Hello middle earth!
I am looking for an online fellowship that has an open slot for a jolly adventurer.
I've been playing rpgs for years now and fell in love withe The One Ring but my usual group has no time to play.
I live in Brazil (-3 timezone). Does anyone have a seat for me or at least a suggestion of where could I find a group?
Looking for Fellowship
Re: Looking for Fellowship
Hello. Are you looking for virtual tabletops like Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds? Or Play-by-Post games?
I run two PbP games of The One Ring. I'm not sure that we're currently looking for new members, but I can certainly put you on the waitlist.
I run two PbP games of The One Ring. I'm not sure that we're currently looking for new members, but I can certainly put you on the waitlist.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
This space intentionally blank.
This space intentionally blank.
Re: Looking for Fellowship
We play on Roll20 (Google Hangout for voice, no web cams) and play on Saturdays (most) from 8-11pm CST (GMT-5, I think).
You are certainly welcome to play if you want.
You are certainly welcome to play if you want.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat May 18, 2013 6:08 am
Re: Looking for Fellowship
First of all, thanks @zedturtle. I completely forgot about options such as Fantasy Grounds and Play-by-Post games. I appreciate your offering but Roll 20 would be better for me.
That being said, @damiller I would love to give it a chance. How should I contact you?
That being said, @damiller I would love to give it a chance. How should I contact you?
Re: Looking for Fellowship
you can contact me at dm52082 (at) hotmail.com
I'll get you set up with our Roll20, Slack and Hangout stuff! We play this weekend.
I'll get you set up with our Roll20, Slack and Hangout stuff! We play this weekend.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat May 18, 2013 6:08 am
Re: Looking for Fellowship
I've sent you an e-mail. Just plz check your spam folder because hotmail hates me.
- Posts: 51
- Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:48 pm
- Location: Aurora Colorado
Re: Looking for Fellowship
Obsidian Portal may be of assistance in finding a local group looking for players.
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