Hello, I have recently started running a game using Fantasy Grounds, which (I think) is going really well. But I do have a lack of pictures and maps that can be used to share with the players.
I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for sites to get Middle-earth style pictures: scenes, towns, forests, people, etc and also any sites that would have top-down 'battle-maps' that would fit for a Middle-earth theme.
I just have no idea where to look.
Thanks for any help.
Help with pictures to use on FG
Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
Deviant Art has a lot of good pictures.
Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
I've generally used the art and maps from the books to evoke a scene for players, together with a stance sheet for combat. For generic terrain battlements, DrivethruRPG has a good selection. Devin Night (immortal nights website) has a good selection of top down tokens for Fantasy.
Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
Yep, doing an image search on the relevant sites (or images.google.com) with the artists listed in the various books has proven very successful in the past. If nothing else, you can share the link to the artist's site (which I'm sure they would appreciate).gazery wrote:Hello, I have recently started running a game using Fantasy Grounds, which (I think) is going really well. But I do have a lack of pictures and maps that can be used to share with the players.
I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for sites to get Middle-earth style pictures: scenes, towns, forests, people, etc and also any sites that would have top-down 'battle-maps' that would fit for a Middle-earth theme.
I just have no idea where to look.
Thanks for any help.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
Thanks very much,
I have managed to find lots of decent pictures, including ones directly from the books via searching the artists name (good tip that).
It probably would have helped to have the pdf versions of the books, unfortunately I don't
Thank you once again for he help.
Also zedturtle, it was your Theft of the Moon we were running - went down very well, everyone enjoyed it and they managed to convince Cenric to give a fake version of the sickle to Guthred, when he arrived. When carving the sickle they got an extraordinary success and could invoke a Trait, so the fake was good enough to fool Guthred and Viglund - at least until it would be used! They realised this and followed the Viglundings back to there town. On route, they were attacked by wolves and after the fight one of them wanted to skin the wolves for their pelts - again rolled an extraordinary result! So succeeded masterfully. They arrived at the town and were able to gain entry by using the pelts as trade. They managed to get close enough to see Guthred hand over the sickle, which Viglund took happily, then to see Viglund allow the families to be released (but they did understand that the families would be dead come harvest time). They then met up secretly with them and offered protection for the family under Beorn (one of them is a Beorning). And successfully escorted them back to Beorn's Halls. That is where we finished. Fellowship phase next.
So again zedturtle, thank you very much for an extraordinary adventure (you definitely rolled at least two Tengwars when writing this)
I have managed to find lots of decent pictures, including ones directly from the books via searching the artists name (good tip that).
It probably would have helped to have the pdf versions of the books, unfortunately I don't

Thank you once again for he help.
Also zedturtle, it was your Theft of the Moon we were running - went down very well, everyone enjoyed it and they managed to convince Cenric to give a fake version of the sickle to Guthred, when he arrived. When carving the sickle they got an extraordinary success and could invoke a Trait, so the fake was good enough to fool Guthred and Viglund - at least until it would be used! They realised this and followed the Viglundings back to there town. On route, they were attacked by wolves and after the fight one of them wanted to skin the wolves for their pelts - again rolled an extraordinary result! So succeeded masterfully. They arrived at the town and were able to gain entry by using the pelts as trade. They managed to get close enough to see Guthred hand over the sickle, which Viglund took happily, then to see Viglund allow the families to be released (but they did understand that the families would be dead come harvest time). They then met up secretly with them and offered protection for the family under Beorn (one of them is a Beorning). And successfully escorted them back to Beorn's Halls. That is where we finished. Fellowship phase next.
So again zedturtle, thank you very much for an extraordinary adventure (you definitely rolled at least two Tengwars when writing this)
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Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
Gazery I guess you are aware that buying the books from C7 not only puts more money in their corporate pockets but also entitles you to a free pdf. I can assure you that the relatively small extra cost over say, Amazon, does indeed pay off when you count the added value of a free pdf. I use mine all the time to clip sections out for use in play to avoid tipping the players off about what's upcoming by them looking at the book cover that I'd otherwise have to be holding.
Some TOR Information on my G+ Drive.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
"The One Ring's not a computer game, dictated by stats and inflexible rules, it's a story telling game." - Clawless Dragon
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
"The One Ring's not a computer game, dictated by stats and inflexible rules, it's a story telling game." - Clawless Dragon
Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
Cool! Sounds like y'all had a lot of fun and the scenario worked out with the heroes taking a best case kind of approach. Thanks for all the kind words.gazery wrote:Also zedturtle, it was your Theft of the Moon we were running - went down very well, everyone enjoyed it and they managed to convince Cenric to give a fake version of the sickle to Guthred, when he arrived. When carving the sickle they got an extraordinary success and could invoke a Trait, so the fake was good enough to fool Guthred and Viglund - at least until it would be used! They realised this and followed the Viglundings back to there town. On route, they were attacked by wolves and after the fight one of them wanted to skin the wolves for their pelts - again rolled an extraordinary result! So succeeded masterfully. They arrived at the town and were able to gain entry by using the pelts as trade. They managed to get close enough to see Guthred hand over the sickle, which Viglund took happily, then to see Viglund allow the families to be released (but they did understand that the families would be dead come harvest time). They then met up secretly with them and offered protection for the family under Beorn (one of them is a Beorning). And successfully escorted them back to Beorn's Halls. That is where we finished. Fellowship phase next.
So again zedturtle, thank you very much for an extraordinary adventure (you definitely rolled at least two Tengwars when writing this)
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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Re: Help with pictures to use on FG
I do now realise that buying direct from Cubicle 7 gives a free pdf, unfortunately I had already bought most of the books from an online gaming store that I like to use. I am now buying direct from Cubicle 7 though, so I have the Rohan and Maps and Journeys on pdf and will definitely buy all future products straight from them.
Zedturtle - the group are experienced roleplayers, but new to The One Ring - I did pre-warn them that killing non-pure-evil beings will result in Shadow and they were able to use their experience to understand possible outcomes for the Thralls and so felt compelled to help them and not leave them to their fate.
Praise is well deserved, as it is testament that experienced roleplayers loved it and are now eager for more adventures in Middle-earth. A few more converts are always good.
Zedturtle - the group are experienced roleplayers, but new to The One Ring - I did pre-warn them that killing non-pure-evil beings will result in Shadow and they were able to use their experience to understand possible outcomes for the Thralls and so felt compelled to help them and not leave them to their fate.
Praise is well deserved, as it is testament that experienced roleplayers loved it and are now eager for more adventures in Middle-earth. A few more converts are always good.
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