Pre-Order: Erebor - The Lonely Mountain and Q Workshop Dice
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:06 pm
We are delighted to announce that the pre-orders for Erebor - The Lonely Mountain, and Deluxe Q Workshop One Ring Dice Sets are both now live!
Find out more about this fascinating supplement at our website: ... order-now/
Or go straight for the pre-orders:
Erebor: ... y-Mountain
Dice: ... Q-Workshop
Or the PDF: ... _id=169435
Or pre-order at your local store and if they participate in Bits and Mortar, you can get the PDF free!
Erebor - The Lonely Mountain

With Smaug the Dragon defeated and the Dwarves of Erebor returning to their ancient mansion, the land east of Mirkwood resounds once more with the din of hammer on anvil. King Bard has completed the rebuilding of Dale, City of Bells. The furnaces of the Lonely Mountain are relit, and the toy-market is reopened. Travellers, merchants and adventurers turn North once again to seek their fortunes, as hope returns to Wilderland.
Packed with new information on some of the best-known locales and characters described in The Hobbit, this invaluable guide, aimed to players and Loremasters alike, describes the Dwarf-hold of Erebor, the city of Dale, the surrounding regions, and the many different activities to undertake there.
Also included are new rules for Dragons, Dwarven artefacts and the art of their making, as well as two brand-new playable cultures – The mail-clad Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the wandering Dwarves of the Grey Mountains.
Behold the majesty of The Great Chamber of Thrór, marvel at ancient tales of the War of Orcs and Dwarves, experience the hustle and bustle of the River Road in Dale, commission a smith of Anvil Way, visit the ravens and venture into The Waste. Erebor and Dale await!
Erebor - The Lonely Mountain features:
• A comprehensive guide to iconic Middle-earth location The Lonely Mountain, it's places, characters and things to do.
• A detailed guide to the city of Dale, it's notable locations and characters and things to do.
• A detailed guide to the surround area around Erebor and Dale
• Rules for creating Dragons as adversaries for One Ring Games
• Rules for Dwarven artefacts and forging
• Amazing cover art by John Howe
• Two new playable cultures – The iron-clad Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the wandering Dwarves of the Grey Mountains.
Q Workshop Dice

Seven precious and beautifully detailed deluxe dice for your One Ring Roleplaying Game adventures.
This set contains six 6-sided success dice and one 12-sided feat die, crafted by the dice geniuses at Q Workshop.
Be the envy of all other adventurers at the table — become the Dicebearer!
Please note, a limited number of advanced production sets will be on sale at Gen Con 2016 in August, prior to the main shipment being available. We will dispatch pre-orders as a matter of priority as soon as the main batch arrives.
Important: the regular TOR dice sets are not going away. We "reprint" both bone and green dice pretty much non-stop. We have no plans to stop making either set. The Q Workshop Dice are intended as a deluxe, high end treat. They will not replace the regular sets. It's ok not to want them. But I do. Oh yes.
Find out more about this fascinating supplement at our website: ... order-now/
Or go straight for the pre-orders:
Erebor: ... y-Mountain
Dice: ... Q-Workshop
Or the PDF: ... _id=169435
Or pre-order at your local store and if they participate in Bits and Mortar, you can get the PDF free!
Erebor - The Lonely Mountain

With Smaug the Dragon defeated and the Dwarves of Erebor returning to their ancient mansion, the land east of Mirkwood resounds once more with the din of hammer on anvil. King Bard has completed the rebuilding of Dale, City of Bells. The furnaces of the Lonely Mountain are relit, and the toy-market is reopened. Travellers, merchants and adventurers turn North once again to seek their fortunes, as hope returns to Wilderland.
Packed with new information on some of the best-known locales and characters described in The Hobbit, this invaluable guide, aimed to players and Loremasters alike, describes the Dwarf-hold of Erebor, the city of Dale, the surrounding regions, and the many different activities to undertake there.
Also included are new rules for Dragons, Dwarven artefacts and the art of their making, as well as two brand-new playable cultures – The mail-clad Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the wandering Dwarves of the Grey Mountains.
Behold the majesty of The Great Chamber of Thrór, marvel at ancient tales of the War of Orcs and Dwarves, experience the hustle and bustle of the River Road in Dale, commission a smith of Anvil Way, visit the ravens and venture into The Waste. Erebor and Dale await!
Erebor - The Lonely Mountain features:
• A comprehensive guide to iconic Middle-earth location The Lonely Mountain, it's places, characters and things to do.
• A detailed guide to the city of Dale, it's notable locations and characters and things to do.
• A detailed guide to the surround area around Erebor and Dale
• Rules for creating Dragons as adversaries for One Ring Games
• Rules for Dwarven artefacts and forging
• Amazing cover art by John Howe
• Two new playable cultures – The iron-clad Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the wandering Dwarves of the Grey Mountains.
Q Workshop Dice

Seven precious and beautifully detailed deluxe dice for your One Ring Roleplaying Game adventures.
This set contains six 6-sided success dice and one 12-sided feat die, crafted by the dice geniuses at Q Workshop.
Be the envy of all other adventurers at the table — become the Dicebearer!
Please note, a limited number of advanced production sets will be on sale at Gen Con 2016 in August, prior to the main shipment being available. We will dispatch pre-orders as a matter of priority as soon as the main batch arrives.
Important: the regular TOR dice sets are not going away. We "reprint" both bone and green dice pretty much non-stop. We have no plans to stop making either set. The Q Workshop Dice are intended as a deluxe, high end treat. They will not replace the regular sets. It's ok not to want them. But I do. Oh yes.