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Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:03 pm
by Ferretz
I will try it out in the next session. I'll keep you posted.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:51 pm
by gazery
Pooh, just had a big detailed description of a semi-epic fight that I LMed, and what happened, but I just lost it! Basically it went how Glorelendil said, choke points and clever use of position and judicious use of intimidate foe and the heal one.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:55 am
by Yepesnopes
After having played Warhammer 3 and Star Wars from FFG, both games having rules for grouping enemies, I have to say that I don't like it. If I was to make rules for a more epic game, I would go the path of expanding the options of PCs through multiple attacks and adding more actions for the different combat stances.
Sorry for not being more constructive, but I have not encountered the problem in TOR yet as my group is not very experienced.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:10 pm
by Ferretz
Well, having player characters making more attacks and such works in many rpgs, but the idea of one attack per character per round is a very central part of the current combat system in TOR. I would rather make a new "stat block" for enemies than mess around with the core rules.
I play FFGs Star Wars as my main rpg these days, and I really like the "minion rules". It really fits into the heroic action feel for the game, where a group of character can fight 10-20 Stormtroopers (although, that would hurt.. minion groups are very dangerous if used correctly by the GM). I also like the Swarm rules from FFGs Deathwatch rpg, but that might be a bit too over the top for TOR.
But the main problem with the unmodified TOR combat rules in my opinion, is the time it takes to play through a fight whenever the party of characters is outnumbered more than 3 to 1 (which happens pretty often).
As a side note, despite being very skeptical at first, I'm now curious about the upcoming D&D-version of TOR. If I understand correctly, a player character can make multiple attacks in D&D 5th edition? It will make for a very different The One Ring.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:25 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Ferretz wrote:As a side note, despite being very skeptical at first, I'm now curious about the upcoming D&D-version of TOR. If I understand correctly, a player character can make multiple attacks in D&D 5th edition? It will make for a very different The One Ring.
If 5e is like previous editions of D&D and AD&D then the ability to make multiple attacks is dependent on such factors as level and specific character classes, abilities and masteries.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:37 pm
by Ferretz
My son plays 5th edition, but I haven't had the chance to check it out myself. But I hear it is both "retro and modern at the same time".
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:48 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Ferretz wrote:My son plays 5th edition, but I haven't had the chance to check it out myself. But I hear it is both "retro and modern at the same time".
One idea that I do like is that it is certainly possible to wield a weapon in each hand, especially if one of them is small, like a dagger; however, barring the ability to make multiple attacks, one can use one or the other weapon to attack but not both in the same round. One weapon is being used primarily for defense, but you can attack with it as an alternative to attacking with your primary weapon.
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:04 pm
by Yepesnopes
First this
Ferretz wrote: I play FFGs Star Wars as my main rpg these days, and I really like the "minion rules".
now this
Ferretz wrote:As a side note, despite being very skeptical at first, I'm now curious about the upcoming D&D-version of TOR.
You have fallen into the dark side!

Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:22 pm
by Ferretz
Haha, I love Star Wars, no doubt about that. Does that mean I do not enjoy Middle Earth stuff too? Nooo..
But D&D will never replace The One Ring for me. But I'm still curious...
Re: Making combat epic
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:52 pm
by Falenthal
Ferretz wrote:
But D&D will never replace The One Ring for me. But I'm still curious...
That's how the Road to Perdition begins...