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Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:35 pm
by Evocatus
What are some mechanics other LMs are utilizing to adjudicate a PC assisting another PC?

For context, in a recent game, a group of Dwarves were tracking a band of goblins back to their lair. One PC wanted to take point, while another assisted so, similar to a prolonged test, I simply dropped the TN one level.

Other thoughts I had were to: a.) have the entire party roll and count successes, more than half indicates group success (similar to Ambushes), and b.) have the second PC roll and count any Great or Ordinary towards either lowering the TN or contributing to a success pool (e.g. 3 successes total).

I went with the first because it was simplest and least time-consuming. I thought it worked fine, however, am interested in hearing what mechanics other LMs are using to adjudicate PCs actively assisting one another, either house rules or RAW (to the extent I've overlooked a RAW solution).

Re: Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:40 pm
by Artaxastra
It depends on what they're assisting them to do.

"I'm going to help Robin Brandybuck look for the hidden door." I make both of them roll and if either of them gets it, they find it.

"I see that Robin is struggling against the current of the Anduin. I'm Riverblooded and don't even usually have to make swimming rolls. I'm going to jump in and rescue Robin." I make them roll for it since assisting a drowning hobbit isn't a usual swimming task, but at a low TN because Robin is small and the woodman is an excellent swimmer.

Re: Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:46 pm
by zedturtle
I usually either do the -2 to the TN, or turn it into a prolonged test and reduce the TN significantly. Depends on the situation. Of course, I do also encourage the players to narrate giving each other Bonus Dice to be assisting, which can help build the sense of teamwork.

Re: Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:00 pm
by Stormcrow
This is the same as any normal roll.

Character A wants to perform task X. Character B wants to help. What is the difficulty of character A performing task X while being helped by character B?

Set the difficulty, and roll.

Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:38 pm
by Evocatus
Thanks, Artaxastra, zed turtle, and Stormcrow.

Good to hear confirmation on the various ways to resolve this and glad I hadn't missed a RAW solution - not that it matters necessarily - flexibility is key. I'll certainly keep these in mind.

If others have any additional suggestions, please feel free to post them as well.

Re: Questions: Assisting Another

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:08 am
by mirdanis
Artaxastra wrote:It depends on what they're assisting them to do.
Agreed. There are plenty of situations in published adventures and sourcebooks where if, for example, a Stealth roll is needed to sneak past a sleeping monster, or an Awareness roll to avoid an incoming arrow, or an Athletics roll to climb a cliff without falling, any PC rolling a Great success can assist one other; on an Extraordinary Success or Gandalf, they can assist two others. However, if they're trying to do something extraordinary, say, find the path at the edge of Mirkwood that leads to Woodland Hall, then as far as I'm concerned, they either need to be a Woodman or roll a Gandalf.