses. If they survive past 2952, then I may have them meet him instead of one of the three Nazgul, as I would prefer to keep Khamul, Adunaphael and Uvatha as really horrible bads, sort of a creeping doom ala Cthulhu or Hastur, beings you only hear about and never manage to engage. However, if the players run into the Nazgul because they do something incredibly stupid, then they know the dice shall fall as they may with me.
As the Darkness gathers strength, adventures will run more and more into the off season time, making it harder for the Company to accomplish their goals, and become forced to either control their resources better, or create a net of NPC's to help carry out their goals. This is similar to the old Birthright campaign I ran back in the 90's, where an old AD&D group became the movers and shakers of their own faction in the world, and had to manage time and resources better. I still have players recounting how much fun they had from that experience, and Angel and Joe have both expressed interest in that style of game. Hence only one adventure to start us off for the year 2943.
As for the Grimburgoth history, I am lifting that straight from the old MERP "Dol Guldur" "Mirkwood" and "Southern Mirkwood" Realm sourcebooks I have. I agree, Tolkien never had men become wights and the only wraiths of real note were the Nine and the Oathbreakers. Even the Barrowwights are fell lesser Maia whom the Witchking encouraged to inhabit the remains of men. But then, Iron Crown Enterprises did take liberties with Tolkien's world. For MERP, the idea of Wights (not to be confused with the Barrow-wights) are one of three types of Undead (the other two being wraiths and ghosts, although I think they also had Phantoms under the Undead category at one time). MERP Wights refer to cursed beings, who remain "bound to the will and goals of the one who cursed them" in their after-life. Unlike wraiths and phantoms, wights can possess the remains of other dead people. In the case of the Grimburgoth, while he was already unusually loyal to both Khamul and Sauron, his death after so long being unnaturally extended by his lesser ring completely enslaved him to Sauron's will. In a way, TOR's Gibbet King fits nicely with the idea of a MERP Wight, and I plan to run the Gibbet King as a servant of the Grimburgoth who was slain and bound by the Grimburgoth ages ago. Thus the Gibbet King's wight nature makes him a loyal, although hate filled, servant.
Granted, chances are slight that the players will encounter the Grimburgoth himself, as he lairs deep in the ruins of Dol Guldur, but they will more likely deal with his minions as the game progresses. If they survive past 2952, then I may have them meet him instead of one of the three Nazgul, as I would prefer to keep Khamul, Adunaphael and Uvatha as really horrible bads, sort of a creeping doom ala Cthulhu or Hastur, beings you only hear about and never manage to engage. However, if the players run into the Nazgul because they do something incredibly stupid, then they know the dice shall fall as they may with me.
Peter J. Ross II
- Prince Telvido
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Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Fear not Finrod, I plan on keeping this campaign report going. Hopefully people will enjoy the tales as much as I do plotting them.
Peter J. Ross II
- Posts: 51
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- Location: Aurora Colorado
Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Have you considered using Obsidian Portal for your campaign?
- Prince Telvido
- Posts: 8
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Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
A friend of mine uses Obsidian Portal for her 5th Ed D&D campaign, but I have only barely looked at it. At times I can be a real Luddite when it comes to such tools.
Peter J. Ross II
Re: Prince Telvido's New Campaign
Sounds like a great start, Prince Telvido! You can tell you've put a lot of thought and effort into your campaign, and I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time! Your Hobbit reminds me of our lone Hobbit, who often would venture off and get himself into trouble, too. 
I've got some Middle Earth: The Wizards cards, but I never did play that game. I did do quite a bit with Decipher's Lord of the Rings TCG (and was a playtester through the whole run as well). Welcome to the forums, and I look forward to reading more of your reports!

I've got some Middle Earth: The Wizards cards, but I never did play that game. I did do quite a bit with Decipher's Lord of the Rings TCG (and was a playtester through the whole run as well). Welcome to the forums, and I look forward to reading more of your reports!
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
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