Rereading LOTR after exposure to TOR

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Finrod Felagund
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Re: Rereading LOTR after exposure to TOR

Post by Finrod Felagund » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:53 pm

Cawdorthane wrote:How utterly opposed the above perspective is to my reading of LotR. We seem to have read the same text and left with a diametrically opposite understanding.
Wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same! :D

I do acknowledge the superficiality of my comment, and the thrust of yours and Otaku-Sempai's views. I still hold to my views though as an "impression". Perhaps what I mean for example is that modern authors wouldn't even risk persons of a different skin colour being seen as anything like evil, kingly blood being able to cure people, or even something close to a "servant/master" relationship between key characters. It's also a reflection perhaps on how much UK society has changed in the past 15 years or so.

Do agree that TOR is immensely respectful of the source material and is a fab system.

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