But one of the classic scenes is the heroes fighting off a horde of lesser foes, like goblins or low-ranking orcs. In rules as written, they a character can only attack once in a round (unless he is a Noldor with that one reward spear), making such fights take a very long time to play out.
Multiple attacks has been mentioned before, and even dual wielding, but arguments can be made both for and against those. For instance, allowing multiple attacks would make that Noldor spear not so unique anymore, and dual-wielding might feel "un-Tolkien-ish" to many.
But how about this: make groups of lesser enemies stronger? For instance, make a group of three goblins count as one stronger foe. It would need some special rules, but this allows the Loremaster to control what foes that can be attacked more of in the same round, and it lets combat feel more epic as it allows more goblins on the field.
Just some brain-storming (and feel free to analyze and take apart what I'm writing, of course

To make a single creature into a more abstract group of several creatures, follow these steps:
1. Increase stats by the following:
a) 2 creatures: +1 attribute level, +1 success dice, +50% Endurance, ignores 1 wound
b) 3-5 creatures: +2 attribute level, +2 success dice, +100% Endurance, ignores 2 wounds
c) 6-10 creatures: +3 attribute level, +3 success dice, +200% endurance, ignores 3 wounds
(groups can not be larger than 10 creatures, and maximum attribute level of the original creature should be no higher than 5).
So a group of 5 goblin archers would be Attribute Level 4, shoot with their Bows of Horn with 4 success dice, have 16 Endurance and ignore two wounds before being taken out on the 3rd Wound.
Thoughts? Any different ideas on handling large numers of lesser enemies in TOR?