Inheritance Exp and how to use it

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Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Kullervo » Tue May 24, 2016 3:38 pm

Well, its finally happened: Tales of Wilderland came to an end, and my dwarf is looking to retire on a high note of his adventure! He's got 8 exp to pass on according to the vanilla table of exp. Now, here's what I dont get: is this exp counted as exp would normally be, the one that you earn and spend in every session? Meaning, you can only spend it on Weapon Skills and Valor/Wisdom, as if you earned it in a session. OR. IS it like the exp you get from 'previous experience' how the Rivendell elves and Dunadain get? In which case it can be used for much more stuff. The book marks it as 'heroic heritage' so, that implies that it is a previous thing of sorts, not something they earned?

I've tried taking a look around the forums for the answer, but didnt see anything of the sort.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by zedturtle » Tue May 24, 2016 3:54 pm

I think the general consensus is that it's Previous Experience, added to the normal 10/16 that a beginning character would normally get.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Kullervo » Tue May 24, 2016 4:13 pm

zedturtle wrote:I think the general consensus is that it's Previous Experience, added to the normal 10/16 that a beginning character would normally get.
Gotcha. Thanks Zedturtle.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Indur Dawndeath » Tue May 24, 2016 8:20 pm

I let the players use them as normal XP, bacause I want to give them a chance to increase Valour or Wisdom.
I think that is the most important score to catch up on...
Granted, I also hand out some AP in addition to the XP, but that is my own house rule, not RAW.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Majestic » Tue May 24, 2016 10:49 pm

I let them use it for anything as well.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Kullervo » Wed May 25, 2016 12:27 am

Indur Dawndeath wrote:I let the players use them as normal XP, bacause I want to give them a chance to increase Valour or Wisdom.
I think that is the most important score to catch up on...
Granted, I also hand out some AP in addition to the XP, but that is my own house rule, not RAW.

Right, I figured you could buy Virtues and Rewards with it, on the same price as you would Weapon Skills. Seems to make sense at least, otherwise corruption/valor rolls might be very tough on the newcomer.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Falenthal » Wed May 25, 2016 5:34 am

Kullervo wrote: otherwise corruption/valor rolls might be very tough on the newcomer.
...but the newcomer will have more Hope points to compensate this, and spend them if needed without so much worries as his companions.
It's a trade-off that not always works for every group (some people have adventured with their characters for years and are almost maxed out on Hope), but it's the mechanic the game proposes to somehow level new and old characters.
Of course, a new character in an experienced group should feel like he's the weak guy, needing protection from everybody else. Other, more experienced players, should work towards protecting and helping him: giving him the bonus dice from Preliminary rolls is a way of doing that; using Defend companion (at the cost of your own reduced Hope!) when in mortal danger is another; helping him first when a great or extraordinary success in a test that allows an autosucceed for extra companions (a wonderful fellowship mechanic, by the way) also comes to mind.

Surely there are other ways that involve the rest of the group and their roleplaying in helping their new comrade, and don't need to boost the newbies skills.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Kullervo » Wed May 25, 2016 1:54 pm

Falenthal wrote: ...but the newcomer will have more Hope points to compensate this, and spend them if needed without so much worries as his companions.
It's a trade-off that not always works for every group (some people have adventured with their characters for years and are almost maxed out on Hope), but it's the mechanic the game proposes to somehow level new and old characters.
Of course, a new character in an experienced group should feel like he's the weak guy, needing protection from everybody else. Other, more experienced players, should work towards protecting and helping him: giving him the bonus dice from Preliminary rolls is a way of doing that; using Defend companion (at the cost of your own reduced Hope!) when in mortal danger is another; helping him first when a great or extraordinary success in a test that allows an autosucceed for extra companions (a wonderful fellowship mechanic, by the way) also comes to mind.

Surely there are other ways that involve the rest of the group and their roleplaying in helping their new comrade, and don't need to boost the newbies skills.
Dunno. It sounds a lot like your new char would have to be babysat by everyone else and it... Would not sit well with me, at least. I get that its about cooperation, but everyone shielding the new guy until he has enough valor and wisdom seems an awful lot more like 'hey lets powerlevel the newb'. Since this cooperation thing, well, everyone should contribute! Not everyone contribute to one person, constantly, in order to keep them alive. Just my view on it.

As you pointed out, many people have their hope maxed even after a lot of adventuring by just being careful. My dwarf, who I am retiring, has about 60+ exp, 4/4 Wisom/Valor, 0 permanent shadow, and is full on hope. I did end up having to use Confidence once, but I did use a lot of hope and he got it back since. Thats another thing, really, only one companion had a bout of madness.

As for the dice donations for the sake of Valor and Wisdom... I mean I suppose they could do that. During Travel Corruption and Battle Fear rolls anyway. I dont think its right to completely rely on your group for your rolls all the time, they got their own stuff to worry about. Again, though, thats just my view on this, it just seems... demeaning to be babysat like that.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Falenthal » Wed May 25, 2016 3:23 pm

I don't think this "babysitting" will be needed all the time, only in special moments. Newbie characters in TOR are not puppies, and experienced characters aren't Glorfindels.

On the other hand, that's why Frodo had a Fellowship composed of a Maiar, the future King of Arnor and Gondor, the Captain of Gondor's Armies, the Elven Prince of the Woodland-realm and a Dwarven Noble by his side.
Oh, and his own gardener. You never know.

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Re: Inheritance Exp and how to use it

Post by Kullervo » Wed May 25, 2016 3:46 pm

Falenthal wrote:I don't think this "babysitting" will be needed all the time, only in special moments. Newbie characters in TOR are not puppies, and experienced characters aren't Glorfindels.

On the other hand, that's why Frodo had a Fellowship composed of a Maiar, the future King of Arnor and Gondor, the Captain of Gondor's Armies, the Elven Prince of the Woodland-realm and a Dwarven Noble by his side.
Oh, and his own gardener. You never know.
Perhaps. I wouldnt ever want to get more help from other characters just because they joined the group recently. I dont want to be Frodo much, either... Cant vouch for everyone, of course. Its good to have backup, and for people to have your back, its part of the game; just so long as it doesnt go past certain limits. As far as 'Glonfindeling' goes, heh, well, at this point the remainder of the party just shrugs off any corruption test thrown at them because almost everyone has 5 Wisdom. I guess we havent been to Angmar and Mordor yet where it would get well, more difficult, but so far everyone's been passing Fear and Corruption with flying colors.

Realistically speaking, I doubt I will need a lot of help when I restart unless the LM sends us to Angmar in the first session I rejoin - We have 2 Woodsmen who stayed as high... exp? Characters, then I think we have a High Elf of Rivendell since he retired his Mirkwood elf, and then we have me, who is going to be a Beorning, because I am -really- having trouble justifying a Dunedain adventurer who isnt super young and is still adventuring. Also becacause if we have a beorning we can actually get more involved in the Blood Feud storyline, and if not, not really, because we kinda imprisoned the uh, guilty party. ...Im getting off topic.

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